Very upset at dr's office staff

on 1/7/12 12:52 am
Unreal...and no you are not overreacting.  I had an upper GI done Outpatient at the Hospital (X-Ray) prior to surgery (was having reflux problems as a result of my Lapband).  I stood and laid down for mine (the machine actually laid me down), so it is feasible there is a weight requirement.  However, if this is a reputable testing facility (that your bariatric surgeon referred you to), one would think they would have adequate equipment to perform the tests.

I would contact your doctor's staff again and be completely honest with them.  You need to be 100% comfortable with your surgeon.  Please do your research...This testing facility sounds "iffy" to me.  I'd question why they sent you there and their obtuse attitude as well.
       Lap-Band 4.11.08                                     RNY Revision 8.1.11
       HW 276/ SW 259/ LW 219                       HW 283/ CW 218
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/12 1:21 am, edited 1/7/12 1:21 am - MD
 It may be that they have an older fluoroscope machine and that the space between the plates was too narrow. It was a tight squeeze for me, had to shift myself around a little to get in.

Many of these, especially in older offices were developed before people put much thought into the sizes that people come in and that everyone needs medical care, not just the skinny people.
on 1/7/12 2:42 am
I felt lucky that I could fit in between the plates when I had mine done.  My first thought was that I wasn't going to fit and felt lucky that I had lost a some weight, as I never would have fit at my preop weight.

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

on 1/7/12 2:05 am - Miami, FL
RNY on 02/14/12
I'm so grateful for this site, all your posts help me greatly. I'm taking all of your advice, writing an email to my advocate (cc the surgeon) to advise them of what occurred today, hope they get their emails on their phone. Then follow up on Monday.

If they don't respond in a way that is justifiable, I will consider looking for another surgeon. Because this first experience has left me doubting. Anxious enough about the whole thing to have to deal with this.

Thank you all and I'll keep you posted!! BIG HUGS ALL AROUND!!!
on 1/7/12 2:32 am - OH
Hopefully your surgeon was not aware of these issues and will refer patients somewhere else from now on.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/7/12 2:37 am - Miami, FL
 I'm surprised to hear this. Dr. de la Cruz is an amazing surgeon. I wonder where he sent you. If that's the same test I took, I went to the Miami hospital to have it done. I remember the staff there not being overly polite - I think the woman administering the test, when told what I was going in for, said, you NEED it. But I didn't get too upset, cause at that point I was used to those annoying comments, probably felt I deserved them AND she was right, I DID need the RNY. 
It's a pity you had to waste your time. There's lots of annoying hoop jumping before the surgery. Definitely tell Dr. de la Cruz what happened. 
on 1/7/12 3:02 am - Miami, FL
RNY on 02/14/12
So was I, since I did a lot of research and found great things about him and his practice, I was very impressed at his seminar and at the initial consultation he was great. The staff was very nice (moving a little fast paced) but overall I was happy.

Then this happened this morning and it was a big uh-oh for me, the clinic is located on 49 Street in Hialeah and it's this small place, looks dingy, waited a long while to then be told they could not do it because the table would not hold my weight and the xray would not be clear.

What upset (and concerned) me most was that they would first of all refer me to a place like this but furthermore not know beforehand if this facility can accomodate larger persons, hellloooo they are a batriatic practice.

Lets see what they say when I'm able to speak with them but regardless this made me a little nervous that something so obvious could have been overlooked.
on 1/7/12 4:03 am - OH
I understand how that would be a red flag to you, but I would try to give your surgeon the benefit of the doubt.  Hopefully there is some reason they just did not know they were referring you to a place like that.  I would wait and see how they respond when you call them Monday.  As long as they respond in a good way and you've been happy with your surgeon's office otherwise, I would continue with them.  But in the future, they will hopefully go out of their way to make sure they are referring patients to the right kind of places.

View more of my photos at          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 1/7/12 7:57 am - Miami, FL
 I, too, did lots of research before choosing a surgeon. I stand by Dr de la Cruz. His stats are amazing and I've had no problems at all in 18 months. I read what some people go through on this board and I am grateful I chose Dr. de la Cruz. If you have any questions about him, let me know. I hope you get good resolution on Monday.

on 1/7/12 3:46 am
I have worked in hospital for 30 years.

You need to find an accredited facility!  There are specific standards every facility that does medical procedures must meet! 

Follow with your insurance company and if you feel up to it, contact the state medical inspection or licensing board.  

This sounds very "fishy". Wow, sorry you had to experience that.
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