1 year BANDiversary

Feb 07, 2009

Wow, I can't believe that yesterday was my one year BANDiversary!!  Oh, how this last year has flown by.  My life has changed so much so that I now wish I would have been keeping a list of all the changes I've noticed.  I wanted to write down those NSV's......but nope, I didn't.  I'm going to come up with a list and post it here soon, I promise.  

Yesterday I posted a card and poem that I gave to Dr. Selwyn at my appointment.  Since I had made my appt. on my one year, I knew I wanted to give him something to let him know how much I appreciated what he had done for me........here is what it looked like......

 Today is my one year BANDiversary and I still pinch myself daily to make sure that how my life is now is really real.  I can't believe how far I've come in the last 366 days (leap year)!! 

I had an appt. with my surgeon today (obviously I made it for today for a reason ) and I have been working on a "gift" for him to let him know exactly how I feel about this last year!  I initially had a card made for him with the exact same things you are about to look at, but it had the pics on the outside and the poem on the inside which was fine, but then realized I wanted something on one page, so the following is what I had printed out in a 5x7, framed and was presented to him only min. before he got me with a .05cc fill!!!  

Please read on and I hope you can all enjoy and possibly even relate.......



Today is the day that makes it one year since my band and I met.
All thanks to you, Dr. Selwyn, a man I'll never forget.

So many changes have happened to me I can't even count.
It's so hard to believe I was once so unhappy and full of doubt.

Many people now stop me and say....
"Wow, you look great, you've lost a lot of weight!"
I say thank you and I smile for what they don't know, 
is what has happened inside of me that made my ego grow.

The physical changes on the outside that people can see, 
are some added bonuses and make me happy as can be.

For it's the changes they can't see, the ones on the inside
that have made me healthy, happy and oh so full of pride!

I can laugh and smile and now love to grin.....
You see, I can do that now with only one chin!

Seriously, I don't know what I'd do
If the big guy above named God hadn't sent me to you.

It's been a whole year since I "went under the knife"...
A whole year since you, Dr. Selwyn, gave me a second chance at life!!!

                                                     -Deb Z.


While I was at my appointment yesterday, I got the .05cc's that he took out a month ago put back in.  So now I am hoping to get back on track.....I've been bouncing up and down with 5 - 6 lbs. since he took that 1/2 a cc out.  Warmer weather has got to be coming soon too, I hope......I can't wait to get back outside and start being active out in the fresh air!! 

I think I need to update this blog a little more often too......I promise to do a little bit better.

Post op once again!!!

Dec 10, 2008

Wow, I can't believe it's been a month since I've written in here!!  I still lurk on the lap band message board, but have not posted too much lately!  Ok, for now I'll just do a quick update and post op explanation.
On Friday, December 5th, I had a vaginal hysterectomy, bladder lift and some other procedure that I can't remember the name so I'll just say had some reconstructive work done "down there".  I was in the hospital for one night - came home Sat. the 6th at around 7:00p.m.  and I can definately say that compaired to the few other surgeries that I've had in the last 3 years, this one has completely knocked me on my ass!!!  OMG!!  I have sooooo much pain in my bottom that it hurts to sit, to stand, to pee, to pass gas, to even think about having a bm, it just plain hurts, period!!!
I was having bladder problems - meaning that it and my other pelvic organs were falling - medical term was pelvic organ prolapse.  Given my tender young age and knowing this problem wasn't going to get any better, I decided to have it taken care of.  I'm glad I did, but was not prepared to be in this much pain.  I still have Christmas shopping to do, wrapping to do, cards to write, etc.....and am not supposed to drive for at least 2 weeks!!  Not that I think I could actually drive and shop right now...it hurts just sitting here typing this!!
Ok, enough of my whining about that subject.  I uploaded some more pics today.  One from a 5k walk I did a few months ago.  Seems like forever ago that we had warm weather here!  I also uploaded a few w/my dog, Buddy.  Basically those pics were to show off my new short and curly hair do!!  The Tues. before Thanksgiving I had my hair cut about 6 inches and then the next day got a perm.  I absolutely hated it the first couple of days - not too sure I really like it yet - but nothing I can do about it now.  This is the shortest my hair has been since I was about 6 or 7 years old!!!  I figured everyone was telling me how different I look (and in my eyes when I looked in the mirror I still saw the same old me), so I figured I better do something to my appearance to actually make myself look different!!!  Call it a pre-midlife change!
Ok, I'm done for now.  Time to go back to my recliner.  Hopefully I won't be gone for so long from here.

I can't believe I forgot all about this.........

