OH...it's been a while...need to get back to basics

Dec 03, 2013

I'll be 3 years post op April 2014 and have managed not to re gain any weight...so i pat myself on the back for that...BUT.... i really haven't lost any either...i'm sitting at 177 lowest was 175.6 earlier this year but i've pretty much been maintaining at 177.  I still have issues eating...startches and veggies don't go down good at all.  Hurts really bad sometimes even if i chew really good...somedays i have no issues.  I still want to lose another 30 pounds and that will be my goal for 2014.  Any tips or ideas to shake up my system and get the weight loss going again will be appreciated... I like coming back to OH to re asses myself....getting back to basics...


25 more to go...

May 22, 2012

I have 25 more to go .... sitting at 185 and down 106...1 year and 1 month post op...dealing with sever anemia...on iron 3x a day...hope this kicks in soon as i feel really drained and week...i can see the finish line tho...hope everyone is kicking ass out there...keep ur eye on the prize cause that's what imma do!

Under 200!!! I guess this is what One-derland feels like!!

Feb 16, 2012

I'm finally Under 200!!! I guess this is what One-derland feels like!!!! And boy does it feel good! 197 and a comfy size 14! I'm latina and have sum junk in the trunk...that will not go away..no matter how much weight i loose! LOL!

Love'n Life! Peace Out!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!! *</:{)}

Dec 01, 2011

Hi Guys! hope all is well in your world...just a quick update...I'm down 79lbs...the weightloss is starting to slow down a lot...Thanksgiving was ok...couldnt really enjoy it, still hurts to eat sometimes..depending on what i'm eating! my goal is to loose the last 50 by my 1 yr anniversary...i need to commit more to excersizing,...i wish i would have measured my self cause i an now noticing a difference in my shape, before, i would look in the mirror and still see a fat ass... now...not  so much! LOL!

Wishing yawl a happy holiday season!

Peace, Love & BBQ!

Young Blood

6 months post op...I feel like the bomb.com!

Oct 19, 2011

Today is my 6 month post op appointment...I am 71 pounds lighter and i can't even begin to describe how awesome it feels.  Aside from the fact that i need to get my butt in the gym more often, I think i am doing pretty damn good.  I hope everyone else is doing well in their journey...i wouldn't trade this for anything in the world...i do it again in a heart beat if i had to! 

Peace, Love & BBQ!


Feelin fantastic

Sep 13, 2011

 the scale is still moving...slow..but its moving so I can't complain.  Doing a better job at my vitamins and calcium, just need to do a better job of wht i eat.  I still don't have an enjoyable eating expierence...still hurts going down...like in my esphogus...i'm wondering if i have scar tissue from when i was intubated...just a thought..hope everyone is doing well on their own journey!

Peace, Love & BBQ!

Young Blood


Aug 24, 2011

 wooooo hooooo....that dang scale finally moved! Sheeeeesh....it had been a while...lets hope it continues to move!


Aug 16, 2011

^^^^ that is how I feel...I've been the same weight since 7/25 and have been working out EVERYDAY and have not lost a single pound...WTF! Its so discouraging. My goal was to get to 199.9 by my birthday (mid OCT.) and by the looks of things i don't think that's gonna happen....i do cardio and weights every day and nothing is moving... havent lost a single ounce....sometimes I just want to say fck it  and give up the whole excersizing thing but i know its doing me some good...i just wish the stupid scale would move...i mean afterall this is why i did the RNY...to LOSE weight.....GEEZ....

Things that make me go hmmmmmm????

Jun 28, 2011

 Do you ever feel that sometimes coming on this site makes u depressed???? I do! Sometimes i see people's progress pics and read their updates and think....WTF  why havent i lost 80lbs 12weeks post op??? Why is my loss going so slow???
Then i stop and tell my self everyone's different...just wanted to see if anyone else felt this way.... i always say..."ok I'm not going on OH today"....but then i do anyway... go figure...

Feeling MUCH better

Jun 23, 2011

I'm feeling much better now that the scale is moving on a regular basis I guess I finally broke that stall!  Did good last week went to the gym regularly...this week...not so much...i havent gone at all this week.  I fill bad....I have busy weekend ahead, so maybe i'll get back on track Monday... not maybe...I WILL GET BACK ON TRACK ON MONDAY!  I gotta do it to it and get it right and get it tight!

Have a GREAT weekend yawl!
