February 2010

Feb 10, 2010

Well, the Blizzard of 2010 is upon us here in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia! It's nasty outside and we've been housed in here for days! Eating has becoming the norm and I hate it. Although the only bad things I've eaten are a couple chocolate chip cookies. The wind is blowing fiercely here and the snow we received over the weekend (Feb. 5 & 6th: 30 inches) and what we received last night are drifting the roads shut. Schools aren't in session until next Tuesday, Feb. 15th. We are blessed beyond measure that we have our health, heat, roof over our heads, and electricity! I'm so happy I still have internet connection; otherwise, I would be spastic!

Well, February is moving along quickly even if we are getting storms that were meant to be in Alaska. I just stopped by to say hello to everyone. Gastric Bypass is definitely a lifestyle change and it is something you work on daily. You just don't get have it done and then forget about it. I need exercise. I shoveled snow everyday for the past week. So, I'm getting my exercise in. But, I need to get more of a routine in, that's for sure.

Take care and stay warm to everyone out there. This weather will soon pass and warmer temperatures will be upon us. I'm already planning my garden layout for the summer. It's going to be a great time getting out in the heat instead of being in this house. Cabin Fever is definitely getting worse.

Hugs to all of you.


About Me
Eastern Panhandle, WV
Surgery Date
Nov 25, 2005
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