I AM A SIZE 6/8 :)

Aug 10, 2011

I have lost 73 lbs so far and am tracking to reach my goal of 141 by my one yr annv date :) All the pain is gone and I am off all meds for the first time in years.  I am in perfect health and I love it!


Size 14!!!

Dec 28, 2010

Thank the Lord my daughter is giving me her cloths that she is in-growing or I'd be in trouble lol... She just gave me a 33 gal bag full of them.  Talk about just in time... I put on my 16 jeans this morning and they are way to big I changed to another pair about 3 times but they are all to big.  I start back to work next Monday and thought I had to go buy some new ones.  Once again I was saved by my baby girl who is now a size 8 so I got all her size 14's and some 12's to back them up :)  I just cleaned out my closets of all the 18 and 20's and it looks like I have to go through it again with the 16's. I am so happy I have someone who can use them :)

ingrowing my cloths :)

Dec 14, 2010

I am almost into my size 16's!  I love how the fat is just melting off my body, I'm down to 205 lbs and by the end of next week I should be in wonderland for the first time in years.  I went to a family Christmas Party and everyone could see that I have lost a lot of weight already  

I must say that I am looking forward to some food I can chew next week.  I am going shopping a our new Trader Joe's on Thursday.  They have some great low fat, low cal frozen foods that are with in the guide lines of my diet.  



Dec 08, 2010

It's not as easy as it sounds.  I can only eat 1/4 cup of food at at time so a real meal is out of the question.  I had 1/2 a scrambled egg for breakfast with 1 tbls of hummus on it mushed up. Lunch was 1/4 LF cottage cheese and dinner will be 2 oz of tuna with 1 oz of LF cream cheese on it mushed up.  I still depend on my shakes to get my protein needs and help with the liquids.  I drink 3 shakes a day and 24 oz of water, tea or crystal light to make up to the 48oz needed.  My protein is about 80 grms  a day.  So I am staying on track.  I can't wait until I can have a small meal with more than one food.... Like meat, starch and veggies.  I miss my salads right now   I am down from 234 to 207 and have been going down a lb a day so that is good.  I have another week before I can start eating something I can chew.  I know this will all get better but I miss going out to lunch.  I don't' care about volume in food just something that is normal like a salad or a bowl of soup.


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5 days post op

Nov 26, 2010

It's been 5 days and I am doing great.  I feel wonderful and getting in all my liquids 48 oz and protein 60 gms.  I have had no problems at all.  I must say everything has been perfect :)  I read all the stuff people post about being sick and feeling bad and I was worried I would be like them but I don't think anyone post that they feel wonderful.  We need to do that so we can show that bad side effects are not the norm.  If you feel great let us know about it :)  Positive thoughts !
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Tomorrow is the big day!

Nov 21, 2010

I'm on the clear liquid 2 day diet.  Not too bad, it was much easier than I thought it would be. Today was the colon flush and that was hard for me.  I had to drink 8oz every 10 minuets and had a very hard time drinking it after a while I felt ill
Now I just have a pill to take at 10 pm and I will be ready.  Surgery is at 8am tomorrow morning so I will be up at 4an,  the hospital is 1 hr away. I will have all day tomorrow to sleep   Oh Boy..... tomorrow is my re-birthday

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Pre-Op testing and surgery sign off ---- check :)

Nov 15, 2010

Had all my pre-op testing today and signed off on the surgery. I only have 7 more days to the big day J I was also down to 217 today so this liquid diet works well. I get excited to see the scale each day. It’s the only thing that keeps me going…. I dream about a big salad L Oh well only 15 min. to my next shake!

I'm getting excited

Nov 12, 2010

I am almost through my first week on the liquid diet and I'm down to 220 for the first time in 4 yrs.  This is  like a detox and I can't begin to tell you how good Im feeling from it.  I have energy now that all the yuk is out of my body. I am so looking forward to my new life.  It's like being reborn, a chance to strat over.  I got this book by Dr. Nicholas Perricone called "Forever Young" and it was an eye opener for me.  This is a Metabolic diet that can bring your body to top performance from the cell level.  Once I get to the point of normal food again I will start this way of eating.  It's not funny fad food but real healthy food the way we should eat.  The book is based on siences. And teaches you about all the supper foods and what they do for your body.  If we feed our body from the inside out and think of food as fuel for our body and not just as entertainment, not saying that we can't be entertained by good food ;) I am 61 yrs old and want to look and feel as young as possible.  I want a long active life and I will only have it if I take control and make it happen.  Go Me!!!

They changed my date :(

Nov 03, 2010

Found out last Friday that my date has been changed.  I found it very emo to think I had my self reday and I was 5 days into my liquid diet,  I started crying on the phone. I am over it now and just regrouping so I can get back on track in my mind.  It's crazy how we set out self up for this and when anything changes it messes up your head for a moment.  I hope I'm not the only one who has gone through this

Im on the liquid diet :(

Oct 24, 2010

I started my liquid diet today.  I am so excited to be moving forward to the new me.  What ever it takes I will take back my life and be as healthy as I can be for me.  I got my date  of Nov 8th and I have redecorated my closet for all my new stuff.  I want to clean out my old life to make room for the new.  I got the new book by Dr Perricone M.D., FOREVER YOUNG.  I am not going to put bad food into my nice clean new tummy.  I want to eat only healthy organic foods and make sure my food will improve my body and give me every thing I need to be the best I can be.  This is the first day of my jurney to perfect health.  The surgery is a tool and I have to make good use of it.

About Me
Harpswell, ME
Surgery Date
Aug 06, 2010
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