July 2010 4-year SURGiVerS@ry!

Jul 14, 2010

My husband, Ron and IWell, my friends, I have made it to my 4 year SURGI-versary. My surgery was four years ago in Morgantown, WV on July 16, 2006. I can only give credit to God in Heaven for all He has done for me. I could have NOT done this alone. I had a great support system as well. My husband has been very supportive to me; from encouragement to "Hmmm...you ate too much sugar, eh?" He is by my side to help me through it all. Although it has been somewhat a bumpy ride, I have kept the weight off. Although this past spring I put 8 pounds on like in NOTHIN' flat! I was stressed by my son moving out and I guess I ate too many carbs and not enough protein. However, I am still in the best shape of my life and I would highly recommend gastric for those willing to change their own lifestyles. You have to be your own boss and take control of your own life. If you are  NOT willing to do that--well, this is not the life you can handle. Sometimes I can eat whatever; however, there are other times I can eat the same thing and be so sick, I think I will die. So, you have to be willing to bear the bad with the good. It's not going to fix every problem you have ever had. Sure, you look great. But, I always end up in the plus size clothing section in the store. My brain HAS NOT CHANGED just because my body has. I have to constantly talk to myself to always do the right things. Sometimes my brain wins and sometimes the selfish side of me wins. But, that li'l pouch that the doctor created is still the ultimate boss. It will turn on me in a second. 

So, I want to thank ObesityHelp.com for helping me. If it wasn't for this website, I would not have been successful, that is for certain. This website has allowed me to voice my concerns and find out information I would not have been able to find out otherwise. Without the help of it and the countless people going through the same thing as I have endured has allowed me make decisions I needed help with. Sure, my life is better. I am skinnier. I am healthier. And, I am happier. But, it wasn't the "easy" way out. It was something I had to do to live. I now eat to live--I do NOT live to eat anymore. I am blessed way beyond I could ever ask or imagine. God bless you if you are like me and have succeeded. I pray for you if you are dealing with insurances and doctors to get treatment. Being overweight is terrible and deadly. But, you can change it. I am sick of those who say I took the "easy" way out or they lost weight the "natural" way. Well, kiss my big toe because you have never walked in my shoes---EVER! So, don't judge me and the decisions I have made or ever will make.

For those who are eating unhealthy--just consider for a moment what you are putting in your mouth. Some say it is more expensive to eat healthy. But, really--it isn't. You have to make a choice on YOUR own. No one else can make that decision for you. My husband and I made basic changes that has helped us along the way. No Soda►go to water or Crystal light
No carbs►eat more protein
and cut down on the processed foods that turn to sugar.
Eat fruits and Vegetables

Surround yourself with good healthy people who are encouragers. Surround yourself with good books to read (diet books, exercise magazines, etc). Get a Wii Fit and work out everyday. Get yourself off the sofa to start with--and be motivated. Walking outside rather than sitting inside all day is not a bad thing. You just have to make the effort. Believe me, I was there. I was fat, ugly, cranky, and all I wanted to do was think about what I was going to eat next. I was and still am addicted to food. You may be addicted to cigarettes or drugs. Not me, I am totally addicted to the textures and colors of food. But, I am constantly working on my eating habits. So, think about your life and work at being better for you and no one else.

God bless you and I hope that I have encouraged anyone to do the right thing---that is to take care of him/herself better. Thanks for reading and have a great summer.


About Me
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Surgery Date
Nov 25, 2005
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