
Mar 28, 2013

Got my Pannus (appron) removed after Sleeve surgery. What an adventure it was. I got dr to referral me to Dr. Scott from Kaiser. He agreed it needed to be removed. He however wanted me to lose 29 pounds before... that was a big struggle for me. I got done 28 pounds and since my BMI was in the safe range (30 and under) he said he would go ahead and do it. Within one week I had a date. Was the first appt on the list for the day with Dr. Scott. Had to go to a surgical center that Kaiser contracts out of in Carlsbed. I was not impressed with the nurse there but all of the surgery staff that came from Dr. Scotts office was excellent. I have had 4 other surgeries and had had very negative reaction to anesthia this lady rocked. I came out of surgery not feeling sick at all. I did get a patch to wear behind my ear the night before that helps with this problem before surgery. 

Dr came in marked me up, then in I went. Woke up not sick at all, got a few pain pills and drived back home (40 min). Was OK for the drive but by the time I got home realized I had not place to lay without being very uncomfortable. I RECOMMEND you rent or invest in recliner chair. I borrowed on for grandmother. It saved me for first 3 days.

Honestly I have never had so much pain in my life as I did the first 3 days. I was in tears wondering what I did. It was to late so I had to get through it but it was aweful. The drains where pulling on my skin causing irritation and my tail bone was killing me. I did not take full dosage of pain meds because I am very sensitive to it. I got through but don't think I want the boob jobs I was hoping for. 

Everyone needs to know that this is NOT easy and the drains are crazy uncomfortable. I had a hugh clot come through that freaked me out to later find out it was normal. I thought for sure I would have to go to ER. 3 day one of the drains stop but then kicked back in the next day. It is again normal for the drain to stop producing short term. Just remember to keep milking.

Went in day 7 and he pulled out the drain... NO pain pulling it out but one side was so irritated that the stiches killed when he cut it. The doctor said that some doctors just yank it out and that is the sensation most do not like.

My back is killing me, I am still not standing up straight and my tail bone is bruised. I can take a shower but worried about the cut the drains where coming out of. I think I will give it 24 hours then my hair is getting washed.... more to come


Day before surgery

Sep 21, 2010

Started my clear liquid diet. I had to call the Pacific Baratric to see if strawberry jello was clear? Yes it is considered clear. Today has been really hard on me because I can not eat and my head is pounding. I am almost done with my 120oz of water and have drinking tons of chicken broth and jello.  I hate the feeling of wanting to eat something and feeling so dizzy and stoned. However this shall pass.  I will not be able to eat after midnight tonight and surgery is not till 1pm tomorrow.  This is a challenge but it only shows me how strong I really am.  dude there is people lost for days and they survive, I can over come this jello and broth thing. the nice part is not feeling the hunger and going through this will be much better plus I will be all doped up.
Today is also my pre-op appt at Scripps Mercy Hospital. I went to the 2en floor turned Left went all the way down the hall to the surgerical center and some lady ask me a few question about myself like name spelling, date of birth, address and phone number...gave me some paper work to fill out which was health questions. Also had to have all the names of my medication, dosage and how I took them. Nurse called me back weighted me. I asked her how many pounds they would let someone go over since they last saw the doctor before refusing them. she said they have to be within 5 pounds or they call the doctor to see what he wants to do.  Thank God I lost 3 (probably the milk of magnesia med I had to take to clean me out a few hours before). she then went and got my husband and we sat down to go over paper work. she gave me anteseptic scrub soution and told me to use it before coming in tomorrow. first wash body with soap and rinse then with washcloth scrub with solution rinse and use the other half of bottle and wipe it all over again and rinse??? she also went over how to use the spirometer (breathing exercise device) and then fitted me for a stomach bind which I will use tomorrow night when I walk. That was it.
Nurse did tell me the reason I feel loony is because my body is in shock that it has no food. Got my kids serving me jello and chicken broth so it is nice for a chance to have the kids caring for mama.
Well that is it for now until tomorrow or thurs.

Part 1 of 2 Pacific Bariatric appt

Aug 06, 2010

So I am all done with the Kaiser part of the program for surgery. Yesterday I saw 2 doctors out of 3 that Pacific Bariatric schedules pre-surgery. I saw the Psych dr which was about 20 min and she just asked why I wanted to do the surgery, what I expect from the surgery, if I had support after surgery, and about my family life when I was younger. Afterwards she told me that Kaiser patients are very prepared for this part of the process and that she feels like I am ready.
Then I went to the internal medicine dr which took about 10 min, he checked my mouth, ears, heart, lungs, tapped on my stomach asked about medication I am on and gave me another EKG (kaiser had already done one??). He also said I looked fine for surgery and to just work on building up my endurance pre-surgery.
Monday is Dr. Taller.  From what I hear from other people in my class there is about 1 1/2 - 2 month wait to get a surgery date. I am on my way!!!

Kaiser process almost done

Jun 30, 2010

I finished my class on June 7th after about a week I had the fitness walk test around their building 5 times which took only 10% weightloss they want.  1 week after walk I had the labs/EKG done (I had no idea I was going to have to have a stool sample YUCKKKYYY).  1 week after lab I had my ultrasound on gallbladder which was yesterday.  Now I am waiting on my authorization number so I can call Pacific Baratric and make an appt.  there has been talk this takes about 1-2 weeks. so I am on my way.
I have lost a total of 44 pounds with the help of medifast for presurgery.  everyone says that I should keep doing the medifast program and lose it that way but I know that I have done this type of weightloss many times and gain the weight back plus more.  Some do not get it this is an addiction.  I have come a long way since I started this process back in December.  I am really working on the head trips that exist because of the lifestyle I have chosen to live with Food being Love.  I have heard that so many times but I truely understand it know.  It has been a process of continueos reading and coaching from other people.  I am on my way!!!
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3 more classes to go!

