Goal and below.....

Jan 22, 2010

Well, I realised I haven't written a new post since I hit goal weight (160, revised). I'm now at 154. I'm ready to be done losing, so I'm trying to adjust my food and stuff so I'll plateau and be done. I'm not underweight or anything yet, I just really really like and am happy with the way I look right this very second.  :)

I still follow the rules for the most part. I do protein first, no drinking while I'm eating, no carbonation. The rules that I tend to break more than others are I eat more carbs than I should some days. I also drink more caffeine and alcohol than I should (the alcohol is rare, but still more than any RNY patient should have).

I still don't get my exercise in like I should. I'll regret that come softball season I'm sure.

Exciting things: I'm going to Disneyworld!! In February! I've never been and I'm very excited about that. 
                            I'm dating again. Not one special guy, but still, it's fun.
                            I got my hair highlighted! I kinda like it :)

Ok, I know this is a lame blog post, but just wanted to put something up.


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 27, 2009
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