betterfitness 20 years, 9 months ago

Pam, read your note today, I wish you luck in this journey. However, I would just like to mention this just for your information. I think family should be told, but family is not always supportive either. I really do not want to put a damper on this for you, but just wanted you to be realistic. Maybe your family will be supportive, but my parents and brother were not at all in my case. May God Bless you and I hope that all goes well for you. Janice

MommaAngel 21 years, 8 months ago

HI PAM I just want you to know that I am praying that you will have a quick and smooth recovery to the losing side.LORD BLESS

pam C. 22 years ago

Saw my PCP on Tues, 5/7/02. After much preparation, taking a packet of information on Bariatric Surgery (at the suggestion of, a pleading letter to her for a referral to a surgeon, and my red-faced, quaking stuttering and crying overture, she responded without even blinking, "I won't say no, what made you think I would?" Got referral to Orthopedic Surgeon at the same time for terribly painful knees (her x-rays showed spurs). I try to strategize this thing the best I can, so I guess I'll see the Ortho. man, hear what he has to say, and try to be composed enough to ask him if he'd help with a letter of referral. I'm waiting, not only to ask him about the letter, but to include whatever the diagnosis of my knees are with my packet to Ins. Carrier. He's not known for his sweet bedside manner (I'm seeing him now for a shoulder problem he says isn't weight-related); moreover, he's a trim, and very disciplined-looking man - I just can already feel his mouth forming the "No" word. One thing I'm not on real sure ground about - I've written an all-inclusive Letter of Medical Necessity, which my PCP will sign off on prior to my including it in my packet to my Ins Company, in which I make reference to many co-morbid conditions that required Dr. visits over the years. I'll include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of all MD's, Specialists, etc, but should I personally attempt with each one to go to get the record of whatever I've referrenced, or will Health Select Plus just get my Medical Chart, themselves to verify everything? I'm sure it would expedite everything for me to do the legwork, NO? But if they're just goint to look at my record anyway, would I just be going in a hundred more circles than I already am????.......And believe me, I am driving myself so hard on this thing, actually working myself into a manic swirling whirl, that I'm beginning to get exhausted. I go to sleep at night, thinking and straining about whatever else I could or should be doing, any avenues I might have missed, feeling so much pressure of putting the case together myself, that I have wave after wave of butterflies, muscle tightness, and, consequently, sleeplessness. The latter is taking a toll, but I don't want to relax - this process is protracted enough, and I am anticipating an immediate and big, fat denial. I hope I'll be as pleasantly surprised at the rest of this process as I was with my PCP, but, I know better. I might as well be putting a legal brief together, it couldn't be much more intricate. More later, if I survive the nervous exhaustion of this effort. Pam Cerda

Sharon Neva 22 years ago

PAM~~May you always have an Angel by your side. Watching out for you in all the things you do. Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days. Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true. Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun. Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide. May you always have love and comfort and courage. May you always have an Angel by your side. Someone there to catch you if you fall, Encouraging your dreams, Inspiring your happiness, Holding your hand and helping you through it all.

pam C. 22 years ago

Wonders of wonders - saw my PCP today, and I realize I hadn't given her enough credit. She granted referral without blinking an eye, and seemed suprised I'd even ever have doubted she wouldn't. X-rayed my knees, and told my they're knee replacements waiting to happen, did blood work, and got me a referral to an Orthopedic group. Now comes the next hurdles with getting letters from Specialists. My Orthopedic surgeon is curt, and borderline bad bedside - I could care less, as long as he's brilliant medically, but do hope his disposition won't predispose him to a "No" mode. A Rep. of Health Select Plus (same as HMO Blue, I've found out), said she doesn't think I need a Psych eval. or a dietary one, either. Says maybe to use those on appeal. Undoubtedly I'll be denied, due to Exclusion, but will stay the course, it's the course itself that's confusing, what and whom. Obesity has been a Godsend of direction. Spent last week composing Letter of Medical Necessity, and all weekend typing it - still finding ways to amend it, however. Took the draft to my PCP, just to show her what I'll eventually ask her to sign off on, and/or augment. I've had myself in a knot working on this day and night, twisting my muscles and keeping myself awake at night, as I strain to think of all the angles to get this approved. Have myself exhausted and manic, but will "press through" until every person connected has told me "no!" at least 50 times. Thanks, Pam Cerda
About Me
pflugerville, tx
Apr 20, 2002
Member Since
