Will my doctor's penmanship in medical records will hinder the approval process.

What do you do if you've gone through the trouble of getting copied of your medical records to submit to the insurance companies and the doctors pemanship is SO bad you can barely ..if atall make out what was written? How can an insurance company make decisions about any procedure etc.. being submitted for approval when it's almost impossible to read it, let alone comprehend what's there on the page about the patient? Has anyone had this experience where you got a look at your records and could barely make heads or tails out of it?    — kathleen-Joan piper (posted on March 13, 2003)

March 13, 2003
I can assure you insurance companies deal with Drs writing everyday and with experience become very good at reading what a layperson my think is scribling. Also .. I feel sure that if they cannot fully make out such writing they would contact your physician to confirm any uncertainties. I realize when one is on the receiving end of a service such as insurance he/she may believe they(the insurance company) wants to be uncooperative. Actually they are just real people on the other end performing a job duty just as most people do day to day. They have rules, standards, and procedures that we may not always understand. It's just how the system works. I realize it doesnt always seem fair when we are on the receiving end, especially when you call customer service and get some crabby person on the other end of the phone with an attitude. We just have to realize that is just one person with poor communication skills and probably poor self esteem themselves. It does not represent the company and it's purpose. How this may help ease your fears a little. Hang in there. And if you really have any questions about anything .. Ask you Dr or insurance. After all. They really are service positions. Even though they may seem superior somehow. It is only a level we have placed them upon. Without us .. There would be no need for them. Never forget that. Just remember you can usually get the most accomplished while being persistant, yet reasonably patient, and polite. Very much luck to you.
   — Sarah H.

March 13, 2003
I never even saw my Doctors writing. The letter he sent to my insurance was typed and and signed by him. The info he sent to the surgeon was a letter from my psychologist, nutrionist, sleep study results and a letter from him regarding this surgery being a medical necessity. I'm not sure if all doctors type it out, but I'd think it would seem pretty normal as the whole approval/insurance thing is pretty serious. Good Luck!
   — J. Wilkinson

March 13, 2003
I work in the Medical Records department of a hospital and trust me, they will more than likely be able to read it. They do this all day every day. It's amazing what you can decipher when you have to look at that kind of chicken-scratching every day. And if there is something they can read, they won't hesitate to contact the doctor in question.
   — Carolyn I.

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