Brenda M. 20 years, 9 months ago

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Carol you like soooo!!! good. Thank you for listening and answering all the questions that I ask. Its so good to know that there are great people in this world!!!!!!! Thank you ,Brenda Maxie

Debbie B. 20 years, 10 months ago

Carol - CONGRATULATIONS on your anniversary and your great weight loss! Thanks for posting and being an inspiration to all of us pre-ops out there! Best wishes to you.

Naes Wls J. 20 years, 10 months ago

Carol, Just wanted to pop in to wish you a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. You have done a great job and used your TOOL very well. Thumbs up. **Hugs**

Carol L. 20 years, 10 months ago

Well, today's the anniversary of my surgery, yes one year ago today I started on my big journey and it's hard to believe all the changes that have come about in my life in a year. I am now down to 155 lbs!!!!!!!!!!! I never knew I'd be saying that in one short year. I've exceeded all my original goals that I had when I went into surgery already. I wanted to loose 100 pounds when I started, I've now lost 118 pounds!!!!! Drum roll please! I am off all my mediations that I was on last year, my BP is under control with no medications, my sugar is under control, no medications. I still have a bit of arthritis in one knee but nothing like I had last year when I could barely walk without a cane. I'm in a size 10, another personal goal and everywhere I go, I'm a walking billboard for gastric bypass. I've gotten to share my story with so many people this past year and hopefully touched a few lives along the way. I've met some wonderful people that I have such a strong bond with that I probably would never have known had it not been for my gastric bypass. So, for anybody out there that is just researching this surgery and still not sure whether to do it or not, all I can say is it's truly a gift from God to me and I would say go for it! For those just starting their journey's, hang in there, it's well worth it. I will post my one year photo soon I hope. Thanks to everybody who posted encouragement on my message board and stood by me. I would like to thank my family first and foremost for their total, 100% support of me this past year. My husband has been my biggest cheerleader and then my kid's. I almost feel like thanking The Academy right now, LOL, but instead I think I'll thank my wonderful surgeon, Dr. Antonio L. Williams in Montgomery Alabama for giving me back my life and for being here for me even now through his wonderful support group meetings. There is no better surgeon in the world as far as I'm concerned! Good luck to you all and for the other August 7th re-birth date people, WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you all, Carol Long

Carol L. 21 years, 2 months ago

March 20, 2003. Well, I've finally made the Century Club!!! Yes, Wednesday, March 19th I weighed and had lost exactly 100 pounds!!! What an awesome experience!!!! It's been an exciting journey from the beginning and I have a new love of life these days. I have decided to loose about 18-20 more pounds so I'll have a cushion to fall back on, see, the old habit's never die do they??? We're always afraid we'll gain it back! LOL I really am not afraid of gaining it back this time though. This time, is for keeps!!!! I have sent a new picture to put on my profile that was made at 7 months post op, when I reached that goal of 100 pounds, it should be posted soon!!!! I'll keep you posted as I finally get to my final goal!!!!! Carol

Mary R. 21 years, 5 months ago

Well, where can I start? You are truely an inspiration to us all. You are a very sweet and dear friend. I consider you my best friend and confident for life. You have a way of cutting through all the BS and I love you for it. I know when I want the truth I can always depend on you to tell it to me straight. If you measure success by your friends then you are truely blessed. I love you for your insight and beliefs. You are a magnificent person and I know where you will be in the after life. God has a special place for you Carol by his side. You are truely one of his angels. You look Marvelous! Your weight loss achievement has been tremendous. You are a success in this goal and You are a success in life,also. I love you girlfriend. You are a true Sista. Love, Mary

Leandra W. 21 years, 5 months ago

(((((((((CAROL))))))))))) Your looking so fantastic gf! Your a real inspiration, and I am sooo glad I met you! Thanks for putting up with someone formerly from crenshaw County -- maybe theres hope for me yet. *wink* LY -- Lea =)

Mary R. 21 years, 6 months ago

Wow sista girl you are looking good. And I do mean looking good. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for your friendship it has meant the world to me. I love you Carol and I am very proud of your accomplishment with this surgery. ö¿~

Sharon Neva 21 years, 7 months ago

CAROL~~ WOW ~~ CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS~~ Please keep us posted on your progress. You are doing an awesome job. You are and inspiration to us all.~~

Carol L. 21 years, 7 months ago

Well, the weight just keeps melting off. It's now 10/15/02 and I've lost a total of 45 pounds. I bought a size 14/16 top this week-end!! Never thought I'd be so elated to wear a 14/16! LOL When you start at a 24/26 though, that's pretty darned good to me. My arthritis is acting up in my knee again, I think it's trying to sabatoge my work-out's but I went and got a cortizone injection in it yesterday and I'm hitting the gym again today. I firmly believe the working out with weight's plus riding the Eliptical machine every day is a tremendous boost in my loosing inches as well as pounds. It make me giddy to think that I'm almost half way to goal already! I know the last 50 pounds won't go as fast for sure, but still, it's wonderful to have dropped 45 pounds in a little over two months to me. It would have taken me a year to loose that before and then I would have gained that 45 pounds plus some back within a few months!!! WLS is the best thing I've ever done for myself! I'll be updating as I go along, so keep checking in on me!
About Me
Opp, AL
Surgery Date
May 03, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is me at 273 in July 2002. I was higher than this at 278. My inspiration for surgery is with me, Skylar my grandbaby.
Post Op and at goal.
