watching people stuff themselves at a chinese buffet

on 5/27/11 10:11 am - Dayton, OH
I ended up having a very unsatisfying dinner at a chinese buffet.   Thought I could get some veggies and maybe some chicken and broccoli for some protien.   The healthy choices were pretty sparce.  Even what I had was too cloyingly sweet or greasy sauced.    

What was more disturbing was the mounded plates I saw people eating - I used to be that way - I just cant even imagine eating that much now.     

I do think if you can avoid the temptation it is a good idea to go and remind yourself how you once were...

Highest 406 / Surgery 391 / Lowest 196 / Current 219
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/11 10:25 am
you can't imagine eating that way because your surgically altered and they are not.

pretty ****ty to remind others of how they may once have been at the expense of others - not everyone who has/had a weight problem couldn't put down the fork.

on 5/28/11 12:35 am
Agree.  That was my first thought when I read this.  One of my listed goals on my page is not to judge others for what they eat, because I wanted to avoid sounding just this douchey.


Temporarily holding on losing more because I'm gaining!  Pregnant with my first baby (a boy!) due June 2013, after two rounds of IVF.  SO GRATEFUL!

Elizabeth N.
on 5/28/11 2:53 am - Burlington County, NJ
Hear hear.

Jolly Rancher
on 5/29/11 3:14 am
Hallelujah, babe! He himself said he used to eat that way. How very hypocritical to judge others now that he physically can't eat the mounds of food!!! Almost sounds tinged with jealousy.

It very much also puts down people who haven't eaten that way. And one last thing, some people are ABLE to eat that way and still not get heavy!!!


on 5/27/11 10:32 am
Hi Patrick!
I eat at a Chinese buffet at least once a week. I find quite a few choices but a lot of them are breaded and deep fried so I stay away from those. What hurts is watching my hubby eat there. Yesterday, I saw him eat 7 egg rolls, 2 plates of fried shrimp, fish and chicken wings and then desserts. Not a veggie in site! He weighs 330 pounds, takes 6 blood pressure meds and a host of others.

When 2 obese people marry and one has wls, it can get a bit tough. I am so scared for him. I would love for him to have a DS but he refuses. I hear him struggle to breath all night and he uses a c-pap machine. He cannot climb stairs easily or even sit with ease...I remember it all too well myself. I bought size 48 shorts for him and they are too tight. I am afraid.

You are right though. I am stunned at how much fried stuff people can eat. Their plates are piled high and they go back several times. I also used to eat way too much but I did always try to make some good choices as well.          Connie
on 5/28/11 2:05 am - Tallahassee, FL
It was tough for me to watch my DH after I had WLS. He just had WLS April 1st. He was pretty set in not having it but it took a reality check and a Dr. Telling him his sleep apnea was getting worse and he's VERY high risk for diabetes and heart disease to get him thinking about where he was with his health. He's let his pride get in the way of being healthy for so long because everything he's tried hasn't worked. I hope your hubby realizes how much you need him to be around and to be healthy! I know you don't want to lose him!
"Be present for your journey, get to know who you really are and then be your authentic self with NO apologies"
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on 5/27/11 10:35 am
I just read Red's reply. I have to add...I have seen posts from Patrick many times, I don't think he was trying to be "****ty" to coin a term, just making an observation on how it was before.   Connie
(deactivated member)
on 5/27/11 10:41 am
i've read him too & i'm good w/what i said.
it's ****ty to remind yourself of "YOUR" way of living / eating at the expense of others =  MO.

not everyone who had / has a weight problem ate at buffets ..  and who the hell would want to ?? = MO. 
Mia H.
on 5/27/11 11:18 am - OH
 Hi Patrick!  I was the same way.  I would never eat that way at home, but for some reason at Chinese buffets I was like that even after I felt full.  I will never do that again.  
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