I'll put it like this...


~Fulfilling my dream of being an actress- who wants to be cast as the "unattractive fat chick"?

~Pursuing a career in Fashion Design- I don't want to design clothes I can't wear or look good in

~Enjoying a trip to the State Fair and Six Flags to the fullest- My most horrifying moment was when it took two men pushing really hard down on the lap bar so I could ride a ride at the fair w/ my nephew. It was embarrasing and I haven't ridden a ride at the fair since.

~Going to parties- A. I was rarely invited B. I don't want to hear "ooh, that fat girl can dance"

~Meeting people and haning w/ friends- I didn't want to be the unattractive friend in the bunch. Because of that, I'm a loner.


90 lbs LIGHTER:

~I want to take a stab at acting now

~I enjoy shopping

~I don't have to worry about weight restrictions on the rides at the fair or Six Flags.

~I enjoy taking pictures- I'm always in front of a camera now. People may think "Oh she's so full of herself", but please understand, I'm making up for all the other photo ops I passed up.  I look at my old photos and it seems so surreal, like i never was that big. 

~I show more skin- I would always wear baggy clothes and jackets trying to cover up my body, no matter how hot it was outside.  No more, I like showing a little skin.  Now if I could only get comfortable with my arms...


~I can cross my legs!-  I know it's more proper for ladies to cross their legs at the ankles, but when you've never been able to cross your legs before, you enjoy keeping them crossed at the thighs. :-)

~climbing stairs- I use to always tak the stairs to the 2nd and 3rd floor at our student union.  Well, it's been so long since I've been on the elevator that I didn't realize they renovated it. :-)

~I'm more flexible- I'm SO close to being able to do the splits...I know you're probably saying "FOR WHAT?" Just because :-) lol


~Lose 43 more pounds- A lot of people tell me not to lose anymore weight, but I think I can stand to lose some more. I'll be at a good BMI.

~Tone up- Even though I'm incredibly smaller, I need to tone up my flabby body.  I don't want to have come this far and still be uncomfortable w/ my body. 

~Wear a nice swim suit that doesn't look like a short set

About Me
Duncanville, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 28, 2005
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 22
