Aug 14, 2008

Aug 13, 2008

Who would have thought that finding love would be the key to loving myself?  I have met a really great man who adores me and loves me just as I am.  I find it amazing that a year after my surgery, God brings His blessings to me.  A year of struggle, tears, self discovery, hard work (!), and going to mass alone like some loser.  Having faith that God has not forgotten about me, has a grand plan for ME! I am having so much FUN, I don't have time for emotional eating.  I feel satisfied.

August 7, 2008 One Year Bandiversary!

Aug 07, 2008

Well it has been one whole year now.I feel so blessed to have had this procedure.  My whole life has greatly improved in the past year.  I am so much more healthy, active, ALIVE!  Yes, I still struggle every day.  Food will always be an issue for me.  It is really hard to make the best choices, do your exercises, love yourself every day.  I know that as long as I have the band I will always have the tool I need to stay healthy.  I just have to put in the work to make it a reality.  In the next year I want to reach my goal of 145#s.  As long as I can keep my food addiction /disordered emotional eating  under control (aka not sabotaging myself) I know I can achieve it.  I have learned a lot about myself this year.  1:1 therapy and prozac have been essential in helping me work through my issues.  I will always be a work in progress, but with God's help I will be happy at last.

February 28, 2008

Feb 27, 2008

Had the BEST support group session last night.  I think the core group of us lapbanders were able to convince our leader/therapist to open the sessions to all lapbanders who want to join and therfore we can continue to come to our little support group every month. Also when I walked into the big support group Garth was answering questions and pointed me out as a lapband pt of his.  I was able to publicly announce in front of all my peers that "Garth is my HERO!"  I told the group how his words of encouragement on Monday have validated my whole experience and how he made me feel like a SUCCESS now!

February 26, 2008

Feb 25, 2008

Yesterday was a challenging day.  I started out by getting really stressed at work.  I couldn't even drink my protein shake.  Started throwing up right there in the nurse's station. (tres embaressment) Got an appt with Garth (thank God for cancellations) and got someone to come in and work for me.  When I got to the dr's office, had a 2 hr wait, apparently an emergency in the MICU.  After I explained about the very tight restriction for the past week, he decided to take out 1 cc and send me for an upper GI.  I was pretty freaked out, thinking I may have slipped my band, dilated my esophagus, or developed a hiatel hernia.  But everything looked normal and he said I can come back in a month for a fill.  In the mean time he cautioned me that I am wide open and will be very hungry. (GREAT!!! LOL) I am just so greatful that everything is ok.  He explained that once you get really irritated, that inflammation does not go down and will get worse until you get an unfill.  Apart from being freaked out Garth gave me the BEST NSV moment.  He said "you are so SKINNY!  Don't lose any more weight."  When I told him the charts still says I am overweight, he said "BAH, those charts are stupid!"  Dr Garth, MY HERO!!!!

February 23, 2008

Feb 23, 2008

I have been really working on my cardio lately.  I was finally able to do a 10 min mile, something I have never been able to do before, EVER! The last 2 days I jogged 3 miles in 30 min.  It's hard, but I can do it. 
Also I have noticed I have been really restricted this past week.  I basically pb at every meal.  This is quite frustrating.  Like today I had 1/2 c LF cottage cheese and am full.  Weird?  Guess I'll talk to Garth about it when I go for my "fill", which I won't need if this keeps up.  I just hope with all this throwing up I haven't slipped my band.  I must say I do enjoy getting full on very little food.

February 16, 2008

Feb 16, 2008

Here I am at work today.  It's rainy and generally ugly outside.  Oh I have been soooooo hungry lately.  Just 2 more weeks to get my fill.  I can do it - just suck it up.  Had a really tough session with my therapist this week.  I didn't even really understand why I was crying so much, it just felt good to let all out. I have been thinking about it a lot, as she had suggested I figure out why stating what I want and deserve in a relationship makes me bawl like a baby.  I guess it's the feeling of vulnerability.  To lay it all out there, say what you want.  It means that now the other person has the power to really hurt you if he/she wants.  I so want to find someone to love and love me as I am; and not use me!  I suppose it's all a part of healthy communication, something I am not very good at doing.  But I am working on it.

February 8, 2008

Feb 08, 2008

So today is the last day of my plateau buster diet.  I lost a total of 6#s, and I did not even follow it that strictly.  I screwed up really bad the three days I worked last weekend.  
But I did learn 2 lessons:
1) I must do my cardio every day to rev up my metabolism
2) I must consume <45 grams of carbs per day for maximum loss
Even if I ate around 1100-1200 calories per day, I just maintained, as opposed to consistent losing when I had too many bad carbs.

Today I  went to the food addictions meeting at downtown Methodist.  It was pretty good.  MaryJo is so kind and smart.  We have homework to do too, using the 12 steps, one for each month. Afterwards I did some retail therapy and got a blouse for 1/2 off.  It goes perfectly with my new size 6 sailer jeans that I will fit into this Spring! 

February 1, 2008

Feb 01, 2008

Today is day 3 on the plateau buster diet, and I cannot believe I have already lost 4.5 #s!  Jeez, I should have tried this a month ago.  After reviewing my food journal, I know why I have not really lost any weight in the past month.  I have been eating way too many carbs!  Now that I'm on this plateau buster plan, I hardly consume any carbs, let alone the "bad" ones.  LOL  
Anyone who thinks that the lapband is going to do all the work is seriously kidding themselves.  You really do have to make the right food choices, if you want to consistently lose weight.  I just wish I had come to this conclusion a month ago!  Thanks be to God for helping me find this truth! 

January 31, 2008

Jan 31, 2008

Yeah, It's official!  I'm a Godmother.  My friend had a beautiful baby girl on Monday.  She looks like a Cabbage Patch doll! Kaylee Pinelle.  I am so excited for her family.  
I had a very good session at WLS support group last night and another good session with my therapist today.  Oh it is so painful sometimes to work through your issues with food.  I can count on a good cry when I go to my appt, I don't even wear mascara! LOL.  I just know that the pain I feel now will help me to move on and be healthy in the future.  I cannot wait for the day when food is just sustenence and not an addiction.  It's also comforting to know that everyone in my lapband group is struggling.  We all put up a facade to face the world, but deep down we ALL have issues with food. Duh, that's why we're obese!  Went to a class at my church about how to pray better during Lent.  I like my pastor, he keeps it real.  There is nothing that God cannot handle.  God always knows what's going on in you life, He is just waiting for you to ask for help. 

January 22, 2008

Jan 22, 2008

Had a really great day yesterday.  Took Elissa's kids to the Galleria to go ice skating.  We had the best time.  They didn't know what they were doing but caught on pretty quickly.  And I was so thankful I didn't fall down once.  We had lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and then went to Memorial Park to walk the dogs.  Meanwhile Elissa and her husband went to see her ob-gyn.  She is scheduled to give birth on Monday.  And she asked me to be her baby's Godmother.  I am so geeked! 

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 46
Aug 14, 2008
August 7, 2008 One Year Bandiversary!
February 28, 2008
February 26, 2008
February 23, 2008
February 16, 2008
February 8, 2008
February 1, 2008
January 31, 2008
January 22, 2008
