Blood work results are back Dec 2010

Jan 08, 2011

Dec. 2010

Today I was able to go online via Duke's website and view my bloodwork results.  Overall, not too terrible I suppose.  I was PRE-Diabetic as far as glucose levels go.  Yikes...don't want diabetes.  My cholesterol was high 199.  Hmmm, not good.  I had some elevated liver enzymes as well.  The numbers were very high above what's normal but anything above normal concerns me.  I researched it and found that these elevated exzymes present in the blook can be the result of fatty liver disease.  Not good.  So, overall I am okay with the bloodwork results.  I'm no doctor though so I'll have to wait to hear back from Dr. Pryor to know the real evaluation part.  A couple of things concern me.  I know weight-loss surgery should be able to help almost all of them.  I'm just happy that everything else on the bloodwork sheet looked normal.  I look forward to the day when everything on the bloodwork page is within normal ranges.  :-)

