Been a while

Feb 18, 2018

So I'm still working on getting the baby weight off I'm down to 230 I have been slacking on my diet but I have slot going on so once things calm down I'm cracking down...I will get to my goal weight of 160 before the year is up that is for


Wow it's been a while...

Aug 07, 2017

So my little one is 15months my oldest just turned 18.... I haven't lost all the baby weight but I did lose some I just need to get back to before I was pregnant mind set I am 235ish so not to much more to lose to get to 160ish. I still feel Great! though and I know I will get to my goal I also have had some issues with eating and drinking it hurts to do either I have had a scope shoved down my throat no ulcers or anything and my tummy is 5cm :) so they want to go the other way to se if maybe there is a virus in my intestine or something. I have noticed the extra belly skin flap and that makes me feel very uncomfortable with my body I don't have the insurance that I had when i had the surgery done I don't even know if they would cover it so I gotta save up and as soon as i get to my goal weight I need to get a tuck or something. I had have radio frequency done on 1 side of my neck waiting to do the other side and then mu lower back I hope it works because I am tired of being in pain and taking a bunch of pill's....anywho I hope everyone is doing well and getting closer to their goals

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It's been a hot minute

Feb 20, 2017

Well I had my baby girl in April 2016 she is now almost 10 months and already walking! I lost some of the baby weight still have about 70lbs to my goal weight. I am trying to reset my system but I can't seem to drink the protien shakes like I used to they seem to thick so going to try to add a little more milk to them. I am eating yoplait greek 100 protien yogurt which has 15g of protien, 100 cal and 7g sugars also has 15% calcium and 10% vitamin D I like them now if I can get a handle on night snacking and eating sweets so much! I don't drink alot of sugary drinks I mainly drink water and have up to a cup of coffee some days. I have been slacking on alot of things I should be doing but I will get there 1 step at a time and Not gonna give up each time I seem to back step. Here is a Pic of my baby girl and then our family pics taken December 2016.


Feeling Great!

Nov 07, 2015

It has been over 1 year since I had my Gastric Bypass surgery. I am Very Happy to announce that I am going on 15 weeks pregnant and my weight is holding good I was about 40lbs away from my goal when I found out and as soon as I have the baby I will be working on getting to my goal. I was feeling great before I found out I was pregnant and I still feel great! Just keep your head up and focus on doing what you need to do to reach your goals.


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