May 13, 2010

I have 3 more classes out of 24 to go through Kaiser San Diego.  Since we have a holiday on 31st that means 4 more weeks.  I have 15 more pounds to lose before I reach my 10% weightloss goal that Kaiser wants.  If this is not done then I meet with Dr. Ray but I think that will go OK because I will show him how I got up to 309 and I am down currently to 280. 
Now about my current weirghtloss.  I started out baby steps, I have a long ways to go to get in the habit I need to live but I also have come a long way. I started by just subsituting my morning meal with a protein shake, then I started journally everything I ate on, after a few weeks my goal was to stay in the 1500 cal range.  Then I saw a old friend that lost 100 pounds through the take shape for life program and I realized something needs to happen here because I still had 30 pounds to lose before surgery in order to meet my 10% goal for Kaiser.  I really do not want to be delayed by that extra visit to Dr Ray before getting cleared to do the blood work and ultrasound on gallbadder. 
I started the program and I realized wow I have a lot of emotional and mental work to do with my love of food.  I have gone through the morning process but to relearn to eat the way I do now is a big eye opener.  I know this is the way it will have to be after surgery and I got to thank GOD for giving me the will to prepare myself presurgery.  I really think it would be so much tougher to go through this process of not being able to eat whatever I want if I was forced my surgery.  I have been reading the 12step program book through OA, reading this site and also reading community board on take shape for life.  I think the biggest help has come from my personal coach, soke, and pastor scot conway.  He has really directed me to start thinking about what I am thinking.  I have heard that for years but now I get it.
why I chose this eating plan over the others is because it keeps me in a box and that is what I need.  I eat small meals that they provide and yes I fight hard about why this was unhealthy but it works.  It keeps me eating every 2-3 hours and that helps me just get through the day.  I know I can go a little longer because the most I have to wait is for 2 hours.  I also have learn what it means to eat very very slow and enjoy it because it is gone in about 2 min if I dont and I have to wait for the next meal.  I also think now that this is not short term.  I HAVE TO CHANGE MY IDEA ON WHAT NORMAL EATING IS.  I always use to get upset because I could not eat normal again but I had a good friend tell me you got to change what normal is now to you.
well now it is just the waiting period for the process of finishing up with Kaiser so I can get to Pacific Bariatric.

San Diego Kaiser is doing the sleeve

Apr 28, 2010

I am so excited to find out that I do not have to go up to Harbor City or west LA to do the sleeve through Kaiser.  I went to the orientation for Pacific Bariatric Center and was told that Kaiser will be covering the surgery I have been researching on since I got on this board.  wow what an adventure it has been to get this procedure done.  I have 5 more weeks in the class of 24 weeks that needs to be completed through Kaiser.  It was a great way to meet some people I feel might be a great support group that I will need after surgery. 
I started Take Shape For Life and have learned that to mourn food is not like anything I have ever been through.  I can not even go shopping without crying because I know that I will have to let go of my long time friend.  Atleast when I lost my relative, I did not have to see them daily or have to interact with them every single day and then find out I could not be with them.  I have lost many people and yes it hurts but I feel like I can go on.  Right now with food I feel like I am going to go through more mourning and temptation then I ever have in my life.
I had a good friend tell me the other day I have to re-evaluate what Normal eating is to me.  I keep telling myself I can not eat normal but I can.  My normal is different now because my food and lifestyle will be different.  How wonderful is that.  It still sucks to have to know I can not eat my favorite mexican food though. 

started my class

Dec 14, 2009

I have offically started my Kaiser class.  It is 24 weeks and with the 2 weeks off this month we will be ending in June.  So far have not learned much but it has only been 2 classes.  They want us to track our food daily with only 1200 cal for women and exercise logs weekly.  These have to be handed in every week or we can be denied surgery?
Personally I have done all this through weight watchers.  I asked teacher if it is because they want to show us what we are suppose to eat when eating healthy and she said yes.  She emphasized many times that we will not be eating this many calories after surgery and some foods we will not be able to eat???? So is it because they want to show people they can lose on a healthy diet plan?  I already know this and eating healthy is not my problem, I know what I am suppose to do but I eat to much and crave the wrong foods. 
My next challenge is to find out how to get to Los Angles to get my sleeve since I am with Kaiser and they do not do it in san diego

I'm On my way

Aug 31, 2009

So I finally found my weight watchers sticker book that proved to Kaiser that I have had 6months of classes so I can join their Option class. If you do no have any proof then you can go through their free nutritional program where your food log is looked and and told what to change. I been on way to many diets to go through this again. I know what I am to eat and how much that is not why I am 300 pounds. So I saw Dr Ray and he gave be the OK for starting program. Dr. Lott called me and unfortunitly since I am a stay at home mom and homeschool my kids the only time I can do the 5 month classes before surgery is after husband gets off work so I have to wait till Dec. I have waiting this long so another 4 months is not going to kill me although I would love to start the progress. They say there is a recommendation of losing 10% of weight before surgery my question is it 10% of what I weigh now or when I start the class???? It is not a manatory thing but there is a high recommendation and a hint of the attitude of if you do not do this then the surgeon can deny you the surgery because the fat around the liver needs to be reduced. Finally, I am hoping that I will be able to get a transfer to a Kaiser site that will let me do a VSG. I hate that San Diego does not do it. So this is my road I am about to encounter. I have fear that I will not be able to eat right when I get surgery but my biggest problem is portion control and I hear many say they have to remind themself to eat so that is a big plus. You tube has been a big help also. God Bless
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About Me
El Cajon, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 21, 2009
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