Why is everyone picking on me - The truth

on 1/13/11 8:58 am
On January 13, 2011 at 4:26 PM Pacific Time, MARIA F. wrote:

Hun I realize u 'THINK' the band is the cheapest way to go, but realistically it is usually NOT the case! A lot of us self-pay bandsters have found out the hard way. And even if it is the cheapest................well what good does it do u if your band DOESN'T work and u have payed all that money to NOT lose weight???

I do understand what you are saying and who knows I might go 6 months from now and have total meltdown and my band is no good , I dont know that, or I could go yrs and yrs without no problems I cant predict that either.

All I know is my parents offered to help me lose weight so I can see my son get married and watch my grand babies some day and just to get healthy !!

Like I have always said if something happens then I will deal with it at the time :o)   So far I have been good i know its only been two months post op but I'm getting ready to skip my second fill . I'm going 4-5 hrs at a time without being hungry ,  I'm losing a good 8 inches a month , I'm losing my required 10 pounds per month .

Right now I'm happy with these results. Of course things can change I know that, but I'm not going to sit here and dwell on it or sit here and think oh my gosh in two yrs something is going to happen to my band what am I going to do. 

Till that day comes and my doc personally tells me something is wrong then I'm going to sit back enjoy life, keep losing my inches and my weight and celebrate :o)
Quit Smoking
Starting BMI  52.9  BMI now  44.4        updated  6/6/11

on 1/13/11 8:22 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
I believe that those considering any wls should have full disclosure. For example, when I looked at RNY no one said anything about the malabsorption wearing off after about 2 years. If I had chosen that surgery and then found out about that little fact I would have been seriously furious! With that in mind, I think those who have had problems with the band should post here as well. I am very uncomfortable with some of these folks being extra hard on a potential bandster who dares post on the main board, however, for the most part, they have been pretty well mannered here. If a person knows exactly what they are in for they will hopefully be proactive and try to make sure that the complications don't happen to them. Yeah, we all want to be in that number that get their band and live happily ever after, but newbies need to see all sides.

In defense of those who have revised from the band or have had problems I have also seen them be extremely supportive of those who have questions about living with the band, are off track, or even who are having trouble with theirs. That being said, if they came here and did what I have seen on the main board (from some) and flamed someone who already got their band I would be like white on rice all over them. That kind of behavior is inexcusable. Until them I will counter their posts with mine, encourage everyone to really research before committing to any wls.

I am sorry if I offend anyone but as uncomfortable as it is to have to deal with all this every time a new person posts we need to deal with it. If you find statistics being misrepresented then find some that show better results. Encourage newbies to read the whole studies for themselves, since they are usually more balanced than purported by quotes. The entire thing is important. Interpretation for oneself is essential. I did that and weighed my options and got my band in spite of people posting negatives. However, I made sure I was danged certain and well educated before I did it. Everyone needs the same. Surgeons are not doing their jobs. It is our duty to help with that.

Sing the praises of the band, by all means. It is a great tool, but let the other side be heard, too. It will take us more time and trouble to find our own research but why is that a problem. Those statistics are out there, too. Speaking of that, just today I found a study that if only part of it were quoted it would make the band the best wls ever. Read further it honestly deals with the problems, too. If you feel that some are trying to misrepresent the info then say so, loudly.

I am posting this as a response to Lynn's post, but it is meant for those who are pro and con as how they feel about the band. We need balance, and fairness.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Lynn C
on 1/13/11 8:26 am
You're awesome!! All side should have a voice - and yes, there are some who are wildly successful with their bands (I wi**** were everyone!)

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

on 1/13/11 9:30 am, edited 1/13/11 9:31 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Thanks, Lynn. I have heard people (I can't say that it was you) that if the band was the only surgery they could have that they still shouldn't get it. That is just plain wrong. I also disagree with you when you say that all it takes is to stand up to the insurance company and appeal and fight. I was told by not one but two surgical practices, and have spoken with reps of others, that at my BMI (35.8) with comorbidities, that there has never been an appeal for the sleeve that succeeded. Not happening. I was willing to wait and fight but with that from the second surgeon I had to decide if I could wait until things changed. I thought long and hard and agonized a lot. I got all kinds of grief from some people. I decided that there was no way I could lose the weight and keep it off by myself, I needed a tool. I was going to die unless I lost that weight. My quality of life was crap. I got the surgery and am glad I did. For those who might succeed with appeals I think they need to fight for it. Not every one can. Please understand that, too. Not every one fails with the band, not every one succeeds. There is no onesize fits all wls, even VSG. I urge you to perhaps ease up on some of these people. Please don't make us feel as if we are doing something wrong to tell positive experiences with the band.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Lynn C
on 1/13/11 10:38 am
honestly if the band was the ONLY surgery available I would probably try again (after all - there are 25% of people that are successful) and I'd hope for a better outcome.

As long as you are happy with your choice then I am happy for you.

As far as making people feel as though they are doing something wrong - nope, that is in their own interpretation. For those who are civil and interested in discussing facts I have the utmost respect. For those that whine and stamp their feeties telling me I don't belong her with my facts, well they can kiss my ass.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

on 1/13/11 10:59 pm
I 100% agree with that all sides should have a voice...on the main board.  When you made the decision to "enlighten" people on the band you didn't need to come to the band board.  You knew that it would stir that pot and that's why everyone is so upset....JMHO.
Lynn C
on 1/13/11 11:38 pm
Why woul I not discuss the band on the band board? I do go to the main board when people ask about the band there but most of them look here for information so that is why I'm here.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

on 1/13/11 8:24 am - Gray, GA
Lynn B,

I don't know you, but I do know a bit about common decency.  As you said, this is a public site and anyone can speak.  But some of us have conversations with each other on this site, while others just yell at whomever reads their posts.  Guess which group you belong to.  Please stop yelling in my ear, and enough already with the Loud Words
I wish you the best.


P.S.  Give us credit.  We do know how to research the hazards of the band procedure and as you said you have the right to your opinion, but don't do your thing and claim that it is for everyone else's benefit when I suspect your ego has something to do it.  (Suspect only--I don't know you).
on 1/13/11 9:03 am - FL
It's "Case in Point" not "Point in Case" if you can't get that one right, I question the rest of the banter.

273 highest - 250 @ surgery 1/28/2011 -  222Current 

Lynn C
on 1/13/11 9:23 am
and if a simple grammatical error is the best you can do then you really have nothing to contribute Ehhh? Whats next, spelling errors? Pathetic.

Lynn C ~
Banded 9/12/2005 ~ Revision to VSG on 9/7/2010 ~ Losing again with a Keto lifestyle

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