1 year BANDiversary

Feb 07, 2009

Wow, I can't believe that yesterday was my one year BANDiversary!!  Oh, how this last year has flown by.  My life has changed so much so that I now wish I would have been keeping a list of all the changes I've noticed.  I wanted to write down those NSV's......but nope, I didn't.  I'm going to come up with a list and post it here soon, I promise.  

Yesterday I posted a card and poem that I gave to Dr. Selwyn at my appointment.  Since I had made my appt. on my one year, I knew I wanted to give him something to let him know how much I appreciated what he had done for me........here is what it looked like......

 Today is my one year BANDiversary and I still pinch myself daily to make sure that how my life is now is really real.  I can't believe how far I've come in the last 366 days (leap year)!! 

I had an appt. with my surgeon today (obviously I made it for today for a reason ) and I have been working on a "gift" for him to let him know exactly how I feel about this last year!  I initially had a card made for him with the exact same things you are about to look at, but it had the pics on the outside and the poem on the inside which was fine, but then realized I wanted something on one page, so the following is what I had printed out in a 5x7, framed and was presented to him only min. before he got me with a .05cc fill!!!  

Please read on and I hope you can all enjoy and possibly even relate.......



Today is the day that makes it one year since my band and I met.
All thanks to you, Dr. Selwyn, a man I'll never forget.

So many changes have happened to me I can't even count.
It's so hard to believe I was once so unhappy and full of doubt.

Many people now stop me and say....
"Wow, you look great, you've lost a lot of weight!"
I say thank you and I smile for what they don't know, 
is what has happened inside of me that made my ego grow.

The physical changes on the outside that people can see, 
are some added bonuses and make me happy as can be.

For it's the changes they can't see, the ones on the inside
that have made me healthy, happy and oh so full of pride!

I can laugh and smile and now love to grin.....
You see, I can do that now with only one chin!

Seriously, I don't know what I'd do
If the big guy above named God hadn't sent me to you.

It's been a whole year since I "went under the knife"...
A whole year since you, Dr. Selwyn, gave me a second chance at life!!!

                                                     -Deb Z.


While I was at my appointment yesterday, I got the .05cc's that he took out a month ago put back in.  So now I am hoping to get back on track.....I've been bouncing up and down with 5 - 6 lbs. since he took that 1/2 a cc out.  Warmer weather has got to be coming soon too, I hope......I can't wait to get back outside and start being active out in the fresh air!! 

I think I need to update this blog a little more often too......I promise to do a little bit better.


About Me
Stevens Point, WI
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 13
Post op once again!!!
I can't believe I forgot all about this.........
Happy and sad at same time
Friday not so good after all!
It's official
Had a Great Weekend - Big NSVs!!!!
Got some shocking news today
Feeling happy and crappy at the same time
