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Monday, May 6, 2024

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/6/24 4:45 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Back home! I should have slept better but was restless. It is going to be summer hot this week with temperatures in the high 80s/90. But this morning it is just nice and warm and feels calm looking out at our little marina.

So the tirzepatide was really affecting my appetite yesterday! I had to force myself to eat what I did to get enough protein/calories. I absolutely did not want to touch the pizza that DH and his friend split and the cake pop that DH had brought home from the wedding made me have the ewww that DD did about the thought of donuts yesterday. This is my last week on the lowest dose so I don't know why it kicked in so much but maybe one's body has to have some time for it to get constant?

Just a musing thought: when I dieted in my young days all I was concerned about was minimizing calories. I remember one diet when all I ate was broccoli and barely cleared 400 calories a day. I credit WW and especially the nutritionist I saw during the WLS process for raising my awareness of the importance of a healthy diet even when losing weight. My mother was actually quite conscious of making nutritious meals in her good days (before alcoholism set in), but though I followed her lead in cooking for my family I wasn't always so good about paying attention to myself.

Today is turnover day: DH's friend to the airport at 10:30, sheets and towels in the wash and reinstalled by end of day. Next couple arrives tomorrow.

Have a munificent Monday!

on 5/6/24 9:08 am
VSG on 08/14/14

Liz, I've been lurking here lately to learn more about the GLP-1 drugs. I'm also following the Reddit semaglutide conversations.

I've learned that these drugs have a half-life, e.g., semaglutide has a half life of 7 days. That means that over 5-6 weeks the weekly injection of the same amount of drug results in an increasing concentration of the drug that's building in your body. So it's not surprising that even though you're injecting the same amount of drug each week the effects you are feeling could be mounting.

FYI, here's an online plotter that allows you to graph all this out for yourself. You can personalize it with the drug you're taking, its strength, and the frequency of your injections.


ANN 5'5", AGE 74, HW 235.6 (BMI 39.2), SW 216, GW 150, CW 132, BMI 22

POUNDS LOST: Pre-op -20, M1 -10, M2 -11, M3 -10, M4 -10, M5 -7, M6 -5, M7 -6, M8 -4, M9 -4,
NEXT 10 MOS. -12, TOTAL -100 LBS.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/6/24 10:06 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Thanks for that link! It does help to explain why it is working so much better right now. I just had to force myself to eat one hard boiled egg with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.

on 5/6/24 11:08 am

I think even while more of the drug is present in your body over time, at the same time you build up a tolerance to it. That's why each dose tends to stop working over time and new increased doses can reignite side effects. There are trials ongoing for 2 additional doses of Zepbound as those who have maxed out on the available doses report a return of "food noise" and desire to overeat.

I was reading yesterday about a guy who is in the trial for retatrutide - also by Eli Lilly. Semaglutide targets one glp-1 receptor, Tirzepatide targets the glp-1 receptor and a gip receptor, Retatrutide targets the first two plus glucagon receptors. His wife is on Zepbound. He suggested that retatrutide will blow semaglutide and tirzepatide out of the water once it's released around 2026.

No wind today. Yesterday's blew a pound back onto me!

Today I have tidying to do. And my hands are a mess, so I need to do a little manicuring.

I think that's all! Take care!

on 5/6/24 11:14 am

167.8 bouncing back and forth between this and 168.- time to hop off this pogo stick.

Agree with you, Liz, calories found in well made food choices are just as necessary to healthy and weight loss. When I forget to get my fluids and don't eat well (too many or too few calories),. I go nowhere fast.

with all the fine weather reports from yesterday (lucky youzall), we were drizzled out. Swann didn't get much playtime, so DH and I took turns caving into his demands for tugging, fetching, keep away, and "bite-y-face" rumblings.

No sun, but no rain, and a rather constant breeze has dried things up a bit, so I'm off to wear the mutt's socks off and encourage a bit of brain exercise (search and find hidden treats in the fell timber and limb piles).

Find some fun and do some good today!

on 5/6/24 12:08 pm

I spent some time yesterday making the switch to Orderly Meds. I will be starting the tirzepatide compound this week. Looks like I have to start at the lowest dose. I had thought I would be able to take a similar dose to start. I have a message in to Orderly to find out my initial dosing level. I like so far how they operate. The pharmacy they use is a 503A. The reviews of the meds are fantastic. I read a lot on the website CC posted for us. I so appreciate all the work the woman did researching and then writing up her findings! It's really overwhelming when you get into the niggly stuff of this med and how to go when you can't use insurance to cover the cost. I am hoping that by the time I hit medicare age, these meds will be covered. Wishful thinking perhaps, but I am hoping.

Scale held steady today. I had a hard time with protein yesterday. I didn't want it. All I wanted was easily digestible carbs. So not the norm for me. I'm usually all about the protein. Today seems better.

I gave Molly Carprofen yesterday. That fixed her limping, so that is one issue resolved. Jiffy is at the vet with Ron as I type. She most certainly has a broken toe. UGH... just got off the phone with the vet tech. They want to sedate her for the xray. I said no. Completely unnecessary. Wish my regular vet was in the office today. Sigh....

Today I had the final observation of my career! whoo hoo... Admin smiled through the entire lesson. Though she won't praise my work (because that's just who she is...), I should get a "satisfactory" and be done with the process.

I love Liz's Munificent Monday, so I wish you all the same!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 5/6/24 12:47 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Weird that you have to start over and not move to something comparable? Is it cheaper than HenryMeds?

on 5/6/24 2:07 pm

For the tirzepatide, yes, Orderly is somewhat cheaper than Henry Meds - roughly $50 per month. For me it doesn't really matter because I can't get the tirzepatide from HenryMeds.

on 5/6/24 8:15 pm

Heal well, Jiffy; and, while you are cuddling with patient, don't forget the lullaby and storytelling.

on 5/6/24 8:38 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Very quick post: just got an email, our negotiation team says they've reached a tentative agreement with the district, and it is an agreement they are confident about. They will present it to us in a meeting on Wednesday, and we will vote Monday/Tuesday. So, so relieved.
