Why didn't I know about the three week stall

Samantha F.
on 7/10/14 1:56 am, edited 7/10/14 1:57 am - Coden, AL
RNY on 06/09/14

How did I miss this vital piece of information? I was losing like crazy and left for camp with 100 teenagers from my church. We walked and walked and walked every day, even went white water rafting. I ate Greek yogurt almost three meals a day because the cafeteria had no options for my early post-op pouch. When I got home, I had  lost nothing in a week! The scale is inching down by .2 of a pound at a time right now and I was freaking out! I am at 4 1/2 weeks now so maybe it won't last much longer. Glad to know my body isn't some freak of nature that can't lose even after having my guts rearranged!

on 7/13/14 11:09 pm
VSG on 06/16/14

Going through the same thing right now and it sucks!!! Talk about spoiled lol

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