I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and love the ocean but am much more partial to the mountains. I was born overweight! I have always been. I have no idea what it will be like to be rid of this extra person I carry around. I have tried every way I know how to get it off of me but all my efforts failed me.

I have made some pretty good changes in the last 10 years but still the weight hasn't come off.  I hurt my back in 03 working to take care of my five kids and since then have been in a decline in activity. I have gotten rid of prilosec in my life and since then (3 months) I am almost a new person. I had no idea that that drug was causing so many devestating problems in my life. Severe muscle pain, exhaustion (it prevents the absobtion of B12 among other nutrients), depression, mind fog and the list goes on. I discovered a way to get off of it and am now beginning to feel almost human again!

I also began removing ALL processed foods from my diet. I went on a raw diet for a few weeks and drank smoothies full of vegetables to cleanse my bloated and painful liver. I am no longer on the raw but still eat lots of vegetables, a small amount of meat and drink delicious smoothies. (recipe if wanted!) I even bake my own high fiber, whole grain bread to avoid high fructose corn syrup. If anyone wants the recipe let me know! :)

So, although I am feeling so much better being off the prilosec  and have made good changes to my diet...I am still not losing. I get on the treadmill as much as possible and even though it's not much...it seems to help. My back prevents me from strenuous activity but that will all turn around with the removal of this weight.

I have done almost 10 years of research into WLS and was convinced that the DS is for me.....BUT.....

Learning more and more about who I am has helped me discover that with post traumatic stress disorder, less is always more for me. I have come through many wars and so many very demanding situations that for me....I can see now that the DS is simply not for me. The malabsorbtion component of the surgery is a real problem and now I can see it and myself for what is. Stress is not a very good thing for me and I know that with having to be continuously aware of  all the supplements needed to stay healthy and all the lab work that must be scrutinized, understood and evaluated, it's just not the way for this kid. So, I have chosen the VSG which is the first part of the DS without the malabsorbtion aspect. Weight loss is achieved through restriction only and that's fine because I have made many dietary changes already. 

My story is much longer and much more full of tragedies, losses, pain, and abuse than I care to recall because God has brought me through it all and restored me to a sense of self worth and a sense of freedom from it. I choose to look to the future now  and I have to wear shades because it's so bright!

Philippians 3:13
I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead,

14I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

About Me
Nov 09, 2007
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