Weighed today

Aug 23, 2013

Greetings all,

I weighed in today; I lost 4lbs this week. I am so excited about my progress. My 1st year post Lapband wasn't successful as it could've/ should've have been. I got comfortable with the 60lb weightloss and didn't use the band as the tool it is meant to be. I currently have 3 cc's in my band with good restriction. I have become more comfortable sharing my experience with people which also gives me a sense of accountability . I enjoy my weekly line dancing classes because they add excitement to my workout. I have started taking kickboxing and Zumba classes!!!! I am thankful for this rekindled desire to become the best me possible. For a long time I used the excuse of "no child care" but no my daughter goes with me AND she enjoys it!. I don't know what it is about this time, but I know success is in my future.

 Continue to be blessed and healthy,



Back in stride again...

Aug 18, 2013

Hello everyone,

 On July 5, 2013, I made an appointment with my bariatric surgeon to discuss a revision. He politely let me know that not only are there greater risks involved, my insurance company may not approve me. He reviewed my medical file and saw that I haven't been filled in over a year nor had I kept up my appointments. He decided to give me 2 cc's in my band, I lost 8.5 my first week. I got so excited he gave me 2cc's more last week, but that wasn't a good idea. Water was difficult to swallow, so he removed 1cc. So far I have lost a,  total of 17lbs lost from July 5- August 16. I have discovered line dancing and I love it. I attend line dancing class 2 nights a week, and a fitness power hour 1day out of the week. I never thought I would geek to exercise the way I do now. I had an "aha" moment and have been going strong ever since. This time around, I have invited 3 very important friends along in my journey, with them by my side, carrying me and living in me, I know will succeed. Just thought I would drop in and say "hi".



It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you....

Mar 08, 2013

Hello OH family,

 It's been almost a year since I last posted. Unfortunately I have not gotten any closer to my goal, but it's all good, I'm back on my grind. I won't bore you with my excuses, because they don't have any validity. I wasn't properly prepared mentally for WLS. I didn't fully grasp the necessary changes that must be made to be successful in not only losing weight, but maintaining a healthy weight. The first 50lbs came off so fast, I got complacent and became less cautious. With that being said, I'm back on track to a healthier me. I wish continued success and blessings to you all as you make life changing decisions and strive to reach all of your goals.

Kind regards,

Kimberly kiss


Fill Experience

Apr 26, 2012

Good morning family,

I realized that I wasn't specific enough in my blog yesterday, so I decided to recount my fill experience for anyone that is interested in what a Lapband or Realize Band fill is like.

At my surgeons office they use a fluro machine to view your band and stomach on a screen. Remember during your pre-op stuff you had to swallow the barium and the technicians took snap-shots of your digestive track, well its just like that except the machine is smaller and you are sitting up-right. I meant to ask if it was okay if I took a picture of the machine but I was so nervous I forgot. I go back next month so I will take a pic then and post it for you to see. So the first swallow of barium was to record my restriction without the band. When the surgeon saw how quickly the liquid passed thru the opening, he said, " yeah, you have no restriction so we need to get something in there" I ended up getting 2 cc's, I think. So the first time he stuck me, he penetrated scar tissue. He said "poke your stomach out" and I burst out laughing  because I have never had to stick it out, it was already out!  He called his tech in the room to guide him, come to find out he wasn't any where near my port! She took the snap shot while he placed a pair of scissors on my stomach as a guide so my port would show up better on the screen. Once he found the port, he stuck me and filled me at the same time; it was quick! I drank some more yucky stuff to ensure my band wasn't too tight and that was it. My PA suggested that I be on a shake-consistancy diet for two days, then soft foods for 2 more then gradually start re-introducing foods again. I have decided that I will go back to my one slice of bread a day and severly limit my white carb intake. Last night I felt nauseas but I don't know if it was due to the band or the fact I hadn't eaten since lunch.

