it has been a while

Jan 18, 2009

hey you guys and gals it has been a while, ive been busy getting these pre- op clearances from my doctors and specialist  that i have not posted or really weighed in, so i took time to do it today in between medically induced comas (I'll explain in the next few lines) my weight this time is 357 that's a nice jump on the scale for me I'm going to keep the scale moving in the right direction until my surgery date is set.

OK now back to the medically induced coma well I'm fighting a upper respiratory infection. and the doctors have me on vicodin for pain and have me on breath treatment of albuterol and atrovent every 4 hours and also a powerful dosage of alevert twice a day and afrin nose spray so with all of that i sleep most if not all day. my appetite is nil i don't feel like eating but have to make myself eat  they say i should be back to normal by sometime next week .

I'll keep you good people posted on my condition and i will continue to pray for you all as i ask you to continue to pray for me.

lata smooches!!!


About Me
washington dc, DC
Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2008
Member Since

Friends 43

Latest Blog 11
this weeks weight in
my first day of working out
