Sugar Free Popsicles and Six Flags Roller Coasters

Oct 28, 2007

Hellooooo Everyone, 

 I know it has been quite sometime since my last post but I have been so busy livin the skinny life (hahahaha) that I have had no time for much else.  I would like to take this time to thank the inventor of the sugar free popsicle it is a delicious treat that I am totally in love with well here's the update on me I am not at my official size that I wanted to be at 1 yr out but I am close I wanted to be a 14 but I am a 14 on the top and an 18 on the bottom me an 18 I almost passed out when I put on a pair of size 18 jeans from a 26/28 to an 18 coool.  Today I went to six flags first of all I have not been on a roller coaster in 10yrs because I used to be 400 lbs.  So today I was ready the first coaster I tackled was the Batman Ride a ride that allows your feet to be loose as you scream your head off there is a bar that goes over your head and snaps my heart pounded as I made the steps to the roller coaster as I sat down and pulled the bar over my head I heard it snap so fast and easily I kept checking to make sure I had done it right, I had success me a former 400 pounder on a roller coaster YESSSS!  My beloved also has been very supportive and happy about my new body he almost passed out when he saw me he just keeps saying tell me you don't want to lose any more weight, I love myself and my life it is a life I knew I shouldv'e been living  10yrs ago. I am so happy. My sweet honey bear comes home for good in 8 months whoo hoo no more military I am so excited and I can't wait for the wifey part of my life to begin  


Mar 04, 2007

I have been so busy with my new life I clearly forgot to keep all my dear friends posted on my continued success, It has been 4 months since my surgery and I am down 105 lbs.  I am now wearing a size 18/20 in shirts and 22 in pants and the other day I wore my first pair of heels, not quite Jimmy Choo but they were real live heels, me in heels I never thought I'd see that, the acne has cleared up on my face and when I went to see my beloved he was amazed at my transformation he said it felt like he was cheating on the old me with the new me (tee hee) Anyhoo, I am relatively happy with my results so far, me and eating has still been somewhat of a struggle, I can't eat lettuce, meat, or eggs. I still love cornuts, pineapples and Orange Juice.  My problem I figured is that I still try to eat too fast sometimes.  I have been lucky my hair has not fallen out yet, that may be because I drastically cut it in a bold attempt to be unrecognizable. I haven't had many struggles or problems with my surgery I am now wondering what I am going o do about the skin that is starting to hang, all in all I am very happy so far I don't want to be too skinny who woulda thought I'd be worried about being too skinny hahaha, till next time love yourselves first


Jan 07, 2007

Hey yall, hopefully everyone who reads this is doing well in their weight loss journey, as for me I am doing as well as can be expected.  I am now able to tell that I am losing my weight I have a pair of pants that I can barely wear anymore because they keep falling off  (yea) however I have started to break out on my face and I don't know why, I have never had acne ever in my life so I don't know what's going on so if anyone has any suggestions on what's happening or how to clear it up please let me know. My menu hasn't changed at all I am still unable to eat meat and keep it down, I also found out I do better with cold food vs hot,  I have added animal crackers to my diet less than 100 calories and only 7 grams of sugar (whoo hoo) I am however really stressing about the acne though cause I am going to see my boyfriend overseas  and I am really excited but at the same time I don't want my boyfriend to see me with all these bumps on my face :( Anyhoo, I have a doctors appt in 2 weeks so that will be the moment of truth, if what my current regime is working or does it need to be tweeked a little, I'll write again before I go out of town till then love yourselves.....

Hey yall

Dec 22, 2006

Hello all sorry that it has been so long since my last post, I have been busy work, life etc... So anyways I really do not know how much weight I have lost because I missed my last appt.  My next appt is not until Jan 26th.  I have been eating lots of frozen pineapples, orange juice  apple juice, and corn nuts, I'm not sure if I am supposed to eat them but they are small I can eat them without getting sick and they make me full, I have also been eating refried beans and cheese like it's going out of style, me and meat don't really get along, chinese food either no matter what it is wheww lesson learned... Anyways I found a protein shake at walmart that is pretty good which probably means it's the wrong kind but it's low in calories so I think I'm doing ok.  Excercise, I have to say I have been lazy about doing it the traditional way, but I do turn on music videos and dance my butt off and I'm breaking a sweat that way.  So far the menu above is the only thing I eat, me and salad nope, eggs nope, I do drink a lot of orange juice  although I know it's not 64 oz a day (sorry) If anyone has any suggestions on what I can try to eat or if the corn nuts are ok (they are my friends) feel free to post comments and let me know till then love yourselves first...

