After many challenges........TODAY is a very good day

May 17, 2011

A lot has happened the last few months that have challenged my long time bout with emotional eating.   I had to have my best friend, JoJo Kitty put to sleep after a long bout with feline leukemia, chronic renal failure and then his cancer......which led him to letting me know it was time.......Soon after I discovered my husband was trolling adult web sites looking for a woman to have an affair with.....and found out he had actually been seeing one of those many women he had been chatting with.  We won't talk about the job I am having problems at or the fact that I have a knee that is bone on bone and needs replaced.  

For this moment, this absolute moment, I will remind myself how far I have come.  I will remember all the things leading up to surgery, the agony of feeling like I would never get to my surgery date and then thinking I would never feel better once the surgery was over.  And then I will rejoice in the fact that TODAY I went in for my second fill and found out that, despite all my challenges, I still lost 10 pounds in the 6 weeks between appointments.  And I will remember always, how it felt when TODAY I tried on a size 10 petite suit.................and it fit like it was made for me.  TODAY is a very good day indeed.

5 days post-op and feeling like crap!

Jan 10, 2011

I'm 5 days post-op and still feel like crap.  I was due to go back to work yesterday, but it has now been pushed to Monday as I still have a lot of pain in my port area and gas that just won't dissapate.  I also have a horrible headache today (dehydration?).  I had WLS in order to improve my health and I am just praying for light at the end of the tunnel.  I read about so many people who were feeling like their "normal" selves by day 5 and i just want to be one of them!  I'm just so frustrated.  I keep telling myself it will get better but it's so hard to keep feeling that way.  I have been wanting this surgery for so long.  I did tons of research and totally knew what I was in for..............or so I thought!  I need to remind myself it could be so much worse, and that it will get better................I hope!  I want to go to a support group meeting but can't find one until I go back to work, and I work nights so I won't be able to make it.  Are the others who struggled as I have?  Did they have success in the long run?  I would like to know!  In the meantime, I will try to take it one day at a time and look to a brighter tomorrow.

I'm approved!!!!!!!!!!

Dec 09, 2010

Finally, after 3 months of preauthorization nutritional visits, psych exams,  slepp apnea test and a 27 day wait after all this, I called my insurance company and was told that my lap-band procedure had been approved.  What an amazing feeling.  I am scared, but excited.  My surgery is January 6 and I am sure it will be here before I know it.  I so look forward to finally getting the help I need to get healthy again.  I'm proud of myself for already starting my journey.  The nutritional visits I was required to have actually assisted me in losing my first 20 pounds.  Now I have even more help to finally lose the additional pounds I need to lose.  I am so grateful to have found this site to hear everyone's trials and triumphs.  It's the support I need and this site does this for all of us.  Thank you OH.............

About Me
St Pete Beach, FL
Jul 21, 2010
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