Good Evening From Gresham!

J. Wilkinson
on 5/14/03 6:43 pm - gresham, or
Just wanted to say hello to all the Oregonians out there! I introduced myself earlier, but thought I would again. My name is Julie and I'm a 30 year old married woman of almost 11 years and mother of three rugrats. As of May 13th, I am five weeks post op from my Lap RNY. So far I have lost 37lbs and over 23 inches from my 5'1" frame. My starting weight was 294 lbs. I already notice a difference in my body, it's amazing to me. My clothes are fitting better, I can walk to my kids school without getting winded, and overall I feel lighter. I'm not having many problems now, but I do struggle with nausea on a pretty regular basis. Mornings are hard for me, and I don't want to eat, but I am trying to force myself. Food used to be such a huge issue for me and now I am having to remind myself to eat. It's so bizare to me. I have a hard time getting all my water/liquids in every day. Water tastes funny to me now, unless it is ice cold. I drink quite a bit of sugar free grape kool-aid and crystal light. I had blood work done this week and I'll find out how all my levels are next week when I see my surgeon for my second post-op appointment. I'm taking a multi vitamin, iron and calcium now. I have to go back to work next week, which should be ok. My only concern is my energy level, as I am still tired and usually take a nap every day. I'm hoping maybe I can just work like five hours a day for the first couple weeks back. If anyone wants to chat, please feel free to email me or message me on AIM/AOL. My Screenname there is Missjuies. I also use ICQ and my user # there is 110559648. I wish you all well.......good luck & God Bless!
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