Nov 11, 2008

Sunday (Nov. 9th) I went shopping with my mother-in-law.  I WANTED to go shopping for some turtlenecks and more long sleeve tops since I'm so freakin' cold all the time now.  We ended up going to Fashion Bug and somehow I got measured for their Right Fit brand of jeans AND............I ended up buying a pair from the misses side of the store in a freakin' size 8m petite in the blue label (for fullest at my hips)!!!!!!  That is around a size 10 - 12 in reg. misses sizes!!!!!!!  HOLY MOLEY!!!  I just about died!!  When I walked into the store I immediately went to the right side of the store which is the plus size side!!  NO MORE!!!    I was so excited about getting the jeans from the misses side, I completely forgot about the warmer tops!  On a morning like today where it was only 14 degrees with the wind chill, I could have used turtlenecks!! 

Happy and sad at same time

Nov 07, 2008

Well, here it is, Saturday morning - November 8th and I weighed in at 163.0.  I lost 1.2 lbs. just yesterday alone, but after having to 3 times I guess I'm not surprised!!  Sooo many emotions going thru my mind today, I will have to write about them all later though.  I have to get ready and put on a happy face for my dad and sister's joint b-day party today!! 


Friday not so good after all!

Nov 07, 2008

Dammit!!  I should have known that something would go wrong when I had such a wonderful morning today!!  
I have not since last Thursday night (Oct. 30th) and sure enough, it had to happen today!!  A friend of mine made some pea soup and I warmed some up about an hour ago and I took a few bites, left to go get my son from school, came back and took a few more bites and WHAM BAM PUNCH ME IN THE CHEST INSTANT PAINOLA!!!    Holy crap, I did not think that less then 10 spoonfuls of soup would knock me over like that.  I guess it was a little too thick for my band - perfect the way I like it, but not the way my band likes it.  This is gross, but I even tried to keep spitting out my excess spit in a plastic cup while pacing the floors - even tried stretching my arms upward to try and elongate myself and I could tell by the way I was swallowing and burping that this was NOT going to pass quickly.  I didn't want to, the big guy upstairs knows I did't want to, but I had to...so I did.... !!!!! 

Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit!!

Well, one thing for sure, no more pea soup for this chick tonight.  Guess I'll stick with hot tea and maybe some pudding!! 

What a damper on what started out to be a nonstop smiley kind of day


Nov 06, 2008

OMG!!  This morning my scale said 164.2!  I can't frickin' believe it! 

I only have 14 more lbs. to get to goal!! 

I NEVER would have thought that I'd be able to say that I have lost over 100 lbs......NEVER!  I always thought that I was meant to be fat - it was in my genes - so I was going to be the fat one forever!  To be able to say that I have lost 113 lbs. since March of '07 is mind blowing!  This has totally made my Friday!

Now, I just hope I can keep those numbers right there! 

It's official

Nov 04, 2008

Well, it's official.  Today the people of the USA voted and our nation elected the first black president to lead us for the next 4 years. 

I'm really not into politics, but I know this is a night that will be a huge part of history.  Something my childern will always remember.  Kind of like how people can tell you exactly what they were doing when JFK was killed.  History in the making.

Barack Obama will now lead this Nation. 

On a diffenent topic.....I really must make an effort to keep this blog more up to date...I promise to try harder to do just that.

Had a Great Weekend - Big NSVs!!!!

Oct 22, 2008

This last weekend was probably one of the best weekends I've had in awhile and I'm finally getting the chance to sit down and write about it!!! 

Sat. (18th), we celebrated my father-in-laws birthday at the bar with a party. 
(I think I should bring up the fact that my dad owns a bar and technically I am considered a partner, but really more of the owner since my dad has not been able to work in over a year now due to his health.)  Rick opened the bar and I got there by 1:45p.m. with all the stuff I made - taco dip, cucumber sandwiches, & ham rolls.  We had both decided that the two of us were going to bartend for the party/entire day together.  Since I had to bartend, I knew I had to actually spend a little time on myself getting ready, moreso then I normally would anyway.  So I actually wore eyeliner & a little bit of shadow and was able to put on my BRAND NEW PAIR OF LEVI'S!!!!!  YES, I said LEVI'S!!  I actually bought them 2 weeks ago and thought that maybe they felt a little snug in the tushy area, but Sat., they were feelin' sooooooooo freakin' fine!!! 

Even though I see all the people that were invited quite often, I got ALOT of compliments on how good I looked!!  My senior picture is still up behind the bar and I even had one guy tell me that I sure do look like I did in that picture!!  HOLY MOLEY!!!  That is not the first time I've had someone tell me I look like I did when I was 18, so it must be true!!!  Nice to know that taking 100+ lbs. off of me also took off 20+years!!!   

