Wow it's been a while...

Aug 07, 2017

So my little one is 15months my oldest just turned 18.... I haven't lost all the baby weight but I did lose some I just need to get back to before I was pregnant mind set I am 235ish so not to much more to lose to get to 160ish. I still feel Great! though and I know I will get to my goal I also have had some issues with eating and drinking it hurts to do either I have had a scope shoved down my throat no ulcers or anything and my tummy is 5cm :) so they want to go the other way to se if maybe there is a virus in my intestine or something. I have noticed the extra belly skin flap and that makes me feel very uncomfortable with my body I don't have the insurance that I had when i had the surgery done I don't even know if they would cover it so I gotta save up and as soon as i get to my goal weight I need to get a tuck or something. I had have radio frequency done on 1 side of my neck waiting to do the other side and then mu lower back I hope it works because I am tired of being in pain and taking a bunch of pill's....anywho I hope everyone is doing well and getting closer to their goals

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