Hello All

Nov 07, 2006

Hi everybody I'm so sorry that this is my first post, post op I'm so excited to be saying that wouldn't you know it soon as I come home from the hospital my computer breaks, (crap) So I'm stuck having to use my mom's computer, but anyhoo I am happy to report that everything went so much better than I expected my doctor "Mcdreamy" aka Dr. Todd McCarty is the coolest guy on the planet anyway I have already lost 20lbs in less an 2weeks I went to the dr yesterday, and here I am 20lbs lighter whoo hoo in your face obesity hahaha, the bad thing is that now I have a really bad cold and a cough (ouch) I am so ready for the weight to start falling off, I am trying to get a new computer as we speak however you know how that goes, the first week i had a little trouble eating or not wanting to eat but I didn't have a problem drinking water and UNSWEETENED apple juice (yummo) but I have conquered eating at least a little, I realized that I must put something in there (my itty bitty stomach) My 2 week check  is on friday and I don't have to go back to work until the 20th (yes!) I am very optimistic that I will lose 40 more pounds b4 then I can do it I think because now I can start working out. all in all I am very happy that I did this and can't wait for more great updates til then love yourselves first.....

Just One More

Oct 25, 2006

Ok so I couldn't resist just one more post before I go under the knife later on today, so I'm really anxious and excited now, I packed my little over night bag took my before pics, and now I can't sleep GREAT!  I talked to my boyfriend this morning, who is overseas right now thanks to George W, and he was so supportive and making sure that I knew how much he loved me, I know he's worried but he tried his very best not to show he's such a man.  Anyways I appreciate all of the friends who have left me mesasges and welcomed me as their friends, I really needed that thanks girls so until Friday seriously this time always remember to love yourselves first....

It's almost time

Oct 24, 2006

Tommorrow is my last day at work for awhile, and I'm really starting to get anxious, someone at work today said to me "are you ready to be beautiful" and I thought well that was a messed up thing to say, I replied to her inquiry by saying I'm already beautiful I'm ready for my energy level to match my personality. Cause in my mind and in my heart baby I'ma go getter my body however won't let me go get it without breathing heavy, so yes I am ready to fix that. My girl who I met on here Betty aka cutiepie27 is so supportive of me and  always has encouraging words for me, she is truly my new angel and friend thanks cutie for having my back girl... well I'll write after the surgery so that'll be friday until then always love yourself if not no one else will be able to.

I'm so anxious

Oct 22, 2006

I'm sitting here in this ball of nerves and nothing will calm me down, not even listening to my favorite jazz cd (Chris Botti) is helping and that usually always works, I'm here and I feel like I'm alone, so many (skinny) people in the last few days have asked me why am I doing this (having surgery), why can't you just go on a diet? I tell everyone the same thing you try walking around with 300 extra pounds on your body for almost half your life and see what you'll try when all those "diets" don't work, they make it seem so easy to just go on a diet and keep the weight off I wish it were that easy to be able to go on a diet and like magic the weight come off then there would be no need for a surgery as drastic and one with so many things that could happen.  You have to be really strong to be fat, to be able to deal with how the world see's you, to deal with ridicule and rejection, the names that are used to describe so many of us in this position obese, morbidly obese, and even the term that I hadn't heard before SUPER OBESE which of course is what I am. I am an optimist, and an all around happy person
but I came to the realization a while ago that  we would never be accepted as people in a world that is so controlled by image.  I think I just may be having sort of a bad day and I need to stay positive so til next time, love yourself first

Feelings 2 the sequel....

Oct 22, 2006

Today is 10/22 I am 4 days away from surgery and now I'm just ready I feel pumped up to get this started, I 've always been happy, and loved my life, I'm just ready now to try something different my boys are at the age where they want someone to play with them all the time, and at this moment I am not able to.  I'm still really young and there are lots of things that I'd like to do that I feel I can't do because of my weight.  So I'm ready, I'm pumped, I'm anxious and I'm ready to get started


Oct 20, 2006

Ok today is 10/21/2006, I am 5 days away from surgery and I'm not afraid anymore, I am however really anxious to get started, so anxious that I find that I can't sleep sometimes.  I really just want to be able to look a certain way without plastic surgery, I was blessed to get this surgery done at all, I thank God for this opportunity everyday.  I just came from the nutritionist and Psych class that's required by Baylor Medical Center of Dallas,  it was a little bit of a wake up call, I kept wondering what kind of feelings I would have after this surgery I know that it can get emotional, I am usually pretty good with dealing with my emotions but am I really prepared?  God I hope so cause this is happening no matter what.  I wonder what people who have known me my whole life will think of me once they see me without the weight.....

About Me
Dallas, TX
Oct 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 32

Latest Blog 10
Sugar Free Popsicles and Six Flags Roller Coasters
Hey yall
Hello All
Just One More
It's almost time
I'm so anxious
Feelings 2 the sequel....