Over all my fill experience was insightful and a necessity as I work to achieve my WL goal. I pray I have reached my "sweet spot" and wont be needing another fill, as I don't like to be stuck with needles. (you would be surprised at what does float peoples boat)

This morning I feel fine with periodic feelings of having to burp but I can't. I burp a lot with the band; thats one of the things I don't like. I am not supposed to drink from a straw but I CAN NOT bring myself to put my mouth on cups at restaurants and the styrofoam cups at work!  That's a straight up negative Ghost Rider! I don't sip cups will be any better so I just have to deal with it.

Commercial break: Billy Ocean's "Love Zone" just went off and now Rick James and Smokey Robinson on the radio singing "Ebony Eyes" to me!!!  HAVE MERCY, I am an old school music fanatic!!!!

Okay, back to the regularly scheduled blog: family I bid you a good day, praying, hoping and wishing you are well along with the loved ones in your life. Take care




Apr 25, 2012

Hey family,

I pray you all have been doing well. I myself have been enjoying life a little too much! After weeks of debating whether or not to get a fill in my band, I did it! It was uncomfortable, but a necessity since I gained 6lbs.(ITS ALL MY FAULT TOO ) When I stepped off the scale I said to myslef, "Hold up, wait a minute,  out for foolishness, you need to get it together!"  I gained 6lbs and a better understanding of what I need to do. My PA wasn't upset but firm as he should have been. It was really my goal to never get a fill but then what would have been the point of having WLS. We are family so I can be transparent with you, with the Realize Band, I can eat anything I want, except there is restriction and I can't eat AS MUCH as I used to. I have spent the last few months carefully choosing what I ate, but for the past 2 wks I have gone plum crazy! When my girlfriends called asking me to go to, Kanki, Logan's, and Carraba's, it never crossed my mind to say "not this time". My body is also telling me to get it together, because I haven't exercised in almost 2 weeks which is a definite .  I know better family! Have no fear, your girl has seen the error in her ways and is committed to loosing weight. Please keep me in  as I get this brickstack back on track  I appreciate you more than you know, and I wish you continued success for achieving weightloss and other goals.

Kind regards,

What a week...

Apr 17, 2012

Hey family,

Its been a few days since I last posted, I had a lot going on. My father had a serious health challenge, PRAISE GOD he is feeling better and his appetite had increased.   JESUS. My siblings and I went home to visit and celebrate our hometowns annual festival. My father opened the front door and greeted us with a smile, I felt 10x's better seeing him. Hearing him say he was okay, is different than seeing it. 

 Part of my anxiety about his procedure was telling my mom. A year ago she found my information pamphlets and had a fit! I knew if I told her, she would talk me out of it.   Sooo as life would have it...We were in the same grocery store this past Friday night. She knew my sisters and I had arrived but she didn't know I was in the grocery store and vice versa.  She didn't recognize me. She said, "I saw you 4-5 times on different isles and didn't know it was you". I apologized to her for not telling her sooner, she said it was okay and it was for the best because she would have worried herself sick until she saw me. Again, Thank you JESUS!!! She was surprised, and kept telling me how pretty I was, and how proud she was of me. See, I was for nothing\. I  my family...  Telling my parents was such a relief for me, Okay family, I have to run, TTYL

Take care and stay focused on reacing and maintaing your goals,

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Get it gurl

Apr 10, 2012

Hey family,

I would like to proudly announce that your girl, (ME) is down another 9lbs, with a total weightloss of 46lbs since my surgery on January 20, 2012!  I know yall are sick and tired of me going back and forth with "getting a fill" but I am honestly undecided on wheter or not I should. Why fix whats not broke, I am losing weight, yet on the other hand, I KNOW, I have been holding more food. (Not as much as I used to put away) What to do... I scheduled my fluoro for April 25, but I may cancel it. Keeping it real, I have enjoyed rice, and other carbs in careful moderation. I am also scared of getting sick, I have had that happen twice so far; I don't want it to happy again. I have read many horror stories where people couldn't drink water after a fill! Everyone's experience is different so we will see... I know the exercising is helping too.

