
Jul 28, 2016

What revisions are there after RNY and what problems must you have to get one? 


My journey

Mar 05, 2013

 On 2-4-2013 I weigh 311 and I have to start a 2 week  liquid diet before surgery.

On 2-18 it was time for my surgery,  My weight at this time is 294. Lets do this. Little did I know my 2-3 hour surgery for my RNY turned in to a 5 hour surgery. I ended up having the by-pass plus he removed my gallbladder and did 2 hernia repairs.

Today is 3-5 2013 2 weeks post and I have had my share of problems, dealing with lots of gas, pain from the hernia repair, my weight is pulling on it. and complete lack of energy.

4-17-13 A week before Easter I ended up in the hospital in ICU, I was dehydrated and my body chemistry was out of wack and I also had ketoacidosis (sp) I was retching, sick to my stomach. it took over a week for the dr.s to get me on the right track, I don't remember to much of it, they had me pretty well doped up. My second week in the hospital was a little better, at least i was back to eating and my sugar were down where they belong. So as of right now I still have some retching ( meds to help with that) but I feel better.  

5-7-13   My health is better, but my weight is not.  I gain a few pounds and I lose the few pounds I gained, I guess this is a plato. I now have to figure out what to do now to get things going again.  I have lost 45 pounds already.

5-13-13  Here we go again, friday I ended up in the ER, retching and throwing up. Same meds as before. I was there for about 8 hours slept all day Saturday that night and over half of sunday. My sides are really sore and I am slow moving, with some shortness of breath, if not better by tomorrow I am calling my Dr. 

6-19-13  I had my 4 month nurse visit. I have lost 63 lbs and doing sooooo much better. I have stopped my stomach meds and seem so far doing well. Getting more energy now. cant wait to lose more.:)


About Me
Sycamore, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 23, 2013
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