Absorbing med's

   — Lost_It (posted on February 25, 2009)

February 25, 2009
I don't have an answer for you. I just wanted to say I'm sorry you are going through all of this and hope that you find your way back soon.
   — Sinbad1969

February 25, 2009
"Cross addiction" is not uncommon in wt loss patients. You used to be addicted to food, and that's the reason you had surgery. But unless you FIND the source of the reason for addiction, using prescription meds, illegal narcotics or alcohol may be your new addiction after the wt loss. This is not BS, and this issue is routinely discussed at the 3 support meetings I attend each month. One woman in one of my groups is a liscenced clinical counselor for these issues. There have been 3 or 4 patients she has see that have had RNY surgery from my surgeon. So find the source of your "pain" that is causing your addictive behavior. This will probably take some professional counseling, either medical or from your local church. Your 94 pounds leads me to believe you need help soon as opposed to later. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

February 25, 2009
I just want to say how very sorry I am for the loss of your husband. I hope you find happiness and peace in your life again.
   — pinky_711

February 25, 2009
Nikki: I'm sorry that you have to go through what you are. At least you are being honest here. That is a BIG first step. Please find help. It's too big to handle on your own! Either find a NA group through AA(alcoholics Anonymous), professional counseling, in house rehap, etc. Check with your employer to see what programs they offer. It's SO important to get clean... for you and your family. Not preaching to you or "bashing" you by any means. I just know what it is like to be with someone that is an addict. It's not a good place to be. Hugs, Libby
   — Libby R.

February 25, 2009
Hi Nikki my name is Tammi I am not sure how long it stays in your system. I think by posting u r going towards wanting help with your addiction, Well maybe chances are u cover your self pretty good and this could be another way of hiding your addiction. I will share something with you I am 41 years old and I am a recovering addict I have 3 years 9 months clean, Drug of choice was crack cocaine also used meth and heroin when I could not get the other, People can say go to an Na meeting or JUST QUIT, it is not that easy. I know first hand,Not even after overdosing did I quit. I actually prayed alot to God who was not in my life until this point of my life, I was 38 and had been clean off and on over the years I had started to use after being in an abusive relationship with my first husband, I was 28 when I first started using, to make a long story short I wanted to share that what finially got me to quit was wanting to badly I actually checked myself into a 30 day rehab, and I had to think about my boys who actually where 16 and 19 at the time I decided to quit using, I now have God in my life. I would like to say I would never use again but being an adict that may not be true, I do know that each day I pray for strenght and each day I stay clean makes it easier to be clean tomorrow, This could be your first step to recovery by picking up the phone and letting someone know u get those pills tomorrow, I know u do not want to hear preaching I also know how hard it is to be addictive, especially to drugs, I will keep u in my thoughts and I wish u the best if u want to talk more my email is [email protected]
   — Tammi Sandoval

February 25, 2009
I'm sorry to hear that your going through all this. I don't know the answer to your question. It's good you are posting again. Getting support is much needed especially to keep us through the bad spots. Keep working at getting off pain medication because your daughter lost her father, I can't imagine she wants to lose you. Please don't take that as bashing just sometimes we are in so much pain ourselves we miss seeing the pain in someone else's eyes. I wish you the best in starting over. Take care of yourself because you are worth it.
   — Corina C

February 25, 2009
Nikki- I'm sorry for you. It's obvious that you are in alot of pain physically, psychologically, and emotionally.It sounds like you are between a rock and a hard place. Is there a doctor or minister that you can TRUST(plus keep confidentuality for your privacy) to help you start to heal? Hopefully, they can give you answers or at least a starting place for your journey towards health. I'm glad that you are blogging. It is a start to getting everything out of your system(figuratively). Peace and many, many, blessings go out to you and your daughter.
   — Kathleen W.

February 25, 2009
Nikki: I don't know how strong your faith is in God, but he wont put no more on you than you can bare. I am Sorry for your loss, although mentally I don't know what you are going through. Just remember God is just a pray away. Remember he brought you out of one situtaion he will bring you out of your pill addiction... My prayers are with you and your family!!!! Rosalynn
   — rena27

February 25, 2009
I am deeply touched by your situation and I hope your life finds balance soon. 94 pounds is not healthy for anyone let alone a Bariatric patient. The continued abuse of the meds will reek havoc with your stomach and eat away at the lining of it. It has to stop and you need to check yourself into a rehab someplace and do it ASAP. You have had a number of serious life stress's and need to learn new ways to cope with them. Think of the example you are setting for your daughter? I can tell U don't want to live this way. The hardest step and the first step is to admit you have the problem and go get help for it. The doctor who wants to see you each week is trying to do this. Be warned that hitting BOTTOM will hurt like hell and will take a long time to recover from mental, emotional and financially. I can hear in your comments your are wanting to reclaim your life. See in patient rehab, a 30 day program followed by out patient. YOU CAN DO THIS.
   — chell1957

February 25, 2009
Sorry for you have been thru. God Bless and take care.
   — gpcmist

February 25, 2009
woops...sorry for ALL you have been thru. God Bless
   — gpcmist

February 26, 2009
Nikki,how long a medication stays in your system has many variables. You have to consider a medication's half life which is how long it takes for 50%of a medication to leave your body. You must also consider dosage (how much),how well your liver functions, metabolism, drug tolerance, and in some cases what you eat and drink. It's more complicated than most people are aware of. Addiction issues need to be managed by a psychiatrist only! Preferably by one who specializes in substance abuse. Other medical specialties do not have the expertise. Please don't delay in getting appropriate help. If you live near a teaching hospital or medical school you could try contacting them about resources available to you. Ask for their Psychiatry department. Good luck!
   — Jung

February 26, 2009
Nikki, I'm really sorry about the loss of your husband. It sounds like it was a very traumatic event. I have found a program to help me deal with some of the issues you have brought up. First, there is the grief issue, secondly, the drug addiction issue, and lastly, the loss of your home. The program is called, "Celebrate Recovery" and is found in churches all over America. It is not a quick fix, but it can help begin to address these issues. Good luck in your recovery process.
   — janpmck

February 27, 2009
First of all, the studies I have read show that only 5% of WLS people have cross addictions...Some will argue that it's 20-25%..HOWEVER those are not all drug and alcohol addictions. Some are related to shopping, sex, exercise, gambling, etc....WLS doesn't induce or spur on addictions! The addicitiveness of alcohol or the drug does!!!! In your case, you have had to deal with some serious painful stress. THAT is where you need professional help to deal with and overcome your addiction to your prescription drugs. It's so not your fault sweetie...but you've got to get yourself healthy. We do malabsorb alcohol and as I am learning, some drugs and meds too! My heart breaks for you and your daughter...and I hope that in reaching out here, you realize just how much people care, but cannot help you...Only you can go and get the help you deserve. I am sure your husband wanted to see you enjoying your new thin body and while he cannot be here for you, your daughter still is and your family that wants to see you well! Please go get help...Your daughter already lost one parent! Take care of yourself and I wish you much luck and better days to come!
   — .Anita R.

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