Better late than never... celebrating 10 years

Jennifer K.
on 10/31/16 7:18 am - Phoenix , AZ

In June I hit 10 years out from WLS. I try and log on and post at least once a year so "newbies" know there are us old timers out here still going strong. :-)

I have maintained my weight loss, my blood work/labs are always great (I go yearly!), I had a bone density (osteopenia runs in the family) which came back excellent and I am happy living life! I love being active and getting outside, love yoga, walking, hiking, taking the dog to the dog park etc. I pretty much eat "normal"... my portion size overall is still on the smaller side but nothing anybody questions. I stick to eating healthy and try to stay away from processed foods and focus on making foods from scratch instead of store bought. I still love pizza and eat it weekly and enjoy myself at holidays/vacation etc :-)

I still have one pair of pre-WLS jeans that I will look at now and then.. as well as a few pictures I keep with them. It is so strange to look back because that doesn't feel like it was me... the person I was and the person I am now are completely different.

To those of you in the pre-WLS process, those of you post-WLS working on reaching your goal and anybody struggling just know you can do it, its not easy but in the long run it is worth it. You HAVE to put in the work to make it a success... your surgery is only a tool, the rest is up to you.

I look forward to another 10 healthy and happy years!

First visit to surgeon - 288 ~ bmi 45.1
2 week pre-op 252 ~ bmi 39.5
Total lost - 153 Since surgery - 117!
Goal weight - 155 (mine) 180 (surgeons)
Current weight - 135 (2020 I lost 10lbs due to dedicating myself to working out more and being in better shape)

Extended TT, lipo, fat injections - 11/2011

BA/BL/Arm Lift - 7/2014

Scar revision on arms - 3/2015

HALO laser on arms/neck 9/2016

Thigh lift 10/2020

on 11/17/16 8:52 am - MO

Congrats and keep up the good work.




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