Are there people out there that regret getting the RNY done? If so why?

   — trinity P. (posted on January 14, 2009)

January 14, 2009
I did in the beginning. It's now been 5-1/2 months and I'm happy now that I did it and have been losing weight consistently each week. At first, my thought was "what did I do to myself". Did I really just have surgery in order to lose weight? Did I really just mutilate my body and possibly put myslef into a situation where I could potentially be worse off than I was? I mean, it's not like a diet that you can go off of for a special occasion, it's life changing. But it was what I needed to do for myself to make myself happier, healthier and, in the long run, around for many more years. True, I can't eat whatever I want or as much as I used to but I also find that I don't really want to. I still hate exercising and maybe that won't ever change, but I do it. All in all, it was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I am so worth it!
   — dnefews

January 14, 2009
No Regrets. 5 1/2 years post op.
   — Carlyn M.

January 14, 2009
I am 1 1/2 years out and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I am off all meds and feel great. I love shopping for clothes now and looking like I feel. You have to change things but in the long run you will be glad you did it I bet. It takes alittle work but the end results are so worth it. Good luck and stick with it.
   — 0204

January 14, 2009
I am almost five months out and I still sometimes feel regret that I had to have this RNY because I miss being able to eat "normal". I was never a big eater, tended to graze so didn't really gain any weight until I was about fifty so change was hard when I had the RNY at age 60 after gaining 90 pounds (and losing it twice and regaining it!) But I really did not have a choice as I was having trouble breathing and walking which I now don't have any trouble. Regrets are easy; living with something is a bit harder! Mostly I miss being able to take a big long drink of coke! (Smile.)
   — nofrogs29

January 14, 2009
No regrets was 4yrs post op as of 1/13 only wish I had done it sooner 140lbs lost and holding
   — Lil' Booty

January 14, 2009
I had ryn Dec 11 and regrete it with every fiber of my being. I ii knew what i was getting into but i was so wrong. I hope i feel different over time but i cant imagine i will. Life will never be the same and i just want to be normal again. They say you need to eat to live not live to eat. well after surgery you are living to eat because your life revolves around when you can eat and when you can drink. its like thats all you do is figure out when and what to eat next. i had some complications after surgery and they thought they would have to operate again and i begged them to reverse it and they said they cant. Really really be sure this is what you want. There is no going back and it is very hard. sorry to be a party pooper but it was the biggest mistake i ever made and i dont recommed it for anyone. i hope after time i feel differently about it.
   — pinky_711

January 14, 2009
I hope that people who are basing their regrets on the first few months will be much happier after the first year. I believe they will have 180 degree change...The first year is very stresful and very hard...The chages are enormous...And there's pain...and waiting...and frustration...and learning to eat without hurting yourself...or gaining...And some very unfortunate people do get some complications...and some get problems that regular people get too WITHOUT having having their gallbladder removed being common for both WLS and NON WLS! It really takes a year to be able to make a judgement so please take those who are not at least a year out into consideration...They are right in that it is NOT easy...Regrets? Only once right after surgery and they told me to get up and walk. I thought they lost their damn minds! OUCH!!!! I wondered if it was a mistake because of all the pain... No regrets...these have been the best, happiest, healthiest 5 years of my adult life! PS:'s still hard but worth it!
   — .Anita R.

January 14, 2009
Trinity, you are not feeling anything that most post-ops don't also feel. Relax, breathe, nap, read a little, think positive thoughts. Within a relatively short time, you'll be eating pretty much anything you WANT to eat, but very small portions. Remember when we ate tons, even when our brains tried to tell us we really had had enough? Now you will have a tool that will help you. You will eat small, well-chewed bites of good food, enjoying each bite more than you ever knew you would, and you'll get full quickly after eating just a little. It's not a stroll in the park, but it so worth the walk. You are now on a journey for good health for the rest of your life. Hope I can be of some comfort to you. (Mar. 2008 surgery; 90+ lbs. gone so far; 10 to go.) Betty St.
   — Great2BThin

January 14, 2009
No regrets at all! it was tough at first, but has gotten a lot eaiser. I had my by-pass surgery on Oct 17, 2008 so far i have lost 55 lbs! off my Diabetic, high blood presure and cholesteral meds. I also walk and feel better! so it was well worth it! if I can do it anybody can. look at the big picture.

January 14, 2009
Some people do but it passes. The idea is to lose some weight quickly. Not all the weight though. Food programs and exercise are also an essential part of this too. Let us know if you are having problems. vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 14, 2009
I am 8.5 months post-op! I HAD to do something or die trying. I had two hernias repaired at the same time so I think that it was a little harder at the beginning than others might have had. I have lost 114 pounds and now weigh 113 pounds! It is a miracle. My regret is that I didn't do it sooner. I will be 60 years young next month!
   — RenaMansi

January 14, 2009
My RNY was 8/28. There are days when I get tired of trying to plan food around my crazy schedule. However, with that in mind. I no longer take my reflux meds, I went from not being able to walk to the mailbox without being out of breath to walking 3 miles and feeling great. I do have some complications with sinus issues and joint pain but I wouldn't go back even if I could. Down 70 pounds and love feeling healther.
   — phyllismmay

