It's been a minute....

Aug 18, 2009

Well O. H. family I am back.  I am 17 days shy of my 1 year post-surgery anniversary.  I started this journey at 285 lbs the day of surgery and I am now 174lbs.  I have lost 111 lbs. and am the happiest I've ever been.  I intend to lose a little more but due to having back problems and a recent back fusion surgery on July 31st, my exercise regimine has been put on hold with the exception of walking daily.  Having lost over 100 lbs has made my recovery sooo much easier and swifter.

I never could imagine what my life could be like with this surgery.  It's has come with it's share of issues  both physical and mental but, I have not one regret.   I am so glad that I made the choice to put an end to unhealthy eating and understanding where it stems from for me.  I am living a better life and have through my own experience inspired others to take control of their lives for better health. 

Today, I can shop wherever I want to and have so many options and fashion trends I can now participate in.  I'm no spring chicken (42) but I'm bringing my grown and sexy back!  I now wear a medium top and a size 8 in jeans and dresses.  All I can say I never knew the possibilities are endless and I never forget where this journey actually highest weight was 298lbs. 

Be blessed and encouraged !


7 1/2 months Post-Surgery and 100lbs Lighter!!!

Apr 17, 2009

In the words of Maya Angelou, "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty"

I just wanted to take a minute to update everyone on my progress which has come with its own set of challenges.  I am now in Onederland and very happy to be here.  It has been a 7 1/2 months since I started this journey at an unhealthy 285 lbs.  I suffered daily from back, knee and arthritis pain.  I faced many days in discomfort.  With the support of this website, close friends, my family and even a few haters, I have lost as of today 100lbs and now weigh 185 lbs.  As I stated earlier, each person's journey is there own and is never free of obstacles that must be dealt with to continue toward the path of success.  With any surgery there are risk involved and I was well educated and informed on the "What ifs" however the thought of a early death or a diminished quality of life far outweighed those "What ifs"!!!  I can say for the most part, I have been blessed and have been faced with a couple of setbacks.  In February, I was in the E. R. from 4:30 am until 3:30 pm for severe constipation and dehydration....Gotta drink that H20 people...can't stress that enuf!!! On April 4th, I was suffering from severe stomach pain and learned that I had gallstones and an inflammed gallbladder.  My G. B. surgeon took over my case and removed my gallstones and gallbladder laproscopically.  This ordeal came with a 7 day hospital stay.  To add to the mix, I was released and went home for one night.  I started having pain in my stomach again and was re-admitted only to find out that the gallstone problem caused me to develop pancreantitis.  This time it was a 4 day hospital stay.  I am much better and almost pretty much pain free from my surgery. 

All this being said, I have not one regret in making my decision to change my life forever and have embraced the many changes and challenges I have encountered mentally, maritally, physically, socially and spiritually and gained strength and wisdom along the way.  Happiness is a journey...not a destination!!!!   Stay encouraged. 
1 comment

Hit the 200 lb mark!

Mar 09, 2009

I am so happy to say that I have hit 200 lbs which is an 85lb loss since Sept 4, 2008, my surgery date.  I will be happier when 199 appears on the scale.  I have been hitting the gym 4 days a week with a vengence and it's finally paying off.  This journey requires effort although we know the weight will come off, you must do your part as well to be successful.

Heading for Onederland!!!! From 284 to 208lbs 4 1/2 mons out!

Jan 24, 2009


Down 69 lbs and lovin' what I see...A better version of ME!

Dec 29, 2008

I am feeling soooo good these days.  Since I'm suddenly SINGLE, I'm socializing and meeting new people.  I am having a ball shopping for clothes and shoes.  I am now ROCKING a SIZE 12 - MISSES....NOT 12W.  I HAVEN'T SEEN A 12 ANYTHING SINCE THE 8TH GRADE.  All of the sudden the MAN can has opened up and I'm being approached by some really nice looking fellas.  One as young as 29 and I'm 41!!!!!!  WOW, was that flattering!

I'm taking it all in stride though and maintaining the ME i've always been....just an improved version.  I keep smiling no matter what the day brings.  It's the attitude that effects how and when we  move through and eventually past lifes obstacles and struggles.  I tell myself this on a daily basis. 
Continued succes to everyone!
Peace and forward blessings to all!!!!

11 wks out & 50 lbs gone ahead of my 1st scheduled goal!

Nov 18, 2008

I have reached my first goal ahead of schedule.  I wanted to lose 50 lbs by Christmas and achieved it before Thanksgiving!  I now weigh 234 and can hardly believe it.  This is so amazing and the best is yet to come...this I know! 

During the dark moments, the little successes of life shine a bright light to keep you on the path "you" are suppossed to be on! 

9 weeks out and I'm 10lbs away from my Christmas goal of 50 lbs

Nov 07, 2008

Life is fabulous!  I'm so happy that I took control of my health and had this surgery.  I know it's only been 9 weeks post op but the last few weeks have been so great.  I've worked out 4 days a week for 45 min on the elliptical machine and my energy level is so much better.  I also bought a pair of jeans from a regular store...New York & Company for $23 bucks and they look SMOK'N HOT   

Moving right along

Oct 25, 2008

245 lbs now.

Another 2 bite the dust!

Oct 19, 2008

I hit the 250 mark!    YEAH!

6 weeks out!

Oct 14, 2008

Well the scale was acting like a roulette wheel for a moment  jumping back and forth between 252 and 254...252 won for now compliments of Mother Nature.  It's all good though.  I have lost inches that the scale doesn't show.  I thought it was premature to go buy clothes so soon but I have heard one baggy clothes comment too many!  My cousin, who had the surgery 2 years ago went shopping with me. She was way more excited about going shopping than I was.  I always dreaded shopping but this time was different.  I used to wear blouses in a 30/32 or 26/28 and pants/jeans were 22/20.  NOW I wear 22/24 tops and 16/18 pants/jeans.  I was able to get into a 16 pair of jeans and they looked HOT!  That floored me!   While I was picking the style of clothing I was used to buying (over-sized and camouflauging), my cousin kept putting them back on the rack and giving me styles that I would never have considered in the past.   The sales girl even looked at the outfit I came in the store with and told me I was hiding my figure.  I never knew I had a FIGURE!  I have to admit, I got a rush from stepping out of my old comfort zone and I enjoyed this shopping venture.  I looked at it as a reward for the progress I'd made.  I didn't get a lot of new stuff  because I know in the not to far future they won't fit anymore either!   I can tell u this though, the girls are already heading south on an Express ticket but a couple of really sexy NEW bras were included in my purchase to put them right back where they belong.  Right now, those two are the least of my problems and I'll give them a lift later when this journey is over if u know what I mean!  One battle at a time.

Tonight I am attending a post-op WLS Support Group Meeting and I think that will also assist me with this experience.

About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Sep 27, 2008
Member Since

Friends 35

Latest Blog 11
11 wks out & 50 lbs gone ahead of my 1st scheduled goal!
9 weeks out and I'm 10lbs away from my Christmas goal of 50 lbs
Moving right along
Another 2 bite the dust!
6 weeks out!