Anyway, the day went by quickly and by the time I left at almost 10:00p.m., I realized that the entire time I was there, I NEVER SAT DOWN!!  I worked the entire time....okay, I did go to the bathroom once, but that was it.  I was able to stand and tend bar the entire day and even though my legs & feet tingled a little once I got into bed, I didn't feel like my feet where going to fall off after a few hours of standing on them!!  I think I even worked a little harder then my hubby, I saw him sitting a few times once the party started to wind down.  Not to mention the fact that I put everything away and cleaned up after everyone!! 

Now here comes Sun. morning.  We get up and get ready to go to church for 10:00a.m. like we usually try to do.  When we go to church we always sit on the same side in the back - the same area my ex-boyfriends parents always sit.  Now just to clarify, this was my boyfriend from 9th grade until a year after we graduated from high school.  I probably would have married this guy in a heartbeat, but it just wasn't meant to be.  Right after we broke up, I started to date Rick and now this Friday (Oct. 24th) we will be celebrating our 16th anniversary.  Anyway, I have never had a problem with my ex's parents and we always say hi to eachother.  We ended up sitting 2 rows infront of them on Sunday.  Of course we got there at the last min., so we sort of rushed in right past them.  When it came time to do the hand shaking/sign of peace, I turned and nodded my head at them to let them know I knew they were there kind of thing.....didn't want to seem rude to them.  So that is about it for the church part anyway.....right after church we went to one of the local family type resturaunts that we usually go to on Sundays after mass.  The ex boyfriends parents go there too!! 

We were in the back of the rest. and almost done with our meal when all of a sudden someone that is walking behind me taps me on the shoulder.  I turn and look and there is the ex bf's dad!!!  He says something like this......"Wow, I haven't seen you in about a month and I can tell you've really lost a lot of weight!!  How much have you lost and how did you do it?"  I tell him that I have lost about 108 lbs. total and that I started on my own in March of last year, then in June of '07 started to see the dietitian and then in Feb. I had weight loss surgery.  He says, "well it is really working, you look great!!"  My husband chimes in and says, "yep, pretty soon she'll blow away with the wind."  I then tell him that I also had the lasek eye surgery in July so no more glasses for me.  Then the ex bf's dad pats me on the shoulder and says again that I look really good!!!!!
I could feel my face was red!!   I also had a smile on my face about a mile wide!  My husband sat and just looked at me....so I asked him what the look was for and he said, "I didn't know if you'd tell HIM the truth."  Now why wouldn't I tell him the truth??  I have no reason NOT to.  I have never kept my weight loss a secret and am rather proud to tell people how much I've lost AND how I've lost it!!!  He wasn't mad or anything, I think he was just as shocked as I was that the ex bf's dad actually stopped and said all that.  I would have LOVED to be a fly on his shoulder when he got back to his table and told his wife.  It would have been interesting to see what she said. 
See, not only did I date their son forever, but their oldest daughter lives in the same area as me and our kids go to the same school now.  This sister I don't think ever really liked me back then - but I sure do make darn sure I say hi to her now whenever I see her.  I make sure I ask how her daughter likes school (she has 2 and the one in school is 2 years younger then my daughter and her youngest isn't in school yet.) and what she has been up to.  If I only had the balls to ask how her brother (the ex bf) is doing.  He ended up getting married and moving only about 30 min. away, but I still have not seen him in about 7 years or more.  Over a year ago I would have died if I would have run into him, but now.......now I feel I would strut my stuff and make him look twice at what could have been his!! 

Oh such nasty thoughts, I know.  But it's moments like these that happened over the weekend that make me feel like I'm on cloud nine and it gives me more insentive to want to get in more excersize and keep working very closely with my wonderful band!! 

As of this morning (21st) I am down to 169.2!!!  Yesterday I weighed 168.6!!  This means that I am only 19.2 lbs. away from goal!!!! Yippee   It is so amazing how much self confidence is gained by watching the scale go down!!!  Did I mention that I was able to wear LEVI'S????  I had my friend take some pics on Monday, I have to get them up loaded so I can post them on here!! 
Ok, I am done rambling, plus my hands are freezing from sitting here and typing.  Hopefully be back sooner to keep this more up to date!! 

Got some shocking news today

Oct 08, 2008

Okay, I know what I am about to put in this entry is the same I wrote in a post on the message board, but I want it here too.......I'm still so shocked by the following.........

