I am thankful that my surgery was approved due to the fact that I have three out of the many medical conditions that can be attributed to obesity. The procedure should greatly improve my quality of life and reduce the chronic pain I endure daily. I am looking forward to returning to normal daily activities and going back to work.

March 16th - Attended the educational sessions today and met others who were planning to have surgery, some on the same day as mine (April 4th). Learned what to expect from the operation, how to eat after surgery, and what complications to avoid. Usually, the physical, lab work and classes are offered on the same day, however, I had to split my appointments due to my chronic illnesses. Will have physical and lab work next week.

March 23rd - Lab work and physical with Nurse Practitioner went smoothly. Had a little trouble drawing blood from my wrist. It was very painful. But all in all the lab work and physical went O.K.

March 24th - Appointment with cardiologist to perform heart echo and scheduled to return next week for additional heart screening.

March 29th - Second visit to cardiologist for stress test which lasted 4 hours. It was not painful or anything like that, but the IV and the waiting time for the medication to take effect was very exausting.

March 30th - Part 2 of Stress test scheduled. Testing went without difficulty. The test was very long also, 2 hours. At least they give you a snack while you are waiting for the medicines to take effect.

March 31st - Meeting with my surgeon scheduled. Met with Dr. Hutcher today and he was very helpful in explaining to me what to expect during the surgery and after. My husband attended with me so he could ask questions and get a better understanding of what type of care I would need after my surgery. Thank God he is able to take a few weeks off to help me during my recouperation(sp). He also had some very good questions for the Doctor that I had not remembered to ask. Dr. Hutcher is very thorough and he left no stone unturned. I feel very confident with him as my surgeon.

April 1 - This is Friday and I have all weekend to contemplate my surgery date on April 4th. I don't feel nervous yet, but I am sure that I won't sleep at all Sunday night. Please hurry up Monday morning so I can get this over with and begin the first day of the rest of my life as a new women.

April 4th - Hopefully, I am in surgury on this day. Will update when I return home.

April 8 - I was discharged from the hospital on Friday. Stayed a few extra days due to breathing problems after surgery. Had to monitor my heart rate and take heart pills for the next 3 months along with asprins as a precaution.

April 18 - Had 10 day follow up appointment today. Everything is going fine and I have lost 23 pounds in just 10- days. Amazing, and no more swelling in my legs and ankles. I can now walk without using a metal walking cane. All in just 10 days.

Next appointment will be on May 2nd. My hospital stay was uneventful, everyone was very kind, the nurses and other staff. Had one or two incidents that were a little confusing, but other than that I was well taken care of.

May 2nd- Appointment with nurse was uneventful. Lost another few pounds and was disappointed that I didn't lose another 20 pounds. Well 219 is good enough I guess. Was told that it would be slower now that I am adding foods to my diet. Will probably lose more next time. Scheduled for May 16th.

May 16th is finally here and I came in at 215 pounds. It has been six weeks so far and I am right on target according to my nurse. That makes a total of 28 pounds. I guess the more foods that are added to my menu the less weight I will lose, but 2 or 3 pounds a week is great!

I was told that I can eat any food that is sugar-free and fat-free. Just make sure to go slow and chew everything very well. And don't forget to get at least 60 grams of protein daily. That is very hard to do but I have been diligent and following instructions. By the way it is Thursday now, 5/19, I down to 211. What a good week! Next appointment in 6 weeks. My goal is to get below 200 by then. This is so much fun. It is like magic.

May 31st and I'm at 208 pounds. I think I will make my goal by may appointment in 2 weeks. I even had some barbeque chickhen and potato salad. It was sooo good.

June 27th...Well I finally had my appointment for my six week follow-up and I lost a whole 12 pounds. I even took some pictures because I can finally see where my body is changing. I have to figure out how to add them to this site. This makes a total of 40 pounds altogether and my 90 days will be on July 4th. Hope to add another 3 pounds to that loss by then. That will mean I will be dropping below 200 pounds finally. I have to learn to be more patient because this seems to be going really slowly for me. I guess I have to look on the bright side. Only 75 more pounds to go!

