chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

I'm thinking of starting Yoga at a local studio a couple of mornings a week soon. My question is: at what weight will I be comfortable doing the poses, etc?

I'm currently at 225, I was thinking when I'm around 200, I will have lost enough (75#)

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

Well I'm sitting at the car dealership waiting on the rental company so thought I would start this today. Hope everything's ok Kristen! 

Qotd: what kind of car do you drive? Mine is a mom-mobile. Chrysler T&C complete with DVD players for those

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

So after my "feel sorry for myself" fest yesterday, I was in the bathroom at work earlier and noticed a difference. Not like "Damn girl, you could be a super-model", but a real difference in the way I looked. I still have the fat roll around the middle

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

Today marks 4 weeks since my RNY. I have had a model recovery, no real issues and am feeling great. 

My weight loss since surgery as of this morning is 16 pounds. That's an average of 4 pounds per week. So why do I feel disappointed? I never co

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

im going to have to make a trip to Haiti this upcoming week/weekend for the funeral of my son's mother. Let me start by saying that the trip is non-negotiable for me. I will be going.

Im currently in the mushy stage but pre-meat for food. I'm t

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

so you all know I had surgery 5/2, am one week out. My pain is basically gone except for some random abdominal pain in the evenings when I lie down, that I attribute to muscles healing, etc. 

right now im eating 3 meals per day and no snacks, w

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years ago

i have the bariatric advantage chewable vits with iron. It is ALL I can do to get these down in the mornings. Yesterday I tried to suck on them like sweet tarts. This morning I bit the bullet and just chewed them up. Is there a reason that chewable is

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 1 month ago

so let me start by saying I know this is crazy talk. But I have this fear that if I turn a certain way or twist that I will rip apart my small intestine from my pouch. My whole middle is pretty tight today, not so much pain anymore (surgery was on Mon)

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 1 month ago
Surgery was this morning. I have been sicker than the proverbial dog all day because apparently anesthesia didn't listen to my request for no anesthetic gas. Feeling much better tonight, walking and sitting up in a chair. But no Fluids for me right now, t

chassibi uploaded 4 photos 8 years, 1 month ago

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 1 month ago

Good morning! AV is MIA and I have a ton to get done today, so I'm starting this off.

Surgery is 5/2, I have my PATS apt in the morning.

Started the protein shakes this weekend, is going pretty well, I was "starving" the first day, but

chassibi uploaded 3 photos 8 years, 1 month ago

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 2 months ago

Well most of you regulars know my story about the Center for Excellence where I have to have my surgery being booked up until June. Going right along with that story is: I hate my job. It's a good job, and is easy enough. Not a bad commute and I get pa

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

So the surgery scheduler called yesterday with bad news. Apparently my surgeon has had an increase in the number of RNYs come through. The demand is far outpacing the OR "supply" as he operates at 1 hospital.

Long story short: my surgery is sch

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

I've been approved! BCBS said surgery was 4/18. My surgeon's office hasn't called yet, so I will wait on that to confirm, but I've put my sick leave request in the computer for work! Yay! 

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 3 months ago

So I called my insurance company yesterday because I am type A like that. (Last supervised wgt loss apt was Mon 2/15) to see if I had been approved. They said they hadn't received the paperwork from the surgeon!


I then called my surge

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 4 months ago

So, I'm not telling everyone about having surgery, but I am fairly open and am telling family and close friends and co-workers. My mother started on me last night, (she's a nurse), said she had cared for a patient who had RNY 22 years ago and since has

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 7 months ago

 I saw a picture of myself a couple of weeks ago at my Mom's house (and was posted to FB) and then I knew. I had known for a bit that my weight had spiraled out of control, could no longer "reach certain parts" to wash easily, was easily winded, diffic

chassibi has a new goal: lose 120 pounds 8 years, 7 months ago
By eating healthy foods, smaller portions and adding exercise to my daily activities.

chassibi posted a discussion topic 8 years, 7 months ago

I've been reading for a bit now and wanted to pose a question about a "revision surgery". I had lap band surgery in 2011, lost around 80 pounds, was massively sick for a year and a half with vomiting, reflux, etc and had a slip in 2013 which necessitat

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Nov 02, 2015
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