Steven Patching

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 with 58 ratings

Steven Patching Bariatric Surgeon M.D.,F.A.C.S.

58 Reviews for Steven Patching
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I feel that Dr. Patching is an extremely knowledgeable surgeon, and he is serious about what he does!

The office staff is friendly and efficient.

Future patients should not expect to walk in and walk out with a surgery date. Dr. Patching expects each of his patients to condition and prepare their body for this life altering, and potentially deadly surgery.

Some may think he is tough -- he does have a temper, and is easily pissed off, but I believe that he is looking out for the best interest of his patients, and I have the utmost respect for this awesome man!!

Dr. Patching expects his patients to follow discharge instructions in detail -- if you don't, he will discharge you as his patient for non-compliance -- and doesn't give you many warnings!

Dr. Patching thoroughly addressed the risks associated with this surgery.

On a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the best -- I'll rate Dr. Patching a 9 because everyone can use some room for improvement.

I believe that Dr. Patching is one of the best of the best surgeons one can find, and I am thankful that he was my surgeon!!

Dr. Patching posses both surgical competence, and exhibits a good bed side manner, both which I feel are important qualities!

The comments expressed above, are based on my personal experience with Dr. Steven C. Patching, and I am making no statements about what other people may have, or will experience.


My first impression of Dr. Patching was that he is a a "no nonsense" type of guy. He says it like it is, and even says things that you may not want to hear. Over time, I learned how much he cares. He's tough on his patients the way a parent is tough on a child....always with your best interests at heart. He has a wonderful, funny, friendly staff that I enjoy very much. They are all so willing to help, and make you feel as though you really matter. Dr. Patching's aftercare program is what I think sets him apart from the "average". In fact, he was rated as one of the top physicians for gastric bypass by Sacramento Magazine, a local publication here. He makes it very clear that he is available at any time, day or night, for questions. I was also impressed that throughout the whole pre-op process, most labs, nurses, and other physicians were familiar with his work and reputation.

He was extremely thorough in going over the risks of the surgery. He made it clear that I was about to undergo a life-changing event, and that I was to treat this very seriously. He has a wonderful sense of humor, but there's never any question when he needs to convey a very serious message.

I honestly believe that I was blessed to have the finest surgeon available to me. I'm thankful every day for his knowledge, expertise, and support.


Dr. Patching is a very caring and concerned surgeon. He wants to make sure that his patients are willing and able to adjust to the permanent lifestyle changes that are required to make WLS work. At first I didn't understand why he expects his patients to lose some weight and start an exercise program before surgery. I do now, and I appreciate his reasons. It not only prepares his patients for what they will need to do post-op, but it shows him that they are willing and able to do it. My primary care physician told me that he is a great surgeon, and I feel lucky to be in such capable hands.

He makes sure that his patients know all the risks involved. He has a structured aftercare program that continues, basically, forever.

I'm still pre-op at this point, but at this time Dr. Patching gets two thumbs up. I give him a 10.

I am now 4 days post op, and I have to add that Dr. Patching is without a doubt one of the best dr. that I've come across. I had planned to go home two days after surgery, and all was great except my pulse was too high (around 100). He wanted me to stay one more day. Although, I really wanted to be home for Christmas Eve, I knew that he wanted me to stay from expercience. That afternoon I started to experience severe chest pains. Despite being Christmas Eve, he came in to see me, and ordered several tests to rule out any complications. Fortunately, all was ok, and the pain subsided after 4 or 5 hours. I got to come home Christmas morning. Dr. Patching is great as is the staff at Sutter General Hospital. One of my nurses told me that Dr. Patching gives them in-service training for post-op WLS patients. That was great to know.


When I met Dr. Patching, his genuine concern and intelligence came accross immediately. I sensed that he doesn't have that fear of fat, or fat hatred you pick up on from many people. I've also heard good things about him. He's done a lot of this surgery and not lost a patient yet. He is direct and honest, which I really appreciate. Every time I'm in his office I talk with people who have had the surgery. I have only heard good things so far. I think I'll be in good hands.


Dr. Patching was very patient at first appt in October. At 2nd appointment (01/04/01) he cancelled by 1/31 surgery date because I didn't change my eating and start exercising. I was crying, very upset. He only wanted me to lose 7 pounds and return in a month, but exercise at least 5 days a week. His request was for my benefit, to prepare me for surgery, but such is the nature of obesity I felt I couldn't do "one more diet" even for a short time, nor could I resort to diet pills, even "just one more time." So I refused and scheduled a consultation with a surgeon in SF. A miracle happened then. My surgeon called me on 01/08 and we talked and I was rescheduled and will be in even a week earlier (01/24). I am eating healthy and exercising even though my time is short! I am so happy, and love this man!!!