July 25th - It has taken me an entire month to get to this point, but what a relief! At last, 199, below 200 pounds, I am so delighted! Well on my way to 126 pounds. This has been such an experience. Hope you all are doing just as well or better.

It is August 27th and I am down another 8 pounds. This is sooo marvelous. I am looking really good now. Just click on my personal link above to see my picture progression. Only 64 more pounds to go.....See you next month. My next appointment with my WLS is September 19th.

What a blessing WLS has been for me. I am even looking for a job now. I feel super fantastic!

January 1, 2006 - It has been quite some time since I have updated my profile. My last visit was in August, 2005. That was at 190 lbs. I did very well in September, dropping another 7 lbs. to 183. October was great as well, I dropped to 173 lbs.

Once I got to going back to a hectic schedule, and planning for the upcoming holidays, I got off track and actually gained weight, moving up to 180 lbs. in November. I spent all of November and December trying to get back to 173 lbs.

It is plain to me now that I cannot concentrate on more than one schedule at a time. I have to give this my attention 100%. There are no shortcuts. Trying to plan a New York City vacation and keeping to my eating plan while on vacation was very difficult. I had no problems during the holidays, but away from home was hard.

I'm glad the holidays are over, now I can get back on track again. I'm now at 169.5 lbs. But I am still at least 10 lbs. away from my January 1st goal. But that is not bad considering the fact that we had two big holidays and a vacation trip to the Big Apple. But I have to recenter myself now and get on track.

Only 43.5 more pounds to go. I am still very satisfied with my progress.

July 28, 2006

It has been six whole months since my last update. My anniversary was April 4, 2006. One whole year. My weight at that time was 164 pounds. I have been going up and then down. Have not exercised much since the cold months set in. I can start back walking now.

Since April, I have lost another 10 lbs. Now at 154 pounds. I have 28 more pounds to go to reach my goal weight of 126 pounds.

I need to get serious about exercising and sticking to my menus. The summer brings with it a lot of barbecues and eating out. Can't wait for the nice and cool fall weather in September, then I can walk in comfort.

Everything is still great for me. My medications have decreased and I don't need to take seven prescriptions any more. I only have two prescription that I take. Ain't God Good!

August 19, 2006

Everything is looking good so far this summer. I no longer have high cholesterol. Since WLS it has gone from 210 to 136, yippi kay yeh! No more Lipitor!!!

Now if I can just get this last 25 pounds out of the way. I know I will since I have had little or now problems thus far.

I still feel that this is the best decision I have EVER made....

This profile spruced up by

On May 27, 2005

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Great way to Start 2007! I think I'm done losing for a while now. 101 lbs.

Is how I started 2005! Whew, I'm So glad that's over...

Hospital Reviews

Member Interests:

  • Teaching - Volunteer work with school.

  • Movies - I have seen everything by the time it reaches HBO.

  • Music - Love music and singing and wish I could sound better.

  • Fishing - Williamsburg/Chesapeake Bay my favorite area to fish.

  • Christianity - I am thankful to God for this opportunity and new start.

  • Vacation - Have planned seven vacations for this year alone.

  • Gardening - Will be glad when my health allows me to play in dirt again.

Click here to see interests of other ObesityHelp members.

Surgeon Info:
Surgeon: Neil E. Hutcher M.D.
He was very imformative and gave us the true idea of what to expect. They did not change Very friendly and professional. Never saw him smile until we were done. He is very serious about his work and doing the best job possible. Top priority. Yes Truthfully and without sugar coating it. 80% or a 8 out of 10 Surgical competence.
Insurer Info:
They were very clear on what their policy required. There was no stalling, however some of my information was missing and I had to produce it. Once the information was sent, I was approved within 10 days. June 1 - I am post-op now, but wanted to add that starting July 1, 2005, Cigna will no longer provide coverage for bariatic surgery. Also, no tummy tucks, skin removal, breast reductions, etc. I was approved just in time. It is so very unfortunate for those of you who are still in need.


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About Me
Henrico, VA
Surgery Date
Mar 14, 2005
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
This is how I started 2005! Whew, I'm So glad that's over...
247 lbslbs
Great way to Start 2007! I think I'm done losing for a while now. 101 lbs.
146 lbslbs

Friends 17

Latest Blog 1
