New Life sched for 3/15/10

Mar 02, 2010

I am very excited as I have scheduled my RNY surgery date for 3/15/10!!! I have spent the most part of my adult life worrying about being overweight. I think many times I really was not particularly overweight; but, by the time you talk yourself into that type of handicap, you really begin to believe it. Anyhow, it did not take me long to become overweight; six kids, munching on fatty snacks, and an addiction to sweets will do that to you.  I quickly became fat. During the past year, I decided there really WAS a safe, quick way to reduce other than failed diets. I made the decision to have surgery.

On Nov. 2009, I attended the classes describing the surgery choices. I decided to go ahead and I filled out the paperwork that very day.  I did not, however, tell any of the kids (who are adults now). I only told my husband who was so very supportive of my decision. I waited throughout Christmas, making batches and batches of fudge for all the family, eating whatever I wanted to eat, all the while praying that I would hear that I had been accepted for weight loss surgery.  It took 4 months; but only because of various tests that had to be done and communications that were slow in coming.

Lastly, I received the letter from the insurance company that approved my request. Immediately, the coordinator from New Life Weight Loss Center in Kettering, Ohio, called me and set up the necessary appointments - and now I need only weight the two weeks till March 15!  I am so happy. I know it will be difficult at first. Reading all of these blogs and comments have helped my gain perspective so much. Thanks everyone who really sits down and contributes their thoughts and experiences.  It has made such a difference! 


About Me
Dayton, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2010
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