A friend of mine who was supposed to have the RNY done tomorrow just found out yesterday she has myeloma.  Basically it is cancer in her blood.  In the past 4-5 months her blood count has been low and has had to get a few units of blood.  The Doctors could not find any internal bleeding.  Because of this she had a bone marrow test done last week and on Monday they told her that her surgery was postponed and the Dr. would be calling her with her test results and to discuss her options as far as rescheduling her surgery.  Guess that surgery won't be happening now. 

One of the symptoms of this cancer is weight loss and she has lost about 85+ lbs. on her own in the last 10 months to a year.  Deep down I was kind of wondering how she was able to do that since she really doesn't get around that well because of her weight, isn't very active at all, and I know she tends to eat out quite a bit.  My guess now would be that the cancer has maybe played a role for some of her weight loss.

She is going the doctor tomorrow with her kids to find out more about this......how far along it has progressed, is it treatable, what are all her options, etc..... 

The real kicker of this story is that this lady is my best friends mother-in-law and 2 weeks ago she just started to rent a house that my dad owns.  I am kind of acting as her landlord in a way.  Since my dad isn't able to get around at all, I have POA and basically have been taking care of all his leagal things and things such as getting this house rented out.  From all the conversations we've had in the last 3 weeks I know that she was so looking forward to having the bypass done so she could start her journey to a healthier life........ Makes me want to cry just thinking about it now...

Thanks for letting me ramble on and on.....I'm still in shock from this news..... 

Okay, it's later and I want to add this story to my blog.....
This last Sunday I went to a baby shower and my friends mother was there - I have not seen her since July - and when I went up to her to say hi all she said to me is, "okay, that's enough.  You can quit now.  You don't have to get skinnier - your face is getting too skinny already."  I smiled, thanked her and said that I wasn't quite where I needed to be to obtain a healthy BMI.  I sat by her while we ate and she had the nerve to comment on how much I was eating....not that I was eating a lot, but she still commented on what was on my plate. 

So then on Monday night - the very next day - I went to our monthly support group meeting and after meeting a fellow lap bander who just moved closer to our clinic (she had the same Dr. as I did, she just had further to drive) and can attend our meetings, I told her the above story and she looked at me and said, "Even though I don't know you or what you looked like before, as a fellow lap bander I'd say you still could still afford to loose a few more pounds!!"

  WOW!!  Talk about messing with my emotions..to go from one person tellling me to stop to another person telling me only 28 hours later that yep, you can afford to get rid of more poundage...    Not sure if I should feel happy or crappy about all of what was said....


Feeling happy and crappy at the same time

Sep 23, 2008

ok, I just spent the last hour and a half typing "my story part 2" because I felt the need to talk out my past with myself and revisit how I got to where I am today.  I was all the way up to last winter when my dad ended up having the top 1/2 of his right foot amputated, etc... and go fricking figure..........something distracted me and before I clicked to save EVERYTHING I had just typed, I clicked elsewhere and LOST IT ALL!!!!!  What a dumb ass!  How fricking stupid of me!!! 

Since it doesn't pay to sit here and beat myself up over it, I might as well get to why I'm feeling happy today ......  As of this morning

I never thought in a million years that I would be able to say that at all!  In March 2007 I bet a co-worker who could loose the most weight in 2 months.  I was sure I'd win because not only was there a $50.00 spa gift certificate for the winner, but we had a family wedding to go to in Colorado in mid May.  That is where to 2 months came into play.  I basically was hoping to win that bet in order to feel better for the trip and look better for the wedding.  Needless to say I lost that bet.  During that time is when I sent away for info. on the lap band.  Something inside of me said that it was time.........time to look for more help.  Came back from Colorado and started the program with Dr. Selwyn and Michelle, the dietitian, on June 8th.

When I think back, the last 18 months have flown by.  Everything I have done in those 18 months almost seems like a dream to me.  I am hoping I will not wake up any min. and find out I am still the 277 lb. lady I was back then.  I don't ever want to go back. 

LOL, just realized that I was going to type that the last 18 months have been a blur, but since I just had lasek eye surgery in July, everything has now become crystal clear!!  Sorry, just my dumb mind talking to me and making me laugh to myself.  

Ok, I better finish my protein drink and get ready for bed.  Hopefully tomorrow morning when I step on that scale it will still read 177 lbs. OR LESS!!!


About Me
Stevens Point, WI
Surgery Date
Sep 06, 2008
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 13
Post op once again!!!
I can't believe I forgot all about this.........
Happy and sad at same time
Friday not so good after all!
It's official
Had a Great Weekend - Big NSVs!!!!
Got some shocking news today
Feeling happy and crappy at the same time
