It's funny how I was always opposed to weight loss surgery until I had a wake up call In January 2007.  I was volunteering at a health fair for my hospital doing blood cholesterol checks.  I did my own and was frightened to find my numbers were all BORDERLINE!  I have always been fat, but my labs and vitals were always within normal limits.  That is when I decided to seriously look into weight loss surgery.  I went to my first information seminar in February and by March was in the weight loss management program at my hospital (for the 2nd time).  No liquid fast for me this time, I wanted something permanent!  I picked my surgeon basically because he did his residency at my school and also because my insurance would only cover surgery through my hospital, which he has privledges.  I'm kidding, I actually did lots of research on the web.  It seemed like it took forever to go through the insurance mandated weight loss program, then wait for approval, then wait for a surgery date.  But I finally did have surgery 08/07/07, and went home the same night.  I had my big sis stay with me and that was the best comfort of all.  Five days post op I was shopping at the mall with her - retail therapy. 

Post op now I have been very challenged by having a band, but no restriction.  Basically it feels like being on a diet: deprivation, hunger, disappointment.  I know this will not last forever, so being patient is a blessing.  I started going back to church.  I figured what could it hurt to ask for some divine intervention?  I have been lurking on many weight loss websites but I like OH the best.  Members here are so supportive and positive.  I've gotten more from OH than my own support group.  I've learned more about loving myself and NOT giving in to self-sabotaging behaviors.  When I hit onederland, I bought myself some jewelry instead of celebrating with food.  With all the money I save from not eating out and/or eating so much less, I treat myself to a massage every month.  

I will always be a work in progress, I will always have to follow my own path.  Now that I have made the commitment to permanent weight loss the journey will be so much better/longer/FUNNER!

Peace and love, 

About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Sep 30, 2007
Member Since

Friends 21

Latest Blog 46
Aug 14, 2008
August 7, 2008 One Year Bandiversary!
February 28, 2008
February 26, 2008
February 23, 2008
February 16, 2008
February 8, 2008
February 1, 2008
January 31, 2008
January 22, 2008
