
Jan 07, 2011

OMG! Happy New Year, Losers!!!  

It's been some months, but now is a great time to pick up where I last left off.  My last post had me coming off of a short term diet (HCG) and confirming that I would need my lap band replace.  As far as maintaining the 29 lb weight loss, I'll say I've kept about 15-20 lbs off.  Not too bad...  So, the lap band.  It was placed on hold b/c i didn't have insurance coverage nor $10,000. Well, I'm proud to say that not long after my last posting I obtained a job with the same insurance coverage which will allow me to have my surgery!!!!  **happy dance!**  My new insurance kicked in the first of the year, and today I made the call to Dr. Benavides' office to schedule my surgery.  I will be starting "Take 2" of my Lap Band journey on...drum roll....JANUARY 20TH!! EEEEEK! I'm so ready, yet extremely SCARED The thought of going under freaks me out. I know, I know, I've been through this before, but that was 5 years ago; and although everything turned out fine, there's always "what if..." 

So, Bandsters, I'm ready to become a "Loser" again and hop on the new & updated Lap Band(wagon). 

On a serious note though, everyone, anyone who reads this post, PRAY for me.  Yes, this replacement surgery is a minor day surgery procedure, yet MAJOR things can occur.  I want to make it through without any complications and I'm truly worried. I'm praying on my end, but send an additional one up for me. 

Until Next Time Losers,



About Me
Duncanville, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 28, 2005
Member Since

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Latest Blog 22
