RNY reversal

on 9/30/08 9:59 pm - Newton Falls, OH
is there somewhere i can go to look into a reversal, yes i know im only alittle over 10 wks out but right now i would just love to see what info is and has anyone ever had one or knows someone who has
believe me, i didnt just jump into this without researching but now that its here its alittle too much, if i only listened to my dh ...
Michele (a new me started on july 17th 2008)

on 10/2/08 1:48 am, edited 10/2/08 1:53 am - Anchorage, AK
Hi Shellbear.  Honestly, you are not far enough out yet to be thinking reversal.  You are going to feel like crap a minimum of three months.  After that, you are going to start feeling fantastic!  Hang in there girl it is all going to be alright.


Highest/Before surgery/lowest/Current/New Goal!
10 years out in June!

on 10/5/08 3:37 am - Newton Falls, OH
oh i know im too early out, im just curious to see how the procedure starts, yes, ive thought about it, and yes everyone tells me it'll get better so im holding out for that little glimmer of hope that everyone is right
ive regretted the surgery since day one, everything looked great on paper and i researched the heck out of it but reality is this surgery isnt for everyone ~ just wanna see who ever had it reversed and why ???
Michele (a new me started on july 17th 2008)

on 10/5/08 9:21 pm - Anchorage, AK
Well good luck to you my dear.   I hope you start feeling better soon and see the benefits of a heathier you!


Highest/Before surgery/lowest/Current/New Goal!
10 years out in June!

on 10/9/08 4:45 am - las vegas, NV
Dnt know much about reversals heard once person got a revision after five years of stretching out her tool.

But I know I hated myself and told myself wtf did I do this to myself, the pain, the restriction, the uncomfortableness of it all.  I can say this about three to four months I had energy. Afer two years post op I got pregnant and enjoyed pregnancy.  I had lost almost all baby weight and still have ten I am working on now.  Im on the five day pouch test and a lil headachey today but Im saying this.  I wish I wouldnt of waited as long as I did, in the beggingg I hated that I did this now I thought Id never be happy but now all I can say is I could of done this years ago..

i pray you find your niche and soon.....stay positive as much as you can, the thoughts are unbearable at times, keep your chin up girl
on 10/15/08 7:51 am - London, UK
The first few months are so hard and it's a complete and total adjustment. You are probably feeling the very normal "buyer's remorse" that most of us experience after something this life altering. IT WILL GET BETTER. Take comfort in knowing that what you are experiencing now is the worst of it and that every day you will be an inch closer to feeling back to "normal". I'm 5 months out and eat almost everything (in very small portions). But I also follow my doctor's advice about supplements, water intake, and exercise. Go easy on yourself, in the beginning it's almost impossible to really "get it right". Hang in there though, as time progresses you will start to almost forget you even had surgery and your new habits will just become a lifestyle. It doesn't bother me at all at this point that I can't gorge myself or binge on unhealthy things that made me fat and miserable in the first place and lead me to choose surgery. When you're feeling down try and think back on the reason you had the surgery in the first place and consider speaking with a counselor or supportive friend if you need a shoulder to lean on as we all do once in a while. Best of luck on your journey, and remember, it WILL get better!

Back on track as of 11/1/2014


Weight loss goal:
Back to Onederland by 3/26/2015


on 10/20/08 4:40 am - Milwaukee suburb, WI

Physician advise on all major surgeries is to have another surgery at minimum six months after any type of major surgery due to your body's ability to heal itself.  It is probable that all the pain & discomfort that you currently feel, most will reoccur after another major stomach surgery.   I just went to my information meeting for bariatric surgery, & the surgeon stated that research shows that 100% of patients regain weight if it is reversed, no matter what type of bariatric surgery was being reversed.  It sounds like that's not your major issue - that you simply regret it, but I thought I would bring it up.  I hope that you'll feel better soon.

on 2/21/09 3:38 am
I am sorry to hear you are looking into information for reversal at this point. But each person and body is different and will respond differently to any one procedure. With that being said, I have been on the boards, researching procedures and surgeons to possibly have the RNY some time this year. Can you please let me know via PM, reply to this or whatever you may choose to what you are feeling at this point? Will it be slow weight loss, the associated pain, restrictions,etc. Please share with me as I have heard many success, ligh changing testimonies after this specific procedure.

Thank you.
                                                          ~NEVER SAY NEVER~

Latrice Spanglo
on 3/22/09 6:12 am - Champaign, IL
OMG im feeling that way after 2 weeks. I looked into this surgery for about 4 years and it is not all i thought it was im not happy at all. I wish i never did this. My twin sister had it and she is loving it and im not i dont know what to do. Did you find anyone to help u
on 8/20/09 6:08 am
did you find somebody to help you
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