10/21/03 - By the way, I never went back and added that I DID end up losing weight prior to the surgery, about 21-23 pounds which of course was mainly water weight, but I was able to do that "last diet" afterall. After the surgery I completely understood why Dr. Patching required what he did of me... All I can do is say thank you to him, and I LOVE HIM!!! :)


Dr. Patching was wonderful. I felt comfortable with him immedietly. He explained everything in detail, and in terms that I could easily understand. He is straightforward and lets you know exactly what his expectations are. He wants you to understand the life long changes you will be making and stresses the importance of exercise. Everything he said rang true and sounded right to me. I have heard nothing but good and positive things about him from others as well. I am scheduled for surgery in a couple of weeks. I'm sorry, but I just don't have anything negative to say at this point.


He was very positive
It didn't he Rocks!
Friendly and very caring
I didn't really like anything least about him
He is strong willed and things are done his way
very strong in post op care with a strong program
he covered all the risks several times and met w/ my husband and covered them with him
I think he is a great MD, he thinks about his patients well being and has a genuine concern for their success
I would have said surgical competence is better but I had a mix up at the hospital and he really went to bat for me. He is upbeat and positive
The reason I didn't say anything negative is that none of the negaitve things I experienced were due to Dr. Patching. I did have negative experiences but they were more hospital and complication related.


Initially, I didn't know what to think of Dr. Patching. My Primary Care Physician had told me that if he ever had to make such a serious decision in life, he wouldn't take any chances, he would insist on having the absolutely best surgeon possible. That is when he recommended that, only if I was thoroughly prepared to accept the life changes involved, I call Dr. Steven Patching. I waited two more months before contacting the office. My first visit was January 7th. It was a scheduled group consultation. I was surprised that I left without knowing any more about a specific surgery date. But, in the doctors defense, I must say that he was very clear on making sure we (his future patients) realized that he would in no way guarantee a surgery. Dr. Patching is a true professional. He will not operate on everyone, and he must be as certain as humanly possible that his patients are prepared, as well as good candidates for bariatric surgery.
I just had my second appointment, the one-on-one, on February 14th. Dr. Patching really took his time in answering all of my questions, and explained to me what I could expect from the surgery. No matter how I anxious I may be at this point, I don't have a surgery date. I have another appointment scheduled for April 1st. The doctor informed me that we will discuss a date at this appointment. In the meantime, I have a sleep study and a consultation with a dietician scheduled. I have been asked to modify my diet and come to my next appointment 10-15 pounds lighter.
At first, I really wanted to go to another surgeon, because I really wanted my surgery NOW. At this time, I have the utmost repect for Dr. Patching. The route that we are taking is going to help insure that I have the best possible chance for a successful surgery and recovery.
The office staff is friendly (Tara is so ready to answer questions) and Dr. Patching has a very good bedside manner. According to my physician (whose very family consists of former patients of Dr. Patching)and other former patients, this is a man that will stand by you long after the surgery is over. This was such an important aspect of his professional skills. I would have run to another country to have the surgery, if I could have it tomorrow. Then, I realized, what "IF" something goes wrong? I want someone who is willing to take care of me longterm if necessary. I am comforted that Dr. Patching is my man.

April 1, 2003- Had my third appointment with Dr. Patching and am still very pleased with my choice in surgeons. He acted like he had all the time in the world to spend with my husband and I. We didn't at any point feel rushed. He was very clear in explaining the risks involved and the common and rare complications that can occur as a result of the surgery (roux-en-y)that I will be having.
He was very comfortable discussing issues that have arisen with former/present patients, and also comfortable with quoting his own stats. They couldn't be more impressive, I might add. 300 bariatric surgeries and no loss of life. He specializes in lap surgery and I hear from other doctors that his record in other areas is just as impressive. I left this appointment being told I was ready to schedule. Now the office will contact my insurance (United Healthcare)to find out exactly what will be covered. I was told that Christy would give me a call in a day or two to pick out the actual date. Can't wait!
Future patients should be aware that this Dr. does not mess around. He in no way offers lip service-what you see is what you get. Although Dr. Patching doesn't kid about the important stuff, he does have an excellent sense of humor and is very down to Earth. He's the kind of man that makes you wish he was available as a primary care physician-extremely likeable.


Dr. Patching is a real professional. He requires his patients to begin losing weight prior to the surgery to "jump start" the weight loss process and also to boost your self-esteem. At first I didn't understand and was frustrated, but I now I realize how smart he is. I had little pain after the operation and found it really easy to get up and walk that afternoon because of all the walking Dr. Patching had me do before the op. Also, I have not found the reduced food intake to be harsh because he had me on restricted calorie intake prior to the operation and so I had a chance to get accustomed to lower calories. I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Patching and his staff.


He was very warm and down to earth.

I liked him even more with each visit.

Very kind.

Sometimes it was hard getting through to a real person.

That he is a stickler for exercise, no excuses.

Its a must.

Yes, with Dr. Tom Hopkins.

He put it very bluntly that it is a very big surgery and serious, and not to be taken lightly.

I would give him a 10.

Surgical Competence for sure but both would be wonderful.

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