19th & 20th Weeks...

Jan 17, 2012

 All is well....need to upload some pictures but work has been CRAZY! Sorry folks...you'll see me soon! Didn't take any "progessive pics" over the holidays but I may have some pictures from friends from New Year's Eve that I'm hoping to get.

Husband says I'm changing everyday...I don't feel it but I do see it a little bit in the way I wear clothes and the way I work out. In fact, I just walked a "Treadmill 5K" this morning and I'm going swimming tonight. Little tired but I feel GREAT!

Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow night at the Beaumont Weight Control Center....I think I may have broken into the next ten pounds. I did when I unofficially weighed in the other day at the gym. We shall see...............Keep Rocking Your Sleeves!!!

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Jun 30, 2011
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