MommaAngel 21 years, 3 months ago

HI MARY Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Vikki C. 21 years, 4 months ago

Oh Mary, you make me cry! I don't think I've ever been as happy with my life, even with all my ups and downs! I'm so glad we are apart of each others lives! It is so nice to be honest and truly have someone really care for you. I want you to know I'll always be here for you too. I love to watch the changes in you as we transform! You are truly the most beautiful person, Inside and Out! I love we can belt out a tune and wear each others shoes! I'm ready for the matching tattoo's now! TSFL! Vikki

Cheryl J. 21 years, 4 months ago

Mary, I have been wondering about you of late. I have lost 99 pounds and it is so slow coming off now that it might be 3 weeks before I lose down to that 100# mark but I can't wait to say, "I've lost 100 pounds!" I hope that you continue to do well. God Bless You and yours! Cheryl

Carol L. 21 years, 4 months ago

Mary, Mary, Mary, my sista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I tell you what you've meant to me?? You look W-U-N-derful, darlin'!!!!! Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me! You've become my best friend, my confidant, my partner in crime! (LOL) and so much more. It took this surgery to bring us together and I'm thankful to God every day for both! You've done a fantastic job Mary and I know you will continue to do so because you're a very strong lady. I've shared things with you I wouldn't share with many people, that's how much I love you!!! Keep up the good work and you know your sista Carol will always be here for you any time you need me!!!!!!! Love you sista!!!! Carol

Leandra W. 21 years, 5 months ago

((((((((((((MARY)))))))))))))) Your a wonderful person Mary and quite an inspiration for me. I feel truly blessed to have met you and only hope that somehow I can give you back half the support and encouragement that you have given me already! LY -- Lea

Debbie A. 21 years, 9 months ago

Mary - Congratulations on your 36 pound weight loss! So far so good! I pray everything continues to go well for you. It's nice to hear your updates! God bless!

LORRAINE K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Dear Mary~~~~~I am sorry to hear that you are feeling a little green--never a comfortable place to be. It does take a while to get to know how your body is adapting to the changes that take place after surgery. Be very attuned. If you continue to not feel so great---call the doc. In the meantime, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep strong. Be well, be happy, be blessed.

blank first name B. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hello Mary~~~~May I make a suggestion, increase your font size. I can never read your posts because of the font and font size. I hope you don't mind but I really do enjoy getting to read all the messages and yours I never can. PEACE

Mary R. 21 years, 10 months ago

July 12th, 2002 today I saw my surgeon for my 1 week post op evaluation and I have lost a total of 15lbs so far. He is very please with the progress I have made thus far. I am proud of these 15lbs I feel terrific. I did have a scare with my diebetis last night though. My sugar levels dropped to 24 with is extrememly dangerous. I called my family doctors nurse and she wanted me in the emergency room right away. But I had ate some sweet pudding and my levels came up to 109 and I called her back and she told me to eat something else with protein and if they continued to rise I would not have to go to the ER. Well I had bought some protein shakes that I thought I would not need but it did the trick my surgar levels are 150 now. The purpose to this story is that I was still taken my diebetis meds until yesterday and this surgery has worked so well that I no longer need these meds and had actually put myself in danger by taking the meds. This sugery is a miracle worker but if you are on meds make sure you still need them after surgery or risk getting an over dose if you do not. But lucky me I am still alive and kicking! ö¿~

S J M. 21 years, 11 months ago

Congratulations, Mary! I am so glad you are seeing an improvement in your health so soon! Keep it up!
About Me
Montgomery, Al
Jun 11, 2002
Member Since
