I've had a weight problem for most of my life. I was thin as a young child, but gained weight around 8-years-old. Of course kids called me names, and of course it had a negative affect on me. I lost weight when I was 14, I weighed 135 at that time, then at 15 I got pregnant. During my pregnancy I gained 80 lbs. I gave my son up for adoption, and fell into a deep depression, gained even more weight. Like most others, the weight just kept adding up over the years. I tried everything I could and would lose 20 - 50 pounds, but then I would gain it all back and then some. After I had my boys, I decided that I better do something about my weight, or I wouldn't be around for them. I looked into gastric bypass surgery for 2 years before deciding on going through with it. My journey towards getting approved for surgery was a huge headache for me, but obviously I ultimately had surgery.

I got to my goal weight within a year of surgery, with 180 pounds lost. I've been at goal for 2 years now. I've struggled with some bouncing, but no more than 10 pounds. I'm most comfortable at 147-152, but I bounce up to 160, especially once a month. ha! I wear a size 6 jeans and medium top now, I wore 26/28 before.  I've changed in so many ways, and I don't ever want to go back!  For the first 2 years I was pretty fanatical about "preaching" to people about supplements, etc., but now I just focus on myself and my life. I've also developed a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners, so I no longer tell people to drink/eat sugar free. It makes me physically sick and I wouldn't wish that on anyone! I have also developed multiple chemical sensitivity, so I have to be careful when coming into contact with chemicals. Even the scent of someone's perfume gives me a headache. I now eat organic and natural and have eliminated all chemicals out my home. It's been a huge learning experience, and I actually wouldn't want it any other way. You have to think about what those chemicals are doing to us and our children!

So that's my story in a nutshell!

About Me
Parker, CO
Surgery Date
Aug 07, 2002
Member Since

Friends 1
