7 months.

Apr 23, 2009

In the first couple of months when I was dealing with complications and complications from complications, the time wore on SO SLOW.  Now?  Holy crap, how did I get to be 7 months out already?  I've gone through 3 seasons, some scary depression and now I truly feel like a flower blooming in the spring.  I still am dealing with issues related to my RA, but those are completely independent and have nothing to do with RNY.  The thing that DOES have to do with RNY and the challenges I face now are keeping my iron levels up with supplements, watching my vitamin D and as usual being vigilant on emotional/boredom eating as well as eating bad foods.  Sugar free candy is not a calorie free snack!  

So I am 98 pounds down from, well, about a year ago is when I had all my testing and appointments started.  I lost 18 lbs pre-op so I am 80 lbs down since surgery.  Still pretty awesome.  I'm so close to the century club!  I'll prolly make it by next week or the week after depending on what my body decides.  I've been pretty active hiking the past week and will continue doing that in the next week.  I've found that just because I am almost 100 lbs lighter, you still need to be in decent cardiovascular shape to hike (especially steep hikes, not meandering flat stuff).  I felt like I wasn't going to die like other times, but still got a bit winded.  So, that just means I need to do it more. :D

As I eluded to before, it's a constant struggle - well, I guess struggle may be to strong of a word.  It's just a constant in my life to make sure I get my protein, my water and my supplements.  I don't track because I hate it.  I try, and do good for maybe a week and then slack off.  I really need to think every day about eating and supplements.  Since I have to take an iron supplement, that can't be taken within 2 hours of calcium.  I take 3 cal citrate's a day plus 2 ferrous fumerates a day.  It's a bit of a pain especially when you are so busy with everything else.  Water consumption is usually not a problem as I carry a 32 oz nalgene bottle around with me all the time.  I find on the weekends I don't get all my water in like I do at work M-F, so thats a constant too.

I had my 6 month labs drawn a couple weeks ago and it was mostly good.  I am still anemic, but finally have a dosage of iron I should be taking.  I've been anemic since November, but my surgeons office wouldn't tell me what to take and my primary's office wasn't telling me the right amount.  So between November and March I have been EXTREMELY fatigued (and I have RA and fibromyalgia so it was compounded by that), but I seem to be getting better now that I am on a higher dose.  Just pisses me off I had to wait.  My vit D was on the lowest end of Normal, and I do take 2k mg of it a day.  They told me the sun should help.  Yeah, but you don't absorb vit D with sunblock on and I am super fair skinned and don't leave the house usually without sunblock.  So that kinda pisses me off too.  It's seeming like I am just another number in my surgeons office now which is sad.

I eat what I want for the most part and can tolerate most everything.  I don't eat anything if I know about it with sugars over 8g,  I try to keep low carb, but I do love me some carbs.  I find I have a harder time with my head hunger than anything.  Sometimes I just want to EAT A LOT, but know I can't and that pisses me off sometimes, but it's very short lived.  I do need to put more time and energy into menu planning because there just isn't many good choices on the fly.  It's a PITA, but worth it.  I have a cooler and use that.  I eat a lot of greek yogurt, homemade chunky chili with ground turkey, turkey and cheese slices, south beach diet bars occasionally, etc.

My confidence is definitely improving.  My clothes are fitted a little closer to my body now opposed to making them as big as possible.  I am a size 14 in pants, but quickly headed to a 12 because even those are getting big now.  I have a small natural waist, but hips/pannus are bigger and XL/L in womens tops and a M in mens tshirts/polo's.

This is DEFINITELY not a quick fix.  It's work.  Hard work, but worth it in the end when I will look 'normal', feel normal and have normal health!


About Me
Pittsfield, NH
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2008
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