How much did your skin weigh?

on 5/20/12 10:39 am - Oak Ridge, TN
I am almost 2 years out and am in need of a brachioplasty, tummy tuck, thigh lift, breast lift/implant and some kind of butt work ,lol.  I'm curious to see how much skin was removed from your body while undergoing these procedures. I know everyone is different with how much was removed, but I just kind of need a rough idea. I was 364lbs before surgery, and I'm at 168 right now and still losing (albeit very slowly). My surgeon told me he wanted my goal weight to be 130...I just don't see me getting to 130 and THEN getting skin removal. I don't want to be waif thin! Thought it would be a good idea to start the surgeries now, at 168.

 ~Kelly ~   
SW 364/CW 164/GW 150             


on 5/20/12 12:17 pm
You have done great!  Congrats on your weight loss!  My advice would be to get to where you are comfortable.  What is your goal weight?  You will have a better result plastic surgery wise if you are at goal and do not plan to lose more.  Those at goal and stable for awhile look the best after plastics.  Just my opinion from what I have seen here and elsewhere. 

It's very difficult to know how much skin will be removed and what it will weigh.  If you are almost "no fat" and only skin, it weighs much less than you would imagine.  Say for example you weigh 168 now and your skin weighs 10 to 13lbs (which is a lot considering what most people's skin weighs)  that will place your weight at 155.  Are you happy at 155?  Would you want to lose more after your plastics?  If you do lose more, you can run the risk of having a bit more sagginess.  You have lost almost 200lbs.  Your skin most likely doesn't have a lot of elasticity to it.  Even a 20lbs loss can change the result of a TT/Facelift and/or thigh lift.

Just something to think about.

12/09 and 6/11, 9 skin removal procedures with Dr. Sauceda in Monterrey Mexico
Revised to the Sleeve after losing 271 lbs with the LapBand. 

on 5/20/12 12:51 pm, edited 5/20/12 12:52 pm
Hello. I see your from Oak Ridge! My parents are in Oliver Springs. I lived there most of my life.
2 of my cousins also had surgery with your Dr. =)
You have done an amazing job!!! Congratulations!What is your goal weight, not your surgeons? When did you have your surgery? Everyone is different and some here have had 20lbs removed and other 6. Its hard to tell. I have been told my stomach is anywhere from 15-30lbs ( wide range, lol).
My weight was 366 ( in 2006 I was over 370). I am now 198. I am having a TT, brachio, and fat transfer to my butt on June 6th. I have a very large pannus, that is where most of my weight was carried. My surgeon never set a goal weight for me, he asked me where I wanted to be and when I told him 180 he felt that was a good place for me to get to. He wanted to be become healthy. I am on no medications now expect for depression. I am not losing much weight anymore. I exercise almost everyday. My personal goal was to be at 180lb. I am 19 pounds from that goal. I am ok with not losing anymore weight after my skin is removed. Many people don't believe this but I don't want to be skinny. I want to be fit and healthy! So I think that when this skin is removed and my legs are done later I will be just where I want to be ( I hope so anyways!)

I wish you the very best while you gather your information.
 VSG  Aug 9, 2010 with Dr. Shieh in Fort Myers, FL    
HW 366 Day of Surgery 334
PS: Extended TT, Arm Lift, Fat Transfer to the rear 6/6/2012.
on 5/20/12 7:04 pm - Israel
I agree with what the others wrote but I would also add that aside from many PS/medical review boards saying we have to be stable in our weight for a certain amount of time...that being said,those whose starting weight was high as yours would benefit from certain Plastic procedures before goal weight to make it easier to move and function!
I live in Israel and had to see a Medical Review Board to be approved. I was denied and fought it.
I started at 120K/270lbs at five feet tall years ago with a different WLS and lost to a certain weight gained and had a revision.
My hanging belly and rashes did not heal after various creams. Now my tummy is flat.THREE KILO WERE REMOVED. I went in weighing 182/83K -and now I weigh 77K/169.
I am waiting on a new apptmt for Breast Lift and Scar Revision.
I am in awe of thise who have succeeded in losing so much weigh.
Mikimi in Israel
Laura in Texas
on 5/20/12 8:04 pm
How tall are you? I'm 5'7" and have gone from 339 to 135. Even after losing 200 pounds, my excess skin from my lbl/bl only weighed about 5 pounds. It was about 2 square feet, so about an 8 inch strip all the way around.

As others have said, get to a stable weight before undergoing plastics. You do not want to mess up your results. Even a small loss or gain can do a lot of damage.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Debra Welker
on 5/20/12 10:14 pm - Kaukauna, WI
I had my TT 3 weeks ago and he took 4.5 pounds. I had a 100 pound weight loss after my RNY had regained 25 pounds and lost 20 of it before my TT.  If you have mostly skin hanging without alot of fat in it , it doesnt really weigh as much as you think. TT surgery is not a weight loss procedure, you will drop some because of what they take and the fact that you cant eat much for a few weeks after. TT is more of a inches procedure. The day I came home from my TT my weight was up 6 pounds because of all the fluid, I am now down 8 pounds from the morning of surgery. Hope this helps, Deb
on 5/20/12 11:04 pm - amherst, NY
Adjustable Gastric Band on 03/03/08
i had my tt last week and they removed 6 lbs. i started out at around 254 lbs and i wighed about 152 when i had the tt. my ps wants your weight to be stable for a year otherwise you can get the sagginess again, like everyone has said. most of my weight was in the tummy area. im hoping to get rid of the batwings next, but will prob have to wait till the fall or january for that
on 5/21/12 7:59 am
Also... just wanted to throw this out there, even though they remove a certain amount that does not mean that it will all reflect on the scale. Along with skin and fat, there is fliud weight which the body replenishes. I had 16.3 removed and only 10 reflected on my scale. But I went from a size 20 and 202 pounds day of surgery to a 14 and 192 pounds current.

I'll take the smaller size over the scale weight any day.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 5/22/12 7:25 am
VSG on 06/04/09 with
 My plastic surgeron (Dr. Agha) says that ideally someone should be 20 pounds over weight so he has fat to work with during the body contouring. 

And as far as goals....sometimes its just a random number someone picked. My goal was 140 based on the lowest I was as an adult. Im happy maintaning at 155. <---check out my vlog of my progress

VSG 6/4/2009: I'm 5'4",   HW 242,   SW 234,   CW 155.  Size 6 generally.

PS with Dr. Agha 5/14/2012 - LBL, Arm lift, fat transfer to (_:_) 
Lee ~
on 5/22/12 8:33 am - CA
 I had multiple surgeries on the same day.  After 100 pound weight loss, my surgeon removed 6.5 pounds of skin.

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

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