January 14, 2009
I dont have any regrets,If I had it to do all over again I would not hestitate, but I just wish I could start loosing again. When i went to my support group I was told that I I was not really a big girl from the beginning, then this is why the weight is slow. Hell I have been on the slow bus for months now and I really hate. I just want to reach my goal so I can focus on the big picture LIVING. PLEASE HELP JENNIE
   — zydeko47

January 14, 2009
ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS - and I feel bad when I read about anyone who is sorry that they had the surgery. As sorry as you may feel at this moment, think of how you felt before the surgery. At least now you know there is "light at the end of the tunnel" I had my surgery 8-16-07 and although it was a little rough in the beginning I do not regret it for a second. I have been happier and healthier in this past year then in my entire life. I love the new me its been an absolutely amazing journey. Good Luck to everyone and hang in there.
   — Kimba523

January 14, 2009
Trinity, I to had regrets the 1st month or so. But after that the pain was gone and all co-morbities were gone also. NO MORE DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH CHLOSTEROL, OR SLEEP APNEA. My surgery was 10/30/2006 and 257 pounds are gone forever. Only wish I had done this years ago now. It feels good to be healthy for once in my life. Hang in there it will get better and you also will be very pleased with the results.
   — sparkle8062

January 14, 2009
Trinity, thank you for your question. When I woke up from surgery almost 5 years ago I thought to myself "What did I just do to myself?" I was surprised by that thought honestly because I was as prepared as I could possibly be. I went to every meeting I could for 9 months, I had done research most people dream of, I had taken on the big boy insurance companies, and won some battles and lost others. I knew I could die, and I knew it could be very successful. I had prayed consistently and believed to have peace from God, whom I serve on the issue and the loving support of my family. Under all the medications of when I first woke up, that is what I remember. It is the only time I can recall regret. I lost over 100 pounds and have been able to keep it off. I work pretty hard at it. Weight loss is always about diet and exercise. The tool helps, but if you ignore the facts of diet, water and exercise, then the tool eventually becomes the enemy. There is a man as a contestent on the Biggest Loser that had the rny. He is over 400 pounds again. You can cheat yourself into obesity no matter what you do. If you take on the challenges to lose the weight, and some have nothing to do with food. The mind games are the worst for me. but if you take then on, you can suceed and be thankful for the tool God gives you for the rest of your life. I am thankful for my tool, and I hope I don't take advantage of it and go backwards ever. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 14, 2009
I think everyone doubts their decision in the first few weeks to a month. And those with complications may regret it for a while longer until the complications are worked out. I was lucky and had no complications, but the first few weeks were horrible. I hated my decision. I am now 5 months out and think it was the best thing I ever did!!! I will admit, once in a while when we have group meals out, and everyone is eating food like there is no tomorrow, I still get a twinge of regret, but it passes pretty quickly when I look at myself!
   — Ursie77

January 14, 2009
I am 20 months post op and it was one of the best decision's I have ever made in my life. I went from 224 to 128, this is a life altering decision that you must make and I am glad that I made this decision. I am asked over and over again if I have regrets I always say NO, and my doctor asked if given the chance again would I have done it, I said DEFINETLY without a doubt. Everyone has different opinions and it is great to listen to those opinions but at the end of the day you have to do what's right (best) for you because you and only you have to live your life.....make it a great one you only have one shot at it...I wish you nothing but the best of luck
   — crlindfw

January 15, 2009
At just 3 mths out, with more than 1/3 of what I need to lose gone... I have brief flashes of "I wish I could still eat that." That's about it, they pass as soon as I think about how good I already look-- how low my blood pressure is. I have SO much more energy and I wonder how I ever used to make it through the work day. I only truly regret not doing it sooner!
   — snickersblk

January 15, 2009
I had a friend that had her RNY done 2 years before me, and when she inially told me what she was doing, I told her thatI could never do that to my body. Well, I looked into it, because I have 3 small kids, I couln'dt keep up with them, I had a mebaolic disorder, along with high blood pressure and other health problems. I have no regrets, each person that has had WLS has a different opinion, and I know I have heard the horror stories, and I feel for all of them, that things didn't go as planned, I pray for them so that what ever wentwrong that they can fix it. I had a choice if I didn't have the surgery, i would have one foot into the grave already! I can eat anything (14mths post op) but in smaller portions. As I was told from the beginning, this is a tool, to help to losing weight. I would do it again in a heartbeat! I won't deny that I had doubts to, because of the changes i had to make, but now my family eats better! have a great day!
   — lisa3959

January 15, 2009
No, I do not have the first regret. Check my profile and see the problems that I have had and still have - I would do it all over again. I feel great, have plenty of energy and feel pretty again.
   — privatepath1

January 15, 2009
I regret not having it done........ SOONER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — Supermom2008

January 17, 2009
Had my RNY 10/21/08 and am 45 lbs down. I have had no complications thankfully. Like Rise Putzke, the only time I feel regret is when I can't "chug" & "gulp" my skim milk the way I use to. LOL!! Small price to pay for the weight I have lost, the health I have regained and the positive attitude I now have. My hubbys new nickname for me is "skinny" and I love it! (although I am certainly not skinny yet, it makes me feel good). Good luck and happy losing. Laurie I will be 50 next week and when asked if I'd have surgery again , I too say "I just wish I had done it sooner and not gone through my 40's fat".
   — Laurie H.

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