Thomas Beetel

"First of all, please go to Reading Surgical Associated web site and look at this man, He is gorgeous!!!!!! He is about 33 years old and very down to earth. Not an ounce of pretention. He made me feel very comfortable and was impressed that I had "done my homework"...he answered all my questions very skillfully, yet I felt like I was just chatting with a friend. If his surgical skills match his personality, knowledge and looks, this guy should be SURGEON OF THE YEAR! I predict his bedside manner will be outstanding! Every time I have had to call the office so far, I have spoke specifically to the nurse coordinator that handles all the weight loss patients..Paula. Paula is a very very busy lady, and I impressed that she has never been unavailble to me. If I call, they get her on the phone. If she needs to check something out, she calls me back the same day. This is great service. I have also found with speaking to others ont he website that Dr, Beetle is way ahead of the game. He requires alot of things that other surgeons do not. "Thourough" is his middle name. Many people have emailed me with things they wish they would have or have not done, and these are all things Dr, Beetle REQUIRES. Reading Surgical Associates and specifically, Dr. Bonnani (Dr, Beetle's assiciate) were featured in our local newspaper about a year ago with a huge story on the excellence of their practice. Additionally, My husband's ex-wife is a nurse (her and I have a good realtionship) and is employed by the hosptial that Reading Surgical Assoicates practive through and she told me they are "the" Dr.'s to see in this area. (there are others and I do not to put them down, but I do believe I am lucky to have the best surgeons in this part of PA , if not in the counrty). More to come post op...and that is tommorrow! "
About Me
Womelsdorf, PA
Surgery Date
May 14, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
first pic: 285; second pic: 179, third pic: 161...When did my hand get that BIG?
Diana, Me, and Sharon 12/21/2004 in the Network Operations Center
