1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 4 years, 3 months ago

Hello All

I am trying to write up my appeal letter in regards to my surgery being denied for coverage. Is anyone willing to share their letters of appeal with me?

I was denied because my skin doesn't hang low enough, however I have had

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 5 years, 1 month ago

Questions for the runners in this group.

What do you use for electrolytes?

Does anyone use NUUN?

What are your eating habits while training?

I am startung to struggle with caloric intake versus caloric burn while on my l

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 1 month ago

Hello everyone

I am writing this updste feom the comfort of my lazy boy!!

I had my roux en y on Tuesday in Kingston Ontario.

Recovery was rough for me, i had a really hard time coming out of the anestheic but the recovery room s

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 2 months ago

Today i start my three weeks of opti fast!

Surgery on April 17th!!!

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 2 months ago

A couple question for those post op...

In general what food do you miss the most since

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 2 months ago

Let me start this by saying I have not had surgery yet, it is scheduled for April 17th!!

Most people drink coffee, I have never had a sip of it in my 38 years of life, I drink (or should I say drank diet coke) At one point I was drinking 12+

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

Met with my surgeon this morning, Dr Zevin at Hotel Dieu in Kingston, ON. All is well, I start Optifast on March 27th with surgery scheduled for April 17th.

Can't wait!!!

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

I had my pre-surgical class this morning and I meet the surgeon on Friday! If things follow the same time line as my husband, i should be having surgery at the end of March!!

Hubby had surgery Feb 13th and is doing fabulous! He is down almost

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

My husband finds the premiere shakes way too sweet, does anyone have an alternate suggestion? He is two weeks post op.

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 3 months ago

Both my husband and I are having the surgery. His is today!! They just took him into the OR! He lost roughly 20lbs after 3 weeks of Optifast. I am not so patiently waiting for him!

I am just waiting on my pre-surgery class, which should h

1979bigmama posted a discussion topic 6 years, 4 months ago

Hello All

I am from Kingston and am waiting not so patiently for surgery!!

I am waiting on my sleep clinic results (getting them tomorrow) then I am to call Catherine at the clinic and will figure out my next step whether it be more apn

Kathy S. wrote 6 years, 4 months ago
Welcome to ObesityHelp! We are glad that you have joined our OH community. Be sure and check out the tutorial that appears when you log in. As you check out OH, you'll see many features and tools that are created for our members as you embark on your WLS journey. We suggest you upload your avatar, fill in your surgery type, date and surgeon. If you have not done so, let us get to know you by adding some information on your profile "about me" section. Hang out on your surgery type forum to interact with those that had the surgery you are going to have. Great support and information. If you want assistance with finding a surgeon, and or have any additional questions please email us at [email protected]. Regards, Kathy ObesityHelp Community Services 866-957-4636 Ext 393
About Me
Jan 06, 2018
Member Since
