Excited & Scared at the same time

Feb 01, 2012

It's finally that time...on monday 2/6/2012 I will be having the Lap-band Surgery lords willing.

I keep second guessing myself, that I have went from 320 to 272 on my own and if I stick to my new eating habits I could lose the weight naturally................NOT>>>>>>> I know I need this. I have been researching and waiting to get some type of WLS for over 14 years. I have teenage children and a grandson I need to be healthy for plus my loving husband. The only thing now is that I'm not working and can be off for 6wks I should have chosen the
RNY???? I don't know anymore, I guess the lapband will do fine for me. OH just pray for me and send me messages of guidance. I'm feeling lost right now.  2 of my family members had the lapband and they look great  one went from a size 28 to size 16/18 in 10months the other one was a size 16/18 to now a size 11 in 6 months. I know that GOD has me and everything will be alright.

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