First day puree food- DISASTER!!!

Nov 24, 2010

Today stared really good.


Style my new hair cut in the morning, love it! Went to see the doctor and he cleared me to go back to work, which I couldn’t be more happy (I m getting crazy home all day long!) and he also told me I can move to blended diet.

I’ve been on the liquid diet for the last two weeks.


I was happy to hear that since I cannot get too much protein shakes down I was like okay finally.


Than around 3 pm I said let’s try some food. I had a canned Salmon, blended with some mayo and lemon juice. Didn’t taste too bad on the blender so I put ½ cup on a plate and try to eat it.

I eat only 2 or 3 bites and feel so bad like everything is stuck on the top of  my stomach and feeling really bad. I wait 30 min and drink some water trying to get down but nothing help.

Around 5:30 pm I m sitting on my armchair getting ready to die in a minute when my husband walk in from work and see me feeling so bad he was surprised since never happened since the surgery.

He is asking me what the hell did u do? What happened to u? I was like I was trying to eat something and feel so bad so he asked me show me what I had. I show him the puree food and he is like what is this baby food?

I was like yeah kinda, so he said I need to baby burp u. Since I don’t have kids I didn’t have any idea what is he talking about. But after he burp me and help me get the gas out I felt much better…. But I wasn’t brave enough to try anything else after it.


I was hoping will go better so I can at least have some mash potatoes tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner @ my cousin’s but now I m afraid to try anything at this point! Bummer!!!


Ahhh well…. tomorrow is another day, right?   

