I cannot believe that I am now 3 months post op.  It took me two years to get to this point.  After the initial consult and seminar, I got my preapprovals, psych evaluations and hit a brick wall.  I got a new job and new I could not take time off from work for a year. Meanwhile the weight kept piling on until I got to a 55.5 BMI.  So I dragged my heels for a while.  Then I found out my insurance required a 6 month supervised diet.  OK  started that with my doctor and got to month 6 only to discover he had not kept good enough records every month so had to start all over again!  

Finally got my 6 month diet done.  Then I herniated 2 discs in my neck and took 3 months FMLA leave.  So much for time off for WLS surgery.  I waited a few months and then submitted my papers for approval.  I had to get another round of cardiac clearance, a clearance from my pulmonologist and then they discovered that I was 4 units short of blood!  This almost delayed my surgery.  So after 2 eight hour days of getting blood and many talks with my surgeon's office I finally got the "go" approval two days before my surgery was scheduled.  I had already been doing my liquid diet and was so psyched I did not want to cancel at that point. 

I was so psyched for this surgery.  I was like a kid at Christmas.  I could not sleep the night before surgery.  I got to the hospital April 7 to check in and when they weighed me I found out I lost 40 pounds on my preop diet!  I had to get on the scales twice to believe that one!  I had surgery on Monday.  It lasted only 2 hours.  1 hour preparation and 1 hour for the actual surgery.  When I woke up in recovery I could not believe the pain!  Finally it subsided after they loaded me with pain meds, wrapped me in a binder and gave me a pillow to hug.  I was up and walking later that day.  

My neck was killing me and I wondered how they had me positioned during surgery.  It was only a few days later that I discovered the more I walked the less my neck hurt that I realize the gas had settled in my neck and was causing it to hurt! 

I left the hospital on the morning of the third day.  I went to my sisters house.  She only lives 30 minutes from my surgeon where I live 1 1/2 hours away.  I stayed there a few days.  One of my great nieces really pulled my heart strings when I arrived at my sister's house.  When I sat down, she came and covered me with her favorite blankie!  She is 4 years old.  Maggie also loved helping me eat my jello.  I had found 1 ounce containers and my sister had made jello in them.  Maggie had 4 containers to every 1 I struggled to get down.  My sister had a hard time keeping jello made!  

I came home 6 days after surgery.  I was so glad to be home.  I could not wait to sleep in my own bed!  It was good to see my babies (cats).  But I did not realize just how much it hurt to bend over and cleaning litter boxes was a huge challenge!  So was getting food bowls filled and placing them on the floor.  A chair in the kitchen has become my best friend.  

I have done extremely well since surgery.  Only one minor complication.  My largest incision got a seroma (fluid pocket) under it 5 days after surgery.  That incision leaked for 6 weeks before it closed up.  Such a nusciance.  So far I have not dumped.  My surgeon is really strict so I think that is part of it.  I am still on pretty bland foods ... cottage cheese, yogurt, soyburgers, shrimp, mushed veggies, soup, beans, canned fruits, deli meats and sf popsicles which I cannot live without. I have been really good and not tested the waters.  So far so good. 

About Me
La Salle, IL
Surgery Date
Apr 01, 2006
Member Since

Friends 94

Latest Blog 5
6 months out
August 23, 2008
My first century card. A proud moment.
August 6 2008
June 7, 2008 update