Thank you for your support and well wishes,



Fish in water

Apr 05, 2012

Hey family,

Yesterday, I purchased a 22/24 bathing suit from Walmart!!!  I was so excited, I look good in it too, yall. Yesterday was my first time
participainting in water aerobics class, I loved it so much, I took 2 classes today.   The lil old ladies were nice and welcoming. I wasn't embarrassed to walk to the pool either, no body stared! I really feel like I got a work out and my joints weren't hurting at all. I also took the Range of Motion class in the heated saline pool, have mercy.  I relaxed in the whirlpool afterwards and almost fell asleep, it felt soooo good.  I love the wellness center because the atmosphere is pleasant. Its not like going to a commercial fitness center where all the men are scuplted and the women wear thong leaotards and biker shorts. (combined) Some people have on spandex but they are classy with it. I go back tomorrow to have my fitness assessment and to learn how to use the fitness equipment. Muscleville, hear I come  

As soon as I can save my pics properly, I will post the some new pics. Continue to work towards your goals



Minor venting

Apr 03, 2012

Good morning family,

I hope all is well with you and yours. Yesterday, after leaving my hair appt, I was hungry so, I went to KFC, I entended to get an individual cole slaw, then go home to try this new chicken sausage I picked up over the weekend. A quick look at the clock revealed it was 8:30, way past my daughters bedtime, and too late for me to cook sausage. So I ordered 3 crispy chicken strips with an individual cole slaw. The cashier asked if I wanted to make it a combo, I replied "sure". I forgot they put biscuits in their combo's! When I saw the beautiful-golden-buttery taste of delight in my box, I became outraged. I had to walk away from the box to collect myself. I litterally had a conversation with myself to throw the biscuit in the TRASH! HEAVENS TO MURGATROYD  To add more pain to my meal, the cole slaw was nasty! So I ate the chickestrips and water.

This morning at work, my supervisor came to my desk while I was having breakfast; she proceeded to criticize my breakfast choice  It has always chapped my when people self appoint themselves to be the food police. I politely replied to her, "Well, Ms. Maam, I am doing something about my weight..." She said, "thats it, I am done, thats all the motivation I need" she walked away from my desk with my laughter echoing in her ears. That's right, get the H.E. Double Hockey Sticks away from my desk, irritating me first thing this morning.

 It also made me mad because, I know the changes I have made to loose 38lbs. Believe me, My food choices now are better than my standard, breakfast of a B.E.C. sandwhich, small cheese grits, and a pepsi OR a lunch of a double quater pounder meal with a large sweet tea. The slice of wheat toast with jelly, a scrambled egg, and turkey sausage, I ate this morning was nothing for her to speak about! (It feels good to blog, I can say things here that would get me in trouble in if I said them out loud at work)

Thank you for reading and allowing me to "wooooo saaaa"  I appreciate you  


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Getting right

Mar 30, 2012

Hey family,

I can't remember how much time has elapsed since I last posted, thank you for being forgiving. The past few days, I have to admit I slipped a little bit this week with food and slacking on my walking.  I don't know what happened but I am back on track today; I walked 2 miles. It was nice to get back moving. My walk felt so good my co-workers caught me getting down in the bathroom.  (Let me explian, I was listening to Mary J. Blige as I completed my walk, I had my head phones in and thought I was alone) I joined a local wellness club but its under construction, slated to open in June. In the mean time I have to get my exercise in where I can, I am not paying anyone else a dime, but I need to start toning. Due to recent gas prices, I am being forced to do things at home. I would love to go to Zumba and dance class on Monday's but they are out of my way. Has anyone tried Wii Zumba? I wan't to start water aerobics too but thats included in the new wellness center. I have been looking for a swim cap because water can't touch my soul glow tresses.  I go back to my surgeon to weigh on Apr 10, he said as I loose weight I will be able to hold more food, he wasn't telling a shame. I don't want a fill, it may sound crazy, but I am doing a good job managing my portions on my own. Getting a head of myself, I called a plastic surgeon yesterday just to get a feel for what I may be up against financially. Did yall know that if insurance pays to remove skin, they don't pay for muscle repair, which is the most expensive part, you learn something new everday. Okay, yall I am out of here, take it easy, chat with you later

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About Me
Aug 20, 2011
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