Irvine was awsome!

Apr 15, 2007

So, I wasn't there long, but.... I had a total blast!  The best part was meeting OH friends... Becky, Sally, Kim, Sarah, Laura, Mary Ann, Michelle and more!  They were a kick and we laughed a lot!!  I loved listening to Jackie Guerra... so informative and funny... and her husband is a scream.  I'll try to go to San Diego in June.

feeling soooo good

Apr 11, 2007


I keep forgetting to update my journal!  I feel great.  I hope you do too.  My weight loss is slow, but who cares!  I feel good and I'm looking better each day.  I joined a gym and love going!  I'm down 35 lbs... about 50 more will be wonderful.  I was telling my DD this morning that it doesn't matter how long it takes... this is my life... forever!  I know it is still so new and there will  be road blocks and bumps, but I will always have this tool with me to help me along the way to becoming healthy.  Enjoy your own journey!

the other side 3/19/07

Mar 19, 2007

Well I'm 11 days out and since the pre-surgery liquid diet I am down 24 lbs!!  It feels great and so do I!  Surgery went well, recovery sucked for the first 36 hours!  This Friday I get to have soft, pureed foods and I CAN"T WAIT!!  I love soup, but enough is enough!  I'm very excited about my new life journey and ready to go. 


Mar 06, 2007

Thank you to all those who sent me "good luck" posts!  It's nice to be thought of!!  2 more days and I'll be a different woman... healthier and happier.

4 more days!!

Mar 04, 2007

I'll be having surgery in 4 days.  I can hardly believe it!  I'm getting a bit nervous about all that will happen... in pre-op, after the surgery, recovery.  I know everything will be great, it's just that unknown stuff.  I've got to make sure my kids laundry is done, the house has food for DH and kids, you know... all the stuff I'm used to taking care of daily.  I've been on my liquid diet since 2/22.  I start "clear liquids only" on Tuesday.  This is so exciting!  I can't believe it's so close!  

so excited!!

Feb 18, 2007

I'm so excited to start this process.  I'm even looking forward to the liquid  I'm so happy for ME and what I am going to accomplish by this.  I feel giddy and so very happy!!

I Gaauut A Daaaate!!

Feb 08, 2007

OMG!!  I called Maureen at Dr. Ouilici's office to see when I could expect to schedual my surgery.  She was nice enough to say, "How about now?"  O.K.  Well this worked out great because I needed to make sure DH and DM were both able to take off work to help out.  March 8th!!  I'm soooo excited!  I can't wait to be on the losers bench!  

Closer than I think? 1/31/07

Jan 31, 2007

O.k.  I had my psych eval today.... not bad!  I really don't have any major problems to deal with so I'm hoping it's put thru with no problems.  Our refi is almost done and we should have the $$ next week!!  All I'm waiting for now is the cash in the bank and the call from the surgery schedualer!  This is going to happen!!  I've been disappointed  so many times by diets and diet programs.  I am soooo ready for this commitment and all that it entails.

inching closer

Jan 15, 2007

Well, I saw Dr. Quilici today and he said my sleep apnea qualifies me for surgery.  I told him it is not severe, and he said it doesn't matter.... it's a co-morb and qualifies me.  I've seen the nut. today as well and got all the fun paper work.  Got my pysc. eval. set up for next Wed.  Now I just need to  be patient and wait for the refi. to go thru!!   

back again

Jan 03, 2007

1/3/06 O.k.  Now I'm looking into self-pay.  We may be able to refi. our home.  This is my only option in being able to have the surgury.  I know with all my heart that this will be the only way for me to loose my excess weight, keep it off, and be healthy and happy.  I have done extensive research on what GBS is and how it works... as well as how to maintain health afterwards (look up "Pouch for Dummies".  Great info on keeping healthy and light!).  This is not the easy way out and neither is dieting for nother 15 yrs.  It requires a lifetime of maintainence.  I am willing to make that choice!!

About Me
Simi Valley, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2005
Member Since

Friends 26

Latest Blog 11
Irvine was awsome!
feeling soooo good
the other side 3/19/07
4 more days!!
so excited!!
I Gaauut A Daaaate!!
Closer than I think? 1/31/07
inching